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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 137

137. Even in the days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you. That this signifies in that time and state wherein all are hated who acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord, is evident from the signification of day, as denoting time and state (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 23, 488, 493, 893, 2788, 3462, 3785, 4850, 10656); hence, in the days in which, signifies, in that time and state. And the same is evident from the signification of Antipas, my faithful martyr, as being those who acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord, concerning which more will be said in what follows; and also from the signification of being slain, as being to be hated. The reason why this is denoted by being slain, is, that he who hates is perpetually endeavouring to kill; for he thinks of nothing else and desires nothing else but to kill, and also he would kill if the laws did not restrain him. This is concealed in hatred; therefore, those who hate their neighbour, in the other life, when external bonds are removed, continually breathe out murder; this has been made known to me from much experience.

[2] The reason why "Antipas, my faithful martyr," signifies those who are hated because of their acknowledgment of the Divine Human of the Lord is that at that time one Antipas was on this account slain, therefore by him are meant all those who are hated on that account: just as by Lazarus, who lay at the rich man's gate, and desired to be fed with the crumbs which fell from his table, are meant all those whom the Lord loves because they desire truths from spiritual affection (as may be seen above, n. 11:3, 5, 36), and that he sat with the Lord at table (chapter 12), therefore, he who desired to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table, by which is signified a desire for truths from spiritual affection, was called by the Lord Lazarus. As he was named Lazarus on that account, so Antipas is here mentioned because he became a martyr for the name of the Lord, that is, because of the acknowledgment of His Divine Human.

[3] That such are hated by all those who do not think of the Divine of the Lord at the same time as they do of His Human, cannot be known from their conduct while they are in the world, but they make it clear in the other life, where they burn with so much hatred against those who approach the Lord alone as cannot be described in words; there is nothing which they more eagerly desire than to murder them. The reason is that all who are in the hells are against the Lord, and all who are in the heavens are in favour of the Lord; and those who belong to the church, and do not acknowledge the Divine of the Lord in His Human, act as one with the hells, hence they entertain such great hatred. It has been often told them that they do evil, because they know from the Word,

that the Lord hath all power in the heavens and on earth (Matthew 28:18);

thus that He is the God of heaven and earth: also

that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one cometh to the Father but by Him (John 14:6);

as also that

he who seeth the Lord seeth the Father, because He is in the Father and the Father in Him (John 14:7-11);


that no one hath seen the Father's shape, nor heard His voice, but the Lord alone, who is in His bosom, and is one with Him (John 1:18; 5:37);

besides many other places.

When they hear these truths they turn themselves away, for they cannot deny them, but are offended, and even breathe out murder against all those who acknowledge them, because hatred is rooted in them (as may be seen above, n. 24:9, 10).

And in John:

Jesus said, "If the world hate you, know ye that it hated me before it hated you. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. All these things will they do unto you for my name's sake" (15:18-25).

(See moreover the passages adduced above from the Word, n. 122.) These things are said, that it may be known that by "Antipas, my faithful martyr, who was slain among you," is meant those who are hated because they acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 137

137. Even in the days wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr who was slain among you, signifies in that time and state in which all are hated who openly acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord. This is evident from the signification of "day," as being time and state (on which (Arcana Coelestia 23) see Arcana Coelestia 23 (Arcana Coelestia 488), 488, 493, 893, 2788, 3462, 3785, 4850, 10656); consequently "in the days in which" signifies in that time and state; also from the signification of "Antipas My faithful martyr," as being those who openly acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord (of which more in what follows); also from the signification of "being slain," as being to be hated. "To be slain," is to be hated, because he who hates is unceasingly slaying; he cherishes in his thought nothing else and purposes nothing else than to slay, and he would also slay if the laws did not prevent. This lies concealed in hatred; he, therefore, who hates the neighbor, when in the other life external bonds are removed from him, is continually breathing the murder of some one. This has been testified to me by much experience.

[2] "Antipas the faithful martyr" signifies those who are hated because of their acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human, for the reason that at that time one Antipas was slain on that account; by "Antipas," therefore, all who are hated on that account are meant; just as by "Lazarus," who lay at the rich man's gate and longed to be fed with the crumbs that fell from his table, are meant all whom the Lord loves because they long for truths from spiritual affection (See above, n. 118. As "Lazarus" was so named on that account, so was "Antipas" because he was made a martyr for the name of the Lord, that is, for the acknowledgment of His Divine Human.

[3] That such as he are hated by all who do not think of the Lord's Divine and of His Human at the same time, cannot be known from those who are in the world; but it can be known from the same in the other life, where they all burn with such hatred against those who approach the Lord alone as cannot be described in a few words; they desire nothing more eagerly than to murder them. The reason is, that all who are in the hells are against the Lord, and all who are in the heavens are with the Lord; and those who are of the church and who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divine in His Human act as one with the hells, and it is from the hells that they have such hatred. They have frequently been told that they are doing wrong, since they know from the Word:

That the Lord has all power in the heavens and on earth (114).

