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属天的奥秘 第9632节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9632

9632. And a covering of badgers' skins above. That this signifies outside of this, namely the circumference from the truths which are from external good, is evident from the signification of "the covering," as being the circumference (as just above, n. 9630); from the signification of "skins," as being external truths (n. 9471); and from the signification of "badgers," as being goods (also n. 9471). It is needless to further unfold the things thus far said concerning the Habitation, the Tent, and the two coverings of the latter, because they are of such a nature as by reason of ignorance would fall with difficulty into the idea of thought; for where there is ignorance there is blindness, thus no reception of light, and consequently no idea of the subject. For few if any know that heaven is represented and thus described by the Habitation, and its external by the Tent with its two coverings. The reason why these things are unknown, is that scarcely anyone knows that heavenly things are signified by all those which are in the Word, thus that there is an internal sense which is spiritual in each thing therein; and that this sense does not appear in the letter, but only from the letter to those who have been instructed about correspondences, and who while they read the Word are in enlightenment from the Lord. [2] Nay, scarcely anyone knows that the man who is in the good of love and of faith is a heaven in the least form, and that such a man, both as to his interiors and his exteriors, corresponds to heaven (n. 9276). If these things had been known, the well-informed in the Christian world, who have acquired some knowledge of the forms of the human body, might have been in some intellectual light, and consequently in some idea about heaven, and then might have apprehended what things in heaven are represented by the ark, its propitiatory [mercy seat], and the cherubs over it; what by the table upon which were the breads of faces, and by the lampstand, and by the golden altar of incense; also what things are represented by the Habitation, its curtains, planks, and bases; and further by the Tent and its two coverings; for like things occur with man, in his internals and in his externals, and they are also presented in a material form in his body, to which these internal things exactly correspond. For unless the external things which are of the body exactly corresponded to the internal things which are of the understanding and the will, there would not be any life in the body, and consequently there would not be any corresponding acts. [3] It is said that like things occur in the tabernacle as in man, because the representatives in nature bear relation to the human form, and have a signification according to their relation to it (n. 9496). There are four coverings in man's external things that encompass and enclose all the interior things, and which are called coats and skins. To what internal things these correspond may be seen from experience (n. 5552-5559, 8980). Similar things were represented in the coverings which constituted the expanse of the tabernacle. From this the understanding may borrow some light concerning the forms of heaven; and yet this light would be extinguished with all those who have not a distinct knowledge of the things that are in the human body, and who have not at the same time a distinct knowledge of the spiritual things of faith and the celestial things of love, to which these things correspond. As with most people both the latter and the former things are in shade, nay, in thick darkness, not only from the lack of knowledge, but also from lack of faith, it is needless to unfold them further; for, as before said, they would not fall into any idea, because of the lack of intellectual light on such subjects.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9632

9632. 'And a covering from the skins of badgers above that' means outside that [another mantle], a mantle consisting of truths derived from external good. This is clear from the meaning of 'a covering' as a mantle, as just above in 9630; from the meaning of 'skins' as external truths, dealt with in 9471; and from the meaning of 'badgers' as forms of good, also dealt with in 9471.

Any further explanation of the things which have been stated so far regarding the dwelling-place, the tent over it, and the two coverings over that, can be dispensed with, since they are such as would be scarcely intelligible owing to the lack of proper knowledge. For where that knowledge is lacking there is blindness; thus there is no reception of light nor consequently any concept of the matter. Few if any people know that heaven is represented and thereby described by the dwelling-place, and the external part of it by the tent and its two coverings. The reason why there is no proper knowledge of these things is that scarcely anyone is aware of the fact that heavenly realities are meant by all that is written in the Word, thus that there is an inner meaning or spiritual sense within every detail there. Scarcely anyone knows either that this sense is not apparent in the letter, only from the letter to those who, having learned about correspondences, receive light from the Lord when they read the Word.

[2] Indeed scarcely anyone is aware of the fact that a person governed by the good of love and faith is heaven in the smallest form this can take, or that such a person in respect both of the more internal aspects of his being and of the more external corresponds to heaven, 9276. If these things had been known the learned in the Christian world who have acquired some knowledge regarding the parts of the human body could have received some light of understanding and therefore have had some concept of heaven. They could have discerned which particular realities in heaven are represented by the ark, its mercy-seat, and the cherubs above it; which particular realities by the table on which the loaves of the Presence were laid, the lampstand, and the gold altar for incense; also which particular ones are represented by the dwelling-place, its curtains, boards, and bases, and lastly by the tent and the two coverings over it. For similar things are met with in the human being, in the things with him that are internal and those that are external. They also present themselves in material form in his body; and to these [material parts of his body] the internal things have an exact correspondence. For unless the external things, which belong to the body, had an exact correspondence with the internal ones, which belong to the understanding and the will, there would not be any life in the body, nor thus any actions in accord with them.

