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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 874

874. Fear God and give glory unto him. That this signifies that they should worship the Lord from His Divine truth by a life according to it, is evident from the signification of fearing God, as denoting to reverence and worship the Lord; concerning which see above (n. 696); and from the signification of giving glory unto Him, as denoting to live according to Divine truth, that is, according to His precepts in the Word.

By glory, where it is said of the Lord, is signified Divine truth proceeding from Him, thus the Word such as it is in heaven; for this is light to the angels, by means of which the Lord manifests His glory. For by means of that light He gives intelligence and wisdom, and also sets before their eyes magnificent objects, which are refulgent from highly precious things. This in the proximate sense is signified by the Lord's glory. But because all those magnificent things that are refulgent, as it were, from gold and precious stones in wonderful forms, are given by the Lord according to the reception of Divine truth proceeding from Him, therefore they are seen by them entirely according to the wisdom which is in them; for these things are correspondences. But since they have wisdom according to their reception of Divine truth, not only in doctrine but also in life, therefore by giving glory unto Him is signified to live according to Divine truth.

[2] It is believed in the world that those possess wisdom, and consequently heaven, who know Divine truths and speak of them from knowledge, although they may not live according to them. But I can testify that such persons have no wisdom. They appear indeed to be wise, when they speak; but as soon as they are in their own spirit, or think in themselves, they are quite unwise; sometimes in fact they rave like foolish persons, thinking contrary to the Divine truths of which they have spoken. But the case is different with those who live according to Divine truths. Such persons think wisely in themselves, and also speak wisely with others. This it has been granted me to know by a thousand examples from experience in the spiritual world; for things are seen there such as are altogether unknown to men in the natural world. I have heard many there speak so wisely that I could have supposed them to be angels of the interior heaven; yet they had become devils; for they had filled their memory with such things from the love of glory, and yet had not lived according to them. As soon therefore as they came to themselves, and returned to the love of their own life, they spoke in opposition to those things, and were as insane as if they had known nothing at all about them. It was therefore evident to me, that almost every one has the faculty to understand, in order that he may be reformed; but he who does not live the life of truth, does not will to be reformed. He successively rejects from himself all those things that have reference to his intelligence and wisdom, and lives his own love, which is opposed to them, and at length he draws near to those who are in hell, and in a love similar to his own.

From these things it is evident that to give glory to God is to live according to Divine truth; as the Lord also taught in these words in John:

"In this is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. Abide ye in my love; if ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you" (34, 288, 345); and that the Lord's glory consists in enlightening men and angels, and in blessing them with wisdom and happiness; which can take place only by the reception of Divine truth in doctrine and also in life.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 874

874. Fear God and give glory to Him, signifies to worship the Lord from His Divine truth by a life according to it. This is evident from the signification of "fearing God," as being to revere and worship the Lord (See above, n. 696); also from the signification of "giving glory to Him," as being to live according to the Divine truth, that is, according to His commandments in the Word. "Glory" in reference to the Lord signifies the Divine truth proceeding from Him, thus the Word such as it is in heaven; for that is light to the angels, and by that light the Lord manifests His glory; for by that light He gives intelligence and wisdom, and also presents before the eyes of angels magnificent objects that glow with most precious things. This is the signification of the Lord's "glory" in the sense nearest to the letter. But all these magnificent things, which glow as if from gold and precious stones in wonderful forms, are given by the Lord according to the reception of Divine truth proceeding from Him, consequently they appear to the angels in the exact measure of the wisdom that is with them, for they are correspondences. But since angels have wisdom according to their reception of Divine truth not only in doctrine but also in life, "to give glory to Him," signifies to live according to Divine truth.

[2] It is believed in the world that those have wisdom, and thus heaven, who know Divine truths and talk about them from knowledge, although they do not live according to them. But I can testify that such have no wisdom. They appear to have wisdom when they speak; but as soon as they are in their own spirit or think with themselves they are not at all wise, sometimes they are even demented like fools, thinking in opposition to the Divine truths which they have spoken. But it is otherwise with those who live according to Divine truths; such think wisely with themselves, and speak wisely with others. This it has been given me to know from a thousand examples of experience in the spiritual world; for there such things are manifest that are wholly unknown to men in the natural world. I have heard many there speak so wisely that I could have believed them to be interior angels of heaven; and yet they became devils, for they had filled their memory with such things from the love of glory, but had not lived according to them; consequently as soon as they returned to themselves and the love of their life they spoke in opposition to these things, and were as insane as if they had known nothing at all about them. This made clear to me that almost everyone has the ability to understand, in order that he may be reformed; but he who does not live the life of truth does not wish to be reformed; and he who does not wish to be reformed gradually rejects from himself everything pertaining to that intelligence and wisdom, and lives his own love which is contrary to these, and finally he draws near to those who are in hell, and is in a love like theirs.