[4] That they will hate all such for the Lord's sake, He has predicted in several passages; as in Matthew:

In the consummation of the age, they shall deliver you up unto affliction, and shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of all [the nations] for My name's sake (122.) These things have been said that it may be known that by "Antipas My faithful martyr, who was slain among you," those are meant who are hated because they openly acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human.

Apocalypsis Explicata 137 (original Latin 1759)

137. "Et in diebus in quibus Antipas martyr meus fidelis, qui occisus apud vos." - Quod significet in eo tempore et statu quo odio habentur omnes qui Dominum Humanum Domini profitentur, constat ex significatione "diei" quod sit tempus et status (de qua n. 23, 488, 493, 893, 2788, 3462, 3785, 4850, 10656); inde "in diebus in quibus", significat in eo tempore et statu: ex significatione "Antipatis martyris mei fidelis", quod sint qui profitentur Divinum Humanum Domini (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "occidi", quod sit odio haberi.

Quod "occidi" sit odio haberi, est quia qui odio habet is perpetuo occidit, non aliud gerit animo ac vult quam occidere, et quoque occideret nisi inhiberent leges; hoc latet in odio; quapropter qui odio habet proximum, in altera vita, quando ei vincula externa auferuntur, continue spirat necem alterius; hoc mihi testatum factum est multa experientia.

[2] Quod "Antipas martyr fidelis" significet illos qui odio habentur propter agnitionem Divini Humani Domini, est quia Antipas quidam eo tempore ideo occisus est; quapropter per illum intelliguntur omnes qui ideo odio habentur: sicut per "Lazarum", qui projectus ad vestibulum divitis et desideravit saturari micis ex mensa ejus cadentibus, intelliguntur omnes quos Dominus amat quia desiderant vera ex affectione spirituali (videatur supra, n. 118). Quod Dominus amaverit quendam dictum Lazarum, quem etiam exsuscitavit a mortuis, patet apud Johannem (11:3, 5, 36); et quod accubuerit cum Domino ad mensam (cap. 12); propterea "Lazarus" dictus est a Domino, qui voluit saturari micis cadentibus e mensa divitis, per quod significatur desiderium ad vera ex affectione spirituali (ut supra, n. 118, ostensum est). Sicut nominatus est "Lazarus" propterea, ita "Antipas" quia martyr factus ob nomen Domini, hoc est, ob agnitionem Divini Humani Ipsius.

[3] Quod illi odio habeantur ab omnibus illis qui non cogitant de Divino Domini simul cum de Humano Ipsius, non Sciri potest ex illis qui in mundo sunt, sed ex iisdem in altera vita; omnes illi ibi flagrant tanto odio contra illos qui solum Dominum adeunt ut paucis describi non possit; nihil potius cupiunt quam occidere illos. Causa est, quia omnes qui in infernis sunt, contra Dominum sunt, et omnes qui in caelis sunt, cum Domino sunt; et illi qui ab ecclesia sunt, et non agnoscunt Divinum Domini in Humano Ipsius, unum agunt cum infernis; inde est illis tantum odium. Illis saepius dictum est quod male faciant, quia sciunt ex Verbo,

Quod Domino sit omnis potestas in caelis et in terris (Matthaeus 28:18);

ita quod sit Deus caeli et terrae:

Tum quod Ipse sit via, veritas et vita, et quod nemo veniat ad Patrem nisi per Ipsum (Joh. 14:6);

Ut et quod qui videt Dominum videat Patrem, quia Ipse in Patre et Pater in Ipso (Joh. 14:7-11);

Et quod nemo speciem Patris viderit, nec vocem Ipsius audiverit; et quod solus Dominus qui in sinu Ipsius, et qui unum cum Illo (Joh. 1:18; 5:37);

(Praeter plura):

quibus auditis avertunt se, non enim possunt negare; sed offenduntur, et spirant usque necem omnium profitentium Dominum, ut prius, ex causa quia odium illis est insitum (videatur supra, n. 114).

[4] Quod illi odio habituri sint omnes propter Dominum, praedixerat Dominus quibusdam in locis:

- Ut apud Matthaeum,

In consummatione saeculi "tradent vos in afflictionem, et occident vos, et eritis odio habiti ab omnibus (gentibus) propter nomen meum" (24:9, 10);

Apud Johannem,

Jesus dixit, "Si mundus vos odit, scite quod Me prius quam vos oderit:... si Me persecuti sunt, etiam vos persequentur;... haec omnia facient Vobis propter nomen meum" (15:18-25);

et praeter haec videantur loca supra (n. 122) ex Verbo allata. Haec dicta sunt, ut sciatur quod per "Antipas martyr meus fidelis, qui occisus apud vos", intelligantur qui odio habentur quia Divinum Humanum Domini profitentur.

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