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属天的奥秘 第9961节


  然而,“腰”一般表示婚姻之爱(参看3021329445755050-5062节);“腰”具有这种含义凭的是它们的对应关系。关于人的一切与天堂的对应关系,可参看9276 e,9280节提到的地方所作的大量说明。之所以说“婚姻之爱从内层到外层的延伸范围”,是因为爱的一切和信的一切,或也可说良善的一切和真理的一切在天堂有一个广泛的延伸范围;事实上,那里的所有人都照着信之真理和爱之良善之间的相似程度而结合在一起。每层天堂都有这样一个延伸范围。不过,每层天堂的延伸范围也延伸到下面的天堂,因为所有天堂都构成一体。事实上,它们向一直延伸到人类,以便人类同样能与天堂构成一体。这种延伸范围就是“从高层或内层延伸到低层或外层的范围”所表示的。高层或内层被称为属天和属灵的,而低层或外层被称为属世的,或世俗的。

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Potts(1905-1910) 9961

9961. From the loins even unto the thighs they shall be. That this signifies the extension of the exterior things of conjugial love, which are signified by "the linen breeches," is evident from the signification of "the loins," and "the thighs," as being the things that belong to conjugial love; "the loins," those which belong to its interiors; and "the thighs," those which belong to its exteriors; thus its extension from interiors to exteriors. That "the loins" signify the interior things of this love, is because they are above; and that "the thighs" signify its exterior things, is because they are below; for the things with man which are above signify interior things, and those which are below signify exterior things. From this it is that in the Word interior things are meant by higher, and exterior by lower things (see n. 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325). With man the higher things correspond to celestial and spiritual things, which are interior; and the lower things correspond to natural things, which are exterior. It is from this that "the feet" signify natural things (n. 2162, 3147, 3986, 4382, 4938-4952). And as by the thighs is meant the lower part of the loins, which looks toward the feet, therefore the exterior or lower things of conjugial love are signified by the thighs (n. 4277, 4280); but that in general "the loins" signify conjugial love, see n. 3021, 3294, 4575, 5050-5062. That "the loins" have this signification is from correspondence. (Concerning the correspondence of all things of man with heaven, see what has been abundantly shown in the places already cited, n. 9276, 9280.) [2] It is said "the extension of conjugial love from interior things to exterior;" for in the heavens there is an extension of all things of love and of all things of faith, or what is the same, of all things of good and of all things of truth, for there all are conjoined according to affinities in respect to the truths of faith and the goods of love. There is such an extension in each heaven. This extension reaches also into the heavens which are beneath, because all the heavens make a one; nay, they extend even to man, so that he likewise may make a one with the heavens. This extension is what is meant by "the extension from higher or interior to lower or exterior things." Higher or interior things are called celestial and spiritual, while lower or exterior things are called natural or worldly. [3] As to what specifically concerns conjugial love, the extension of which is here described, this love is the fundamental of all loves; for it descends from the marriage of good and truth in the heavens; and as the marriage of good and truth is in the heavens, and makes the heavens, therefore love truly conjugial is heaven itself with man. But the marriage of good and truth in the heavens descends from the conjunction of the Lord with the heavens; for that which proceeds from the Lord and flows into the heavens is the good of love; and that which is received there by the angels is the truth thence derived, thus is the truth which is from good, or in which is good. For this reason the Lord is called in the Word the "Bridegroom" and "Husband;" and heaven with the church is called the "bride" and "wife." [4] From all this it can be seen how holy marriages are in heaven, and how profane adulteries are there. For in themselves marriages are so holy that there is nothing more holy, and this also for the reason that they are the seminaries of the human race, and the human race is the seminary of the heavens, for thither come the men who in the world have lived an angelic life. And on the other hand adulteries are so profane that there is nothing more profane, because they are destructive of heaven and the church with man. (That this is so, see what has been said and shown above concerning marriages and adulteries, n. 2727-2759.) [5] From all this it can be seen further why by "nakedness" are signified the filthy and infernal things spoken of in the preceding paragraph; and why it was so strictly enjoined that Aaron and his sons, while ministering, should be clothed with breeches, and that otherwise they would die; for it is said, "Thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover the flesh of their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall be; and they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his sons, when they go into the Tent of meeting, or when they come near unto the altar to minister in what is holy; lest they bear iniquity, and die; it is a statute of an age to him and to his seed after him." [6] Therefore be it known that by conjugial love is meant all celestial and spiritual love, for the reason, as shown above, that love truly conjugial is the fundamental of all loves. Therefore those who are in this love are also in all other loves of heaven and of the church, for as before said, it descends from the marriage of good and truth in the heavens, which marriage makes heaven. From this also it is that in the Word heaven is compared to a "marriage," and is likewise called a "marriage." From this also it is evident why a warning was given that the nakednesses of Aaron and of his sons should not appear while they were ministering; for their "nakednesses" signified all loves contrary to heavenly loves, which in general, when they are ends, are called the loves of self and of the world, and are filthy and infernal loves. That this is so the man of the present day is not aware, for the reason that he is in these loves, and perceives no other delight than that which is from them. Consequently when spiritual love and celestial love are mentioned, he is perplexed, and does not know what they are, consequently what heaven is; and perhaps he will be amazed when he hears and thinks that in spiritual and celestial love, separate from the love of self and of the world, there is eternal happiness which is unutterable.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9961