[3] From all this it can be seen that "to give glory to God" signifies to live according to Divine truth; as the Lord has taught in these words in John:

Herein is My Father glorified, that ye may bear much fruit, and may become My disciples. Abide ye in My love. If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love. Ye are My friends if ye do whatsoever I command you (33, 288, 345); also that "the Lord's glory" means the enlightenment of men and angels, and blessing them with wisdom and happiness; which is done solely through the reception of Divine truth in doctrine and at the same time in the life.

Apocalypsis Explicata 874 (original Latin 1759)

874. "Timete Deum, et date Ipsi gloriam." Quod significet ut colant Dominum ex Divino Ipsius Vero per vitam secundum illud, constat ex significatione "timere Deum", quod sit revereri et colere Dominum (de qua supra, n. 696); et ex significatione "dare Ipsi gloriam", quod sit vivere secundum Divinum Verum, hoc est, secundum praecepta Ipsius in Verbo; per "gloriam", ubi de Domino, significatur Divinum Verum procedens ab Ipso, ita Verbum quale est in caelo, nam id est lux angelis, per quam Dominus manifestat suam gloriam; dat enim per illam lucem intelligentiam et sapientiam, et quoque sistit coram oculis illorum magnifica, quae ex pretiosissimis fulgent; hoc in sensu proximo significatur per "gloriam Domini"; at quia omnia illa a Domino dantur secundum receptionem Divini Veri procedentis ab Ipso, magnifica illa, quae sicut ex auro et lapidibus pretiosis in mirificis formis fulgent, apparent illis prorsus secundum sapientiam apud illos, sunt enim correspondentiae: sed quia illis sapientia est secundum receptionem Divini Veri non modo doctrina sed etiam vita, ideo per "dare Ipsi gloriam" significatur vivere secundum Divinum Verum.

[2] Creditur in mundo quod sapientia sit, proinde caelum, illis qui sciunt Divina Vera, et qui ex scientia loquuntur illa, tametsi non viverent secundum illa; sed contestari possum quod illis nulla sapientia sit; in sapientia quidem apparent esse quando loquuntur, sed ut primum in spiritu suo, aut secum cogitant, tunc prorsus non sapiunt, immo quandoque delirant sicut fatui, cogitando contra Divina vera quae locuti sunt; aliter vero illi qui vivunt secundum Divina vera; illi cogitant sapienter secum, et quoque loquuntur sapienter cum aliis. Hoc mihi ex mille experientiae exemplis in mundo spirituali datum est scire, nam ibi manifestantur talia quae in mundo naturali hominibus prorsus ignota fuerunt. Audivi plures ibi loqui tam sapienter ut crederem quod ex interioris caeli angelis essent, sed usque facti sunt diaboli, quia talibus impleverunt memoriam suam ex amore gloriae, sed usque non vixerunt secundum illa; quare ut primum ad se et suae vitae amorem redierunt, locuti sunt contra illa, et insaniverunt sicut prorsus nihil tale scivissent. Inde mihi patuit quod paene cuivis sit facultas intelligendi, ob causam ut possint reformari; sed qui non vivit vitam veri, non vult reformari; et qui non vult reformari, is successive rejicit a se omnia quae intelligentiae et sapientiae illius fuerunt, et vivit suum amorem, qui est contra illa, et accedit tandem ad illos qui in inferno sunt, et in simili amore cum illis.

[3] Ex his constare potest quod "dare Deo gloriam" significet vivere secundum Divinum Verum; quod etiam Dominus his verbis docuit apud Johannem,

"In hoc glorificatus est Pater meus, ut fructum multum feratis, et reddamini discipuli mei :.... manete in dilectione mea: si mandata mea servaveritis, manebitis in dilectione mea:.... vos amici mei estis, si feceritis quaecunque Ego mando vobis" (15:8, [9,] 10, 14):

inde patet quod "glorificare Deum", seu "dare Deo gloriam", sit "fructum ferre." Praeterea videantur quae de gloria prius dicta sunt, ut quod "gloria" significet Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, ac receptionem ejus ab angelis et ab hominibus (n. 1

34, 288, 345): et quod "gloria Domini" sit illustrare homines et angelos, ac beare illos sapientia et felicitate, quod fit unice per receptionem Divini Veri doctrina et simul vita.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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