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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 166

166. (Verse 23) And I will kill her sons with death. That this signifies that thus falsities are extinguished is evident from the signification of sons, as being truths of the church from the Word, and, in the opposite sense, falsities, concerning which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of killing with death, as being to extinguish; for falsities are separated, and, as it were, extinguished by means of temptations, and by man's desisting from them, and fleeing from and holding them in aversion. The reason why sons in the Word signify truths, and, in the opposite sense, falsities is, that, in the spiritual sense of the Word, only those things are treated of that concern the church and heaven; and all things of the church and heaven have reference to the goods of love and the truths of faith. This is why names of consanguinities and affinities, as husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and several others, signify spiritual things that have reference to spiritual birth, which is regeneration, and to the heavenly marriage, which is the marriage of good and truth. The things born from this marriage are also goods and truths; hence it is that by daughters in the Word are signified goods, and by sons, truths, both from good, which is signified by father, and from truth, which is signified by mother. (That all the truths and goods pertaining to the regenerate man, are conjoined according to spiritual affinities, and follow in order, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 2508, 3815, 4121. That all in heaven are also associated according to spiritual affinities, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 205. That sons signify truths and affections of truth, is shown in Arcana Coelestia, 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807; that sons' sons signify truths in successive order, n. 6583, 6584; that by father, mother, brethren, children, are signified goods and truths, or evils and falsities, pertaining to man, n. 10490; that to smite the mother upon the sons, denotes to destroy everything belonging to the church, n. 4257; that the Lord called himself the Son of man, because He was Divine truth, and because all the truth of heaven and of the church proceeds from Him, see above, n. 63.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 166

166. Verse 23. And her sons I will kill with death, signifies that thus falsities are extinguished. This is evident from the signification of "sons," as being truths of the church from the Word, and, in the contrary sense, falsities (of which presently); also from the signification of "king with death," as being to extinguish; for falsities are separated, and as it were extinguished by temptations, and by man's refraining from them, and shunning them, and holding them in aversion. "Sons" in the Word signify truths, and in the contrary sense falsities, because the spiritual sense of the Word treats only of such things as relate to the church and heaven; and all things of the church and of heaven have reference to the goods which are of love, and to the truths which are of faith. From this it is that the names of kinships and relationships, as husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and others, signify spiritual things that have reference to spiritual birth, which is regeneration, and to the heavenly marriage, which is the marriage of good and truth. The things that are born of this marriage are likewise goods and truths. From this it is that "daughters" in the Word signify goods, and "sons" truths, both derived from the good that is signified by "father," and from the truth that is signified by "mother." (That all the truths and goods that are with the regenerate man are conjoined according to spiritual relationships, and follow in order, see Arcana Coelestia 2508, 3815, 4121. That all who are in heaven are also associated according to spiritual relationships, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 205. That "sons" signify truths and the affections of truth, is shown in Arcana Coelestia 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807; that "sons of sons" signify truths in successive order, n. 6583, 6584; that by "father," "mother," "brethren," "children," goods and truths, or evils and falsities with man are signified, n. Arcana Coelestia 10490; that "to smite the mother upon the sons," is to destroy all things of the church, n. 4257; that the Lord called Himself "the Son of man," because He was Divine truth, and because every truth of heaven and of the church proceeds from Him, see above, n. 63.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 166 (original Latin 1759)

166. (Vers. 23.) "Et filios ejus occidam morte." - Quod significet quod sic falsa exstinguantur, constat ex significatione "filiorum", quod sint vera ecclesiae ex Verbo, et in opposito sensu falsa (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "occidere morte", quod sit exstinguere; falsa enim separantur et quasi exstinguuntur per tentationes, et per quod homo desistat ab illis, ac fugiat et aversetur illa.

Quod "filii" in Verbo significent vera, et in opposito sensu falsa, est quia in spirituali sensu Verbi agitur solum de talibus quae sunt ecclesiae et caeli, et omnia ecclesiae et caeli se referunt ad bona quae amoris et vera quae fidei; inde est, quod nomina consanguinitatum et affinitatum, ut "maritus", "uxor", "filius", "filia", "frater", "soror", "nurus", "gener", et plura, significent spiritualia, quae se referunt ad nativitatem spiritualem quae est regeneratio, et ad conjugium caeleste quod est conjugium boni et veri. Illa quae ex hoc conjugio nascuntur, sunt etiam bona et vera: inde est quod per "filias" in Verbo significentur bona, et per "filios" vera, utraque derivata ex bono quod significatur per "patrem", et ex vero quod significatur per "matrem." (Quod omnia vera et bona, quae apud hominem regeneratum sunt, secundum affinitates spirituales conjuncta sint, et consequentur, videatur n. 2508, 3815, 4121. Quod etiam omnes in caelo consociati sint secundum affinitates spirituales, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 205.

Quod "filii" significent vera et affectiones veri, ostensum est in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807.

Quod "filii filiorum" significent vera in ordine successivo, n. 6583, 6584.

Quod per "patrem", "matrem", "fratres", "liberos", significentur bona et vera, aut mala et falsa, quae apud hominem, n. 10490.

Quod "percutere matrem super filios" sit destruere omnis ecclesiae, n. 4257.

Quod Dominus Se dixerit "Filium hominis", quia Ipse erat Divinum Verum, et quia omne verum caeli et ecclesiae ab Ipso procedit, supra, n. 63.)

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