9961. 'From the loins even to the thighs they shall be' means the range of those things, that is to say, of those composing that more external level of conjugial love, meant by 'the linen undergarments'. This is clear from the meaning of 'the loins' and 'the thighs' as those things which constitute conjugial love, 'the loins' those that belong to the more internal levels of conjugial love, 'the thighs' those that belong to the more external levels, so that the range of that love from internal to external levels is meant. The reason why the more internal levels of that love are meant by 'the loins' is that these are above; and the reason why the more external levels are meant by 'the thighs' is that these are below. For parts of a person that are above mean things which are more internal, and parts that are below mean those which are more external; this is why in the Word more internal things are meant by higher ones, and more external by lower ones, see 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325. The higher parts of a person correspond to celestial and spiritual things, which are the more internal ones, and the lower parts correspond to natural things, which are the more external. This is why natural things are meant by 'the feet', 2162, 3147, 3986, 4382, 4938-4952. And since the lower part of the loins which leads down towards the feet is understood by 'the thighs' the more external or lower levels of conjugial love are meant by them, see 4277, 4280.

[2] The loins in general however mean conjugial love, 3021, 3294, 4575, 5050-5062; they have this meaning by virtue of their correspondence. Regarding the correspondence with heaven of everything present with a human being, see what has been shown abundantly in the places referred to in 9276(end), 9280. The words 'range of conjugial love from internal to external levels' are used because all aspects of love and all matters of faith, or what amounts to the same thing, all those of good and all those of truth, have a wide range in the heavens; for all who are there are joined together in accord with the degree of similarity between the truths of their faith and the forms of good of their love. A range such as this exists in each separate heaven. But the range in each heaven also extends into heavens that are below, because all the heavens make one. Indeed they extend right down to mankind, in order that mankind also may make one with the heavens. This range is what is meant by the range from higher or more internal levels to lower or more external ones. The higher or more internal levels are called celestial and spiritual, and the lower or more external ones are called natural or worldly.

[3] As regards conjugial love specifically, whose range is the subject here, this love is fundamental to all other kinds of love; it descends from the marriage of good and truth in the heavens. And since the marriage of good and truth exists in and makes the heavens, truly conjugial love constitutes heaven itself with a person. But the marriage of good and truth in the heavens descends from the joining of the Lord to the heavens; for what emanates from the Lord and flows into the heavens is the good of love, and what is received there by the angels is the truth springing from it, thus truth which originates in good or in which there is good. This is why in the Word the Lord is called bridegroom and husband, and heaven together with the Church is called bride and wife.

