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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 138

138. Where Satan dwelleth. That this signifies those who are in the doctrine of all kinds of falsity is evident from what was adduced and shown above, n. 120 and 134. In preceding passages is described those amongst whom those are who are in temptations, that is those who are in all kinds of falsities. For a man, as to his body, is associated with men in the natural world, but as to thoughts and intentions he is conjoined with spirits in the spiritual world; when he comes into spiritual temptation he is then amongst those spirits who are in falsities, who bind his thoughts and hold them, as it were, shut up in prison, and continually infuse into his mind scandals against the truths of faith, and call forth the evils of his life. But the Lord continually defends man by influx from the interior, and thus holds him in the constancy of resisting; such are spiritual temptations. That the man who is in temptations, is amongst spirits who are in falsities is meant by these words in this verse, "I know where thou dwellest, where Satan's throne is"; and also by these, "Even in the days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth;" and the constancy of resisting is meant by these words, "Thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith." But none are admitted into spiritual temptations but those who acknowledge the Divine of the Lord in His Human, and are in the spiritual affection of truth; all others are natural men, and consequently cannot be tempted. (But concerning temptations, see what is shown in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 187-201.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 138

138. Where Satan dwelleth, signifies by those who are in the doctrine of all falsities. This is evident from what was cited and shown above (n. 120 and 134). In what precedes we are told in what company those are who are in temptations, namely, they are among those who are in falsities of every kind; for man as to his body is with men in the natural world, but as to thoughts and intentions he is with spirits in the spiritual world. When he comes into spiritual temptation, he is among those spirits who are in falsities; these bind his thoughts and hold them as it were bound in prison, and continually pour in calumnies against the truths of faith, and call forth the evils of his life; but the Lord continually protects man by flowing in from the interior, and thus holds man in constancy in resisting; such are spiritual temptations. That man who is in temptations is among spirits that are in falsities is meant by these words in this verse, "I know where thou dwellest, where Satan's throne is;" and also by these words, "Even in the days wherein Antipas, My faithful martyr, was slain among you where Satan dwelleth;" and constancy in resisting is understood by these words, "Thou holdest My name, and didst not deny My faith." But none except those who acknowledge the Lord's Divine in His Human and who are in the spiritual affection of truth are let into spiritual temptations; the rest are natural men, who cannot be tempted. (On temptations, see what is shown in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 187-201.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 138 (original Latin 1759)

138. "Ubi habitat satanas." - Quod significet ab illis qui in doctrina omnium falsorum sunt, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 120 et 134) allata et ostensa sunt. In praecedentibus describitur inter quos sunt qui in tentationibus, nempe quod sint inter illos qui in omnis generis falsis sunt. Homo enim quoad corpus suum est cum hominibus in mundo naturali, at quoad cogitationes et intentiones est cum spiritibus in mundo spirituali. Quando in tentationem spiritualem venit, tunc est inter illos spiritus qui in falsis sunt; hi cogitationes ejus ligant, et tenent illas sicut vinctas in carcere, et continue infundunt scandala contra vera fidei, et evocant mala vitae ejus; sed Dominus continue tutatur hominem influendo ab interiori, et sic tenet hominem in constantia resistendi; tales sunt tentationes spirituales. Quod homo qui in tentationibus est inter spiritus qui in falsis sunt, intelligitur per haec in hoc versu, "Novi ubi habitas, ubi thronus satanae"; et quoque per haec, "Et in diebus in quibus Antipas martyr meus fidelis occisus apud vos, ubi habitat satanas": et constantia resistendi intelligitur per haec, "Tenes nomen meum, et non negasti fidem meam." Sed in tentationes spirituales non alii immittuntur, quam qui agnoscunt Divinum Domini in Humano Ipsius, et in affectione veri spirituali sunt; reliqui sunt naturales homines, qui non tentari possunt. (Sed de Tentationibus videantur quae in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 187-201, ostensa sunt.)

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