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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1094

1094. And the earth was lightened with his glory.- That this signifies the church now in light from the influx and reception of Divine Truth, is evident from the signification of the earth, as denoting the church, of which we have frequently spoken; and from the signification of being lightened, as denoting to be in light; and from the signification of glory, is here said of the Lord, who is meant there by the angel, as denoting Divine Truth (concerning which see n. 33, 288, 345, 874). That the Divine Truth is denoted by glory, because it is the light of heaven from which the angels derive all their wisdom and happiness, and also their magnificence, may be seen above (n. 678).

It is said of the angel coming down out of heaven, that he had great power, and that the earth was lightened with his glory because the Last Judgment was accomplished upon those meant by the harlot, or Babylon, this being the meaning of the words of the angel: "Fallen, fallen is Babylon, and is become a habitation of demons and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird" (verse 2). And when judgment was accomplished upon them, then the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord came into its light and into its power; for as long as the Babylonians were tolerated under heaven, they were like dense and dusky clouds between heaven and the earth which intercept the rays of light from the sun, and obscure the day. The reason was that they not only falsified, but also rejected the Divine Truth, that is the Word, and also destroyed the Lord's Divine Power by transferring it to themselves. As long as they were permitted to make habitations for themselves under the heavens, these and several other things were like dusky clouds between heaven and earth, through which the Divine Truth could not pass and enlighten any man of the Church. But as soon as they had been driven away and cast into hell, then the Divine truth which proceeded from the Lord as a Sun, increased in power and light to such a degree that the Lord could not only more powerfully lead, and more clearly enlighten, the spirits under the heavens, but also men in the Church. This is the reason why the spiritual sense of the Word was not revealed before, nor the state of heaven and hell manifested until the Last Judgment was accomplished, for previous to this, the Divine Truth would not have had power and light.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed.- Since a man at his birth, is not in any society either heavenly or infernal, being without thought, and yet is born for eternal life, it follows that, in course of time, he opens either heaven or hell to himself, enters into societies, and becomes an inhabitant either of heaven or of hell, even while he is in the world. The reason why a man becomes an inhabitant there is, that his real dwelling place, and country, as it is called, is in the spiritual world; after he has dwelt a few years in the natural world, he will live there for ever. It may be inferred, from these things, how necessary it is for a man to know, what it is that opens heaven in him, and introduces him into its societies; also, what it is that opens hell in him, and introduces him into its societies. This will be shown in the sections appended to the following articles. We will merely state here that a man introduces himself successively into more and more societies of heaven, according to the increase of wisdom, and successively into more and more interior societies, according to the increase of the love of good; again, so far as heaven is opened to him, so far hell is closed; but it is man himself that opens hell to himself, for heaven is opened to man by the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1094

1094. And the earth was lightened by his glory, signifies the church now in light from the influx and reception of Divine truth. This is evident from the signification of "the earth," as being the church (of which frequently); also from the signification of "to be lightened," as meaning to be in light; also from the signification of "glory," as being, in reference to the Lord who is here meant by the angel, the Divine truth (See n. Revelation 18:2).

And when judgment had been effected upon these, the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord came into its power and into its light; for so long as the Babylonians were tolerated under heaven they were like the dense and dusky clouds between heaven and earth by which the rays of light from the sun are intercepted and the day is darkened; and this for the reason that the Divine truth, which is the Word, was not only falsified but also rejected; and moreover, by transferring the Lord's Divine authority to themselves they annihilated it. These and many other things, so long as they were permitted to make dwelling places for themselves under the heavens, were like dusky clouds between heaven and earth, through which the Divine truth could not pass to enlighten any man of the church. But as soon as they had been driven away and cast into hell, there was an accession of power and light to the Divine truth that proceeded from the Lord as a sun, to the extent that the Lord could lead more powerfully and enlighten more clearly not only the spirits who are under the heavens, but also the men in the church. This is why the spiritual sense of the Word was not revealed and the state of heaven and hell manifested until the Last Judgment had been accomplished, for if before there would have been no power and light in the Divine truth.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith)