[4] All this makes clear how holy marriages are in heaven, and how profane adulterous relationships are there. For in themselves marriages are so holy that there is nothing holier, and are so for the added reason that they are the seed-bed of the human race, and the human race is the seed-bed of heaven, since all people who have led an angelic life in the world go there. On the other hand adulterous relationships are so profane that nothing is more profane, because they are destructive of heaven and the Church with a person. For the truth of all this, see what has been stated and shown in 2727-2759 regarding marriages and regarding adulterous situations.

[5] All this once again makes it clear why foul and hellish things are meant by the kinds of 'nakedness' dealt with in 9960 above, and why it was commanded so strictly that when they ministered Aaron and his sons should be wearing the undergarments covering the loins, and that if they did not they would die, for it says,

Make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked flesh; from the loins even to the thighs they shall be. And they shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they go into the tent of meeting or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place, that they may not bear iniquity and die. It shall be the statute of an agef for him and his seed after him.

[6] It should be recognized therefore that by conjugial love all celestial and spiritual love is meant, because truly conjugial love, as has been shown above, is fundamental to all other kinds of love. People therefore in whom that fundamental love is present have all other loves belonging to heaven and the Church present in them; for as has been stated, it descends from the marriage of good and truth in the heavens, the marriage that makes heaven. This also explains why heaven is compared in the Word to a marriage, and is also actually called a marriage. From this too it is evident why precautions were taken to prevent the nakedness of Aaron or his sons from being visible while they ministered; for their nakedness served to mean all loves contrary to heavenly loves, which in general are called self-love and love of the world when they are the ends in view, and are foul and hellish loves. People at the present day have no knowledge that all this is so because they are steeped in these loves and take delight in nothing except that which arises from them. So it is that when spiritual love and celestial love are mentioned they are perplexed, not knowing what they may be, nor consequently what heaven may be; and perhaps they are astonished when they hear and consider that spiritual and celestial love separated from self-love and love of the world holds eternal happiness within it that is indescribable.


a lit. nor will baldness be induced
b lit. Put on baldness
c i.e. I will lift your skirts above your head
d lit. faces
e lit. Woe to him causing his companion to drink
f i.e. an everlasting law

