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属天的奥秘 第9656节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9656

9656. And they shall be twinned from beneath, and they shall be twinned together at the head of it. That this signifies conjunction from the exterior and from the interior, is evident from the signification of "being twinned," as being to be acted upon conjointly; from the signification of "from beneath," as being from the exterior (for that which is outside is expressed in the Word by "beneath," and that which is within by "above," see n. 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325, whence things deep down denote exterior things, and high things denote interior things, n. 2148, 4210, 4599); and from the signification of "the head," when it is said "from beneath unto the head," as being from the interior. That this is signified by "the head" is because the head is above the body, and as just said, by higher things are signified interior things. And besides, the interior things of man are in his head; for in the head are the beginnings of the senses and of motions, and the beginnings are the inmost things, because from them the rest are derived, the beginnings being like the veins yielding springs, from which are brooks. [2] It is for this reason also that interior things are expressed in the Word by "the head;" as in these passages:

Jehovah will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day (Isa. 9:14). Neither shall there be for Egypt any work, which head and tail, branch and rush, may do (Isa. 19:15). In these passages the subject treated of is the church, the interiors of which are "the head," and the exteriors "the tail." [3] Again:

On all heads is baldness, every beard is shaved (Isa. 15:2);

"baldness on the heads" denotes no good and truth in the interiors; "the beard shaved," no good and truth in the exteriors. In Jeremiah:

Thou shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of Asshur. And thy hands shall be upon thy head; in that Jehovah hath abhorred thy defenses (Jer. 2:36, 37);

thus is described shame on account of the goods and truths of the church which have been destroyed through memory-knowledges and the reasonings from them. "Egypt" denotes memory-knowledge; "Asshur," reasoning therefrom; "the hands upon the head" denotes to cover the interiors for shame. In like manner in another passage:

They were ashamed, and disgraced, and covered their head (Jer. 14:3; see also 2 Sam. 13:19).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9656

9656. 'And they shall be paired from below, and at the same time paired up to its head' means a joining together from without and from within. This is clear from the meaning of 'being paired' as being made to act jointly; from the meaning of 'from below' as from without, since the Word portrays what exists outwardly as that which is below, and what exists inwardly as that which is above, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325 (so that things deep down are more outward and those high up more inward, 2148, 4210, 4599); and from the meaning of 'the head', in the expression 'from below up to the head', as from within. The reason why 'the head' has this meaning is that the head is above the body, and by things above are meant those that are inward, as has just been stated; and in addition to this a person's inward powers are located in the head, for in it reside the beginnings of the senses and motions, and the beginnings are inmost because they are the source from which everything else flows. These beginnings are like wellsprings from which streams of water flow.

[2] This also goes to explain why inward things are portrayed in the Word as 'the head', as in Isaiah,

Jehovah will cut off from Israel head and tail, the branch and the bulrush in one day. Isa 9:14.

In the same prophet,

There will not be for Egypt [any] work which the head and tail, branch and bulrush will do. Isa 19:15.

This refers to the Church, the inward things of which are 'the head' and the outward ones 'the tail'.

[3] In the same prophet,

On all heads there is baldness; every beard is shaved off. Isa. 15:2.

'Baldness on heads' stands for the absence of good and truth in inward things, 'beard shaved off' for the absence of good and truth in outward things. In Jeremiah,

You will be put to shame by Egypt, as you were put to shame by Asshur, and your hands will be on your head. For Jehovah has loathed your defences. Jer 2:36, 37.

This describes shame on account of the loss of the Church's forms of good and its truths, brought about by factual knowledge and by reasonings based on it, 'Egypt' being factual knowledge and 'Asshur' reasoning based on it. 'Hands on head' stands for covering over inward things owing to shame. Something similar occurs elsewhere in the same prophet,

They were put to shame and subjected to ignominy, and they covered their heads. Jer 14:3, 4; 2 Sam 13:19.

Latin(1748-1756) 9656

9656. `Et erunt geminati ab infra, et simul geminati ad caput ejus': quod significet conjunctionem ab exteriore et ab interiore, constat ex significatione `geminari' quod sit conjunctim agi; ex significatione `ab infra' quod sit ab exteriore, nam quod extra est, hoc exprimitur in Verbo per infra, et quod intra est, per supra {1}, n. 3084, 4599, 5141, 8325; inde profunda sunt exteriora, et alta sunt interiora, n. (x)2148, 4210, 4599; et ex significatione `capitis' cum dicitur ab infra ad caput quod sit ab interiore; quod id per `caput' significetur, est quia caput est supra corpus {2}, et per superiora significantur interiora, ut nunc dictum est {3}; et praeterea interiora hominis sunt in ejus capite, ibi enim sunt principia {4} sensuum et motuum, et principia sunt intima, quia ab illis {5} derivantur reliqua, principia namque {6} sunt sicut venae fontium, (c)a quibus rivi; [2] inde (o)quoque est quod interiora exprimantur per `caput' in Verbo, ut apud Esaiam, Exscindet Jehovah (c)ab Israele caput et caudam, ramum et juncum uno die, ix (x)13 [A.V. 14]:

{7} apud eundem, Non erit Aegypto opus, quod faciet caput et cauda, ramus et juncus, xix 15;

agitur ibi de Ecclesia, cujus interiora sunt caput, (x)et exteriora cauda: [3] apud eundem, In omnibus capitibus calvities, omnis barba rasa, xvi 2 [A.V. xv 2];

`calvities in capitibus' pro non bono et vero in interioribus, `barba rasa' pro non bono et vero in exterioribus: apud Jeremiam, Ab Aegypto pudefies, sicut pudefacta es ab Aschure, et manus tuae super capite tuo; (x)eo quod abominatus est Jehovah praesidia tua, ii 36, 37;

ita describitur pudor propter deperdita {8} bona et vera Ecclesiae per scientifica et per ratiocinia ex illis; `Aegyptus' est scientificum, `Aschur' est ratiocinatio ex illis, `manus super capite' pro contegere interiora ob pudorem: similiter alibi apud eundem, Pudefacti sunt, et (x)ignominia affecti, ac obtexerunt caput suum, xiv 3, 4; (o)et 2 Sam. xiii 19. @1 quod sit conjungi; ex significatione ab infra, quod sit ab extra seu exteriori, nam quod exterius est hoc exprimitur per inferius, et quod interius est per superius$ @2 omnia corporis$ @3 dictum est i ostensum est$ @4 quia ibi principia sunt$ @5 inde$ @6 enim$ @7 i et$ @8 After Ecclesiae$

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