[2] Since man when born is not in any society either heavenly or infernal, being without thought, and yet is born for eternal life, it follows that in the course of time he either opens heaven or opens hell to himself, and enters into societies, and becomes an inhabitant either of heaven or of hell even while he is in the world. Man becomes an inhabitant of the spiritual world, because that is his real dwelling place, and as it is called, his native land, for there he is to live to eternity after he has lived some years in the natural world. From this it may be concluded how necessary it is for a man to know what it is in him that opens heaven and leads him into its societies, and what it is that opens hell and leads him into its societies. This will be told in the appendices to the following articles. Here let it be said that a man lets himself more and more into the societies of heaven successively according to the increase of wisdom, and into more and more interior societies successively according to the increase of the love of good; also that so far as heaven is opened to him hell is closed. But it is man who opens hell to himself, while it is the Lord who opens heaven to man.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1094 (original Latin 1759)

1094. "Et terra illustrata est a gloria ejus." - Quod significet ecclesiam nunc in luce ex influxu et receptione Divini Veri, constat ex significatione "terrae", quod sit ecclesia (de qua saepius); ex significatione "illustrata esse", quod sit in luce esse; et ex significatione "gloriae", cum de Domino, qui ibi per "angelum" intelligitur, quod sit Divinum Verum (de qua [supra] , n. 1

33, 288, 345, 874); quod gloria sit Divinum Verum, quia est lux caeli, ex qua omnis sapientia et felicitas angelis, et quoque magnificentia [, videatur supra] (n. 678). Quod dicatur de angelo descendente e caelo quod "haberet potestatem magnam", et quod "terra illustrata sit a gloria ejus", erat quia ultimum judicium factum est super illos qui per "meretricem" seu "Babylonem" intelliguntur; hoc enim intelligitur per angeli verba,

"Cecidit, cecidit Babylon, ..et facta est habitaculum daemoniorum, et custodia omnis spiritus immundi, et custodia omnis avis immundae et exosae" (vers. 2):

et cum judicium factum est super illos, tunc Divinum Verum procedens a Domino in suam potentiam et in suam lucem venit; nam quamdiu Babylonici sub caelo tolerati sunt, tunc fuerunt sicut densae et furvae nubes inter caelum et terram, per quas radii lucis e sole intercipiuntur, ac dies infuscatur: causa est, quia Divinum Verum, quod est Verbum, non modo falsificaverunt, sed etiam rejecerunt, et insuper Divinam potestatem Domini per translationem in se annihilarunt; talia et plura alia apud illos, quamdiu habitationes sibi facere sub caelis concessum fuit, fuerunt sicut furvae nubes inter caelum et terram, per quas Divinum Verum non potuit transmitti, ac illustrare aliquem hominem ecclesiae; sed ut primum illi abacti sunt, et conjecti in infernum, tunc accessit Divino Vero, quod ex Domino ut Sole processit, potentia et lux, usque adeo ut Dominus non modo fortius ducere et clarius illustrare posset spiritus qui sub caelis sunt, sed etiam homines in ecclesia. Haec causa fuit quod sensus Verbi spiritualis non prius revelatus sit, ac status caeli et inferni manifestatus, quam postquam ultimum judicium peractum est; nam si prius, non fuisset Divino Vero potentia et lux.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana.)

Quoniam homo, dum nascitur, non in aliqua societate est, neque caelesti neque infernali, est enim absque cogitatione, et tamen nascitur ad vitam aeternam, sequitur quod successu temporis vel aperiat sibi caelum, vel aperiat sibi infernum, ac intret in societates, et fiat incola vel caeli vel inferni, dum etiam est mundi. Quod homo fiat ibi incola, est quia in mundo spirituali est ipsa habitatio ejus, ac ut dicitur, patria ejus, nam ibi victurus est in aeternum, postquam aliquot annos vixerat in mundo naturali. Ex his concludi potest quam necessarium homini est scire quid apud illum aperit caelum et illum introducit in societates ejus, tum quid apud illum aperit infernum et introducit illum in societates ejus; hoc dicetur in appendicibus ad articulos sequentes; hic solum, quod homo se immittat in societates caeli plures et plures successive secundum incrementa sapientiae, ac in interiores et interiores successive secundum incrementa amoris boni; tum quantum ei aperitur caelum, tantum ei claudatur infernum: verum ipse homo sibi aperit infernum, Dominus autem homini aperit caelum. caelum.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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