Latin(1748-1756) 9961

9961. `A lumbis usque ad femora erunt': quod significet extensionem illorum, nempe exteriorum amoris conjugialis, quae per femoralia lini significantur, constat ex significatione `lumborum' et `femorum' quod sint illa quae sunt amoris (x)conjugialis, `lumbi' (x)illa quae sunt interiorum ejus, et `femora' quae sunt exteriorum, ita extensio ejus ab interioribus ad exteriora; quod `lumbi' significent interiora illius amoris, est quia supra sunt, et quod `femora' significent exteriora ejus, est quia infra sunt; quae enim supra apud hominem sunt significant interiora, et quae infra sunt significant exteriora; inde est quod in Verbo interiora intelligantur per superiora, ac exteriora per inferiora, videatur n. 3084, 4599, (x)5146, 8325; superiora apud hominem correspondent caelestibus et spiritualibus, quae sunt interiora, ac inferiora correspondent naturalibus, quae sunt exteriora; inde est quod `pedes' significent naturalia, n. 2162, 3147, 3986, 4382, 4938-4952; et quia per `femora' intelligitur pars inferior lumborum, quae spectat pedes, ideo exteriora seu inferiora amoris conjugialis per illa significantur, videatur n. 4277, 4280, {1}at quod `lumbi' in genere significent amorem conjugialem, n. 3021, 3294, 4575, 5050-5062; quod `lumbi' id significent, est ex correspondentia; de correspondentia omnium hominis cum caelo, videantur quae copiose in locis citatis n. 9276 fin. (d)et 9280 ostensa sunt. Dicitur extensio amoris conjugialis ab interioribus ad exteriora, est enim extensio omnium amoris et omnium fidei, seu quod idem, omnium boni et omnium veri, in caelis, {2}nam conjunguntur ibi omnes secundum affinitates quoad vera fidei et quoad bona amoris; talis extensio est in unoquovis caelo; ea 2 extensio quoque {3}est in caelos qui infra sunt, quoniam omnes caeli unum faciunt; immo etiam extendunt se usque ad hominem, ut quoque ille unum faciat cum caelis; haec extensio est quae intelligitur per extensionem a superioribus seu interioribus ad inferiora seu exteriora; superiora seu interiora vocantur caelestia et spiritualia, ac inferiora seu exteriora vocantur naturalia {1}seu mundana. Quod in specie amorem conjugialem, de cujus extensione hic agitur, concernit, est ille fundamentalis omnium amorum, descendit enim ille ex conjugio boni et veri in caelis; et quia conjugium boni et veri est in caelis et facit caelos, ideo est amor vere conjugialis ipsum caelum apud hominem; conjugium autem boni et veri in caelis descendit ex conjunctione Domini cum caelis, quod enim a Domino procedit ac influit in caelos, est bonum amoris, et quod ab angelis ibi recipitur est verum inde, ita verum quod ex bono, seu in quo est bonum; (m)ideo Dominus in Verbo vocatur sponsus et maritus, ac caelum {4}cum Ecclesia sponsa et uxor.(n) Ex his constare potest quam sancta {5}sunt conjugia in caelo {6}, 4 et quam profana {5}sunt adulteria ibi; sunt enim conjugia in se ita sancta ut nihil sanctius, etiam ob illam causam quia sunt seminaria generis humani, et genus humanum est seminarium caelorum, illuc enim veniunt homines qui in mundo vitam angelicam vixerunt; et vice versa sunt adulteria ita profana ut non aliquid profanius, quoniam sunt destructiva caeli et Ecclesiae apud hominem; quod ita sit, videantur quae {7} de conjugiis et de adulteriis n. 2727-2759 dicta et ostensa sunt. Ex his iterum constare potest cur per `nuditates' significentur 5 spurca et infernalia, de quibus in paragrapho praecedente, et cur tam severe interdictum {8}fuit, quod Aharon {9}et filii ejus cum ministrarent, induti essent femoralibus, et quod alioquin morerentur, dicitur enim, Fac illis femoralia lini ad tegendum carnem nuditatis, a lumbis usque ad femora erunt; et erunt super Aharone, et super filiis ejus, in intrandis illis in tentorium conventus aut {10} accedendis illis ad altare ad ministrandum in sancto, ne portent iniquitatem, et moriantur; statutum saeculi ei et semini ejus post illum. Sciendum itaque quod per amorem conjugialem {11}intelligatur omnis amor caelestis et {12} spiritualis, ex causa, ut supra ostensum est, quia amor vere conjugialis est fundamentalis omnium amorum {13}; qui {14}itaque in illo sunt, etiam in reliquis caeli et Ecclesiae amoribus sunt, nam descendit, ut dictum est, ex conjugio boni et veri (d)in caelis, quod conjugium facit caelum; inde quoque est quod caelum in Verbo comparetur conjugio, et quoque dicatur conjugium; inde quoque patet cur cautum, quod nuditates Aharonis et filiorum ejus in ministrando non apparerent, nuditates enim eorum significabant omnes amores contrarios amoribus caelestibus, {15}qui in genere vocantur amores sui et mundi, quando fines, et sunt amores spurci et infernales. Quod ita sit, homo hodie nescit, ex causa quia in illis amoribus est, et non aliud jucundum percipit quam quod ex illis est; inde {16} est quod cum dicitur amor spiritualis et caelestis, haereat ac nesciat quid sunt, consequenter quid caelum; et fortassis stupescet, cum audit et cogitat quod in amore spirituali et caelesti separato ab amore sui et mundi sit felicitas aeterna, quae ineffabilis. @1 et$ @2 conjunguntur enim$ @3 se extendit ad$ @4 ac$ @5 sint$ @6 i in se$ @7 i prius$ @8 fuerit$ @9 cum filiis$ @10 i in IT$ @11 intelligantur$ @12 i amor$ @13 i, n. 687 [686 intended], 2739, 3021, 4280, 5054$ @14 enim$ @15 qui vocantur amores infernales, et in genere sunt amores sui et mundi, quando fines$ @16 i quoque$

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