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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 165

165. Except they repent of their works. That this signifies, unless they separate themselves from them is evident from the signification of repenting, as being to separate themselves from falsities (concerning which see above, n. 143): and from the signification of works, as here denoting the whoredoms with Jezebel, by which are signified the reception of falsities (concerning which see what was said just above, n. 163). To separate themselves from them is to repent, and to repent is to desist from evils and falsities, and afterwards to flee from and hold them in aversion (see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 161, 165, 169, and the following numbers).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 165

165. Except they repent of their works, signifies except they separate themselves from them. This is evident from the signification of "repenting," as being to separate oneself from falsities (of which see above, n. 143); also from the signification of "works," which are here whoredoms with Jezebel, by which are signified the reception of falsities (of which see just above, n. 163. To separate oneself from these is to repent, and to repent is to refrain from evils and falsities, and afterwards to shun them and to have them in aversion (See The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 161, 165, 169)

Apocalypsis Explicata 165 (original Latin 1759)

165. "Si non resipuerint ad operibus suis." - Quod significet si non Se separent ab illis, constat ex significatione "resipiscere", quod sit se separare a falsis (de qua supra, n. 163); et ex significatione "operum", quod hic sint scortationes cum Isabele, per quas significantur receptiones falsorum (de quibus mox supra, n. 163). Separare se ab illis est paenitentiam agere, et paenitentiam agere est desistere a malis et falsis, et dein fugere et aversari illa (videatur Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 161, 165, 169, et seq.).

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