[3] Similar things are said to be met with in the tabernacle as in the human being because representatives on the natural level resemble the human form and have the same meaning as the parts of it they resemble, 9496. External things within the human being provide four coverings which surround and enclose all that is more internal; these coverings are what animal skins and actual skins of the body refer to. See what has been mentioned from experience in 5552-5559, 8980, regarding the correspondence of the latter to internal things. The coverings which constituted the roof and sides of the tabernacle provided a similar representation. From all this the understanding may gain some light regarding the forms that heaven takes. Nevertheless that light will be snuffed out with all who have no definite knowledge regarding the things that exist within the human body and at the same time no definite knowledge regarding the spiritual realities belonging to faith and the celestial realities belonging to love, to which those things in the body correspond. Since most people are in the dark, indeed in thick darkness, so far as those realities and human physiology are concerned, owing not only to their lack of knowledge but also to their lack of belief, any further explanation of them has been dispensed with; for as stated above, they would be unintelligible because there is no light of understanding in such matters.

Latin(1748-1756) 9632

9632. `Et tegumentum pellibus melium desuper': quod significet extra illum [ex bono externo], nempe ambitum ex veris quae ex bono externo, constat ex significatione `tegumenti' quod sit ambitus, ut mox supra n. 9630, et ex significatione `pellium' quod sint vera externa de qua n. 9471, et ex significatione `melium' quod sint {1} bona, de qua etiam n. 9471. Haec quae de habitaculo, ejus tentorio, et hujus binis tegumentis, hactenus dicta sunt, ulterius explicare supersedetur, quoniam talia sunt quae propter ignorantiam aegre caderent in (o)cogitationis ideam, nam ubi ignorantia, ibi caecitas, ita non receptio lucis, proinde non idea illius rei {2}; pauci enim, si ulli sciunt {3}, quod caelum repraesentetur et sic describatur per habitaculum, quodque externum ejus per tentorium cum ejus binis tegumentis; quod illa ignorentur, est causa quia vix aliquis scit quod caelestia significentur per omnia quae in Verbo, (m) ita quod sensus internus, qui spiritualis, sit in singulis ibi; et quod ille sensus non appareat in littera, sed solum ex littera illis qui de correspondentiis(n) instructi sunt, et tunc, cum legunt Verbum, in illustratione sunt a Domino; immo vix aliquis scit quod homo qui in bono amoris et fidei est sit caelum in minima forma, et quod is tam quoad sua interiora quam quoad sua exteriora correspondeat caelo, n. 9276 {4}; si haec nota fuissent, potuissent eruditi in orbe Christiano qui de formis corporis humani sibi aliquam cognitionem {5} compararunt, in aliqua luce intellectuali, proinde in aliqua idea esse de caelo, et tunc capere {6} quaenam in caelo repraesentantur per arcam, (o)ejus propitiatorium, et cherubos super illo; quaenam per mensam super qua panes facierum, perque candelabrum, et per altare aureum pro suffitu {7}; tum quaenam repraesentantur per habitaculum, ejus aulaea, asseres, et bases, et dein per tentorium, et per bina ibi tegumenta {8}; similia enim apud hominem in ejus internis et externis occurrunt, et quoque in materiali forma sistuntur in ejus corpore, quibus interna ad amussim correspondent; nam nisi externa, quae sunt corporea, non {9} ad amussim corresponderent internis, quae sunt intellectualia et voluntaria, non foret aliqua vita in corpore {10}, ita nec aliqui actus correspondentes. [3] Dicitur quod similia in tabernaculo quae apud hominem, occurrant, quoniam repraesentativa in natura se referunt ad formam humanam, et secundum relationem ad illam significant, n. 9496;(n) in externis apud hominem sunt quattuor tegumenta, quae omnia interiora ambiunt et concludunt, quae pelles et cutes vocantur; hae quibus internis correspondent, videantur {11} ab experientia n. 5552-5559, 8980; similia {12} repraesentata sunt in {13} tegumentis quae expansum tabernaculi constituebant; inde {14} intellectus aliquam lucem de formis caeli faenerari potest; sed usque lux illa exstingueretur apud omnes illos qui non cognitionem distinctam de illis {15} quae in corpore humano sunt {16} habent, et qui non simul cognitionem distinctam de spiritualibus quae fidei et de caelestibus quae amoris, quibus illa correspondent. Quia haec et illa apud plerosque in umbra, immo in caligine sunt, non solum ex non cognitione sed etiam ex non fide, ideo illa ulterius explicare supersessum est, caderent enim, ut supra dictum est, in nullam ideam, ob nullam intellectualem lucem in talibus. @1 i externa$ @2 nulla intellectualis lux, ita nulla idea$ @3 norunt$ @4 (m)cognitionem habent et cum legunt Verbum, in illustratione sint a Domino:(n) imo ne quidem quod homo qui in bono amoris et fidei est, sit coelum in minima forma, et quod is quoad sua interiora et quoad exteriora correspondeat coelo$ @5 notionem$ @6 inde$ @7 super quo suffitus$ @8 tegumenta super illo$ @9 o T$ @10 externis quae sunt corporis$ @11 videatur IT$ @12 eadem haec$ @13 i quatuor$ @14 i itaque$ @15 singulis$ @16 existunt$

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