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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 168

168. And I will give unto every one of you according to his works. That this signifies eternal blessedness to every one according to his internal in the external is evident from the signification of works, as being the things of love, and thence of faith (concerning which see above, n. 98, 116); and as being those things in deeds or works (see n. 157); and from the signification of giving to every one according to his works, as being eternal blessedness; for everything blessed and delightful is from love and according to love (concerning which also see above, n. 146). In this case, by giving to every one according to his works is signified external blessedness according to the state of the internal in the external, because the subject here treated of is those who are in the internal and at the same time in the external, and the conjunction of both (see n. 150 above). It is said, external blessedness according to the state of the internal in the external, because all the blessedness of heaven in the case of a man, a spirit, or an angel flows in by means of their internal into the external; for their internal is formed for the reception of all things of heaven, and the external for the reception of all things of the world; therefore heavenly blessedness is granted only to those whose internal is opened and formed after the image of heaven, but not to those whose internal is closed; the blessedness of the latter being the delight of honour, glory and gain. This delight a man enjoys so long as he lives in the world; but after death, when he becomes a spirit, it is changed into its correspondent, which is filthy and direful. (See the work, Heaven and Hell 485-490: and that the blessedness of heaven, which is called heavenly joy, is given only to those who are in the internal and thence in the external, see the same work, n. 395-414; and what the internal and the external are, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 36-53).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 168

168. And I will give to each one of you according to your works, signifies eternal blessedness according to one's internal in the external. This is evident from the signification of "works," as being the things that are of love and of faith therefrom (of which see above, n. 98, 116); and as being the same in deeds or works (See n. 157; also from the signification of "giving to each one according to his works," as being eternal blessedness; for everything blessed and delightful is of love and according to the love (of which also see above, n. 146. Here "giving to each one according to his works" signifies eternal blessedness according to the internal in the external, because those are here treated of, who at the same time are in the internal and the external, and of the conjunction of the two (See above, n. 150). It is said, eternal blessedness according to the internal in the external, because all heavenly blessedness with man, spirit, and angel flows in through the internal into their external; for their internal is formed for the reception of all things of heaven, and their external for the reception of all things of the world; therefore there is heavenly blessedness with those only with whom the internal has been opened and formed after the image of heaven; and not with those in whom the internal has been shut; the blessedness of these is the delight of honor, glory, and gain, which delight a man may have so long as he lives in the world. (But after death, when man becomes a spirit, this is changed into the corresponding delight which is filthy and direful, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 485-490; and that the blessedness of heaven, which is called heavenly joy, those only have who are in the internal and from that in the external, see the same, n. 395-414; and what the internal and the external are, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 36-53.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 168 (original Latin 1759)

168. "Et dabo unicuique vestrum secundum opera sua." - Quod significet beatum aeternum secundum internum ejus in externo, constat ex significatione "operum", quod sint illa quae sunt amoris et inde fidei (de qua supra, n. 98, 116); et quod sint ea in factis seu operibus (supra, n. 157 1

); et ex significatione "dare unicuique secundum opera", quod sit beatum aeternum; nam omne beatum et jucundum est amoris et secundum amorem (de qua etiam supra, n. 146): hic per "dare unicuique secundum opera sua" significatur beatum aeternum secundum internum in externo, quia hic agitur de illis qui in interno sunt et simul in externo, et de conjunctione utriusque (videatur supra, n. 150). Dicitur beatum aeternum secundum internum in externo, quia omne beatum caeli apud hominem, spiritum, et angelum, influit per internum in externum eorum; internum enim eorum formatum est ad receptionem omnium caeli, et externum ad receptionem omnium mundi; quapropter beatum caeleste datur unice apud illos apud quos internum apertum est, et formatum ad imaginem caeli: non autem apud illos apud quos internum clausum est; horum beatum est jucundum honoris, gloriae et lucri, quod jucundum homini est quamdiu vivit in mundo. (Sed id post mortem, cum homo fit spiritus, vertitur in correspondens, quod est tetrum et dirum, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno, n. 2

485-490; et quod beatum caeli, quod gaudium caeleste vocatur, sit solum illis qui (in) interno sunt et inde in externo, in eodem opere, n. 395-414: et quid Internum et Externum, in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 36-53.)


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