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属天的奥秘 第9636节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9636

9636. Ten cubits shall be the length of a plank. That this signifies this good the all in all, is evident from the signification of "ten," as being all (see n. 4638, 9595); and from the signification of "length," as being good (n. 1613, 8898, 9487, 9600), here the good which supports, which is the good of merit; for this is signified by the planks of the Habitation being made of shittim wood (n. 9635). That this good is the all in all of heaven, is because this good is the very Divine good which makes the heavens and sustains them (n. 9486); for the good which is with the angels is good itself, because all good is from the Lord; good from any other source is not good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9636

9636. 'Ten cubits shall be the length of a board' means that this good is the all in all. This is clear from the meaning of 'ten' as all, dealt with in 4638, 9595; and from the meaning of 'the length' as good, dealt with in 1613, 8898, 9487, 9600, at this point good that lends support, which is the good of merit, this good being meant by the boards of the dwelling-place that were made from shittim wood, 9634, 9635. The reason why this good is the all in all of heaven is that it is the Divine Good itself, which makes the heavens and supports them, 9486. The good that resides with angels is real good, for all good comes from the Lord. Good from any other source is not good.

Latin(1748-1756) 9636

9636. `Decem cubiti longitudo asseris': quod significet bonum id omne in omnibus, constat ex significatione `decem' quod sint omnia, de qua n. 4638, 9595, et ex significatione `longitudinis' quod sit bonum, de qua n. 1613, 8898, 9487, 9600, hic bonum sustentans, quod est bonum meriti, hoc enim per asseres habitaculi factos ex lignis schittim significatur, n. 9634, 9635; quod hoc bonum sit omne in omnibus (o)caeli, est quia id bonum est ipsum Divinum Bonum quod facit caelos et sustentat illos, n. 9486; bonum enim quod apud angelos est, id ipsum bonum (o)est, nam omne bonum est (c)a Domino; bonum aliunde non est bonum.

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