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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 348

348. (152 at the end, 277); and in a respective sense, the inmost or third heaven (n. 313, 322); and from the signification of, Amen, as denoting confirmation from the Divine, and the truth (concerning which also see above, n. 34, 228). From these considerations it is clear that by the four animals saying Amen, is signified confirmation from the Lord out of the inmost heaven. That those things hitherto said by the angels of the three heavens, were confirmed by the Lord is, because all things they said, were not from themselves, but from the Lord; for it was the acknowledgment of His Divine in the Human, glorification on account thereof, and thanksgiving that all good and truth, and thence all wisdom and intelligence, are from Him; these things the angels could not say from themselves, but from the Lord by an interior dictate or influx. For angels like men cannot even name the Lord from themselves, consequently, neither can they acknowledge and glorify Him from themselves; hence it is, that the things that they said were confirmed of the Lord by, Amen, by which is signified the truth of faith, and faith itself. It is also according to Divine order, that the Lord confirms the truths that angels and men speak as from themselves, although not from themselves; but He confirms them in their heart by an affirmative not manifestly ascending into their thought, but by a full acquiescence of the mind proceeding from internal affection, which is from peace and its delight. This is the confirmation meant in the genuine internal sense by this manifest confirmation heard by John.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 348

348. Verse 14. And the four animals said, Amen, signifies confirmation from the Lord out of the inmost heaven. This is evident from the signification of the "four animals" or cherubim, as being, in the highest sense, the Lord in respect to providence and because they guard that the Lord be not approached except through the good of love (of which see above, n. 152 at the end, and 277); and in a relative sense, the inmost or third heaven (n. 313, 322); also from the signification of "Amen," as being confirmation from the Divine, and truth (respecting which also see above, n. 34, 238). From this it is clear that "the four animals said, Amen," signifies confirmation from the Lord out of the inmost heaven. The things that have thus far been said by the angels of the three heavens were confirmed by the Lord, because everything they said was from the Lord, not from themselves; for it was the acknowledgment of His Divine in the Human, a glorification on that account, and a thanksgiving that all good and truth and therefore all wisdom and intelligence are from Him; these things the angels could not say from themselves, but from the Lord by interior dictate or influx; for the angels, like men, cannot from themselves even name the Lord, consequently they cannot from themselves acknowledge and glorify Him; for this reason the things they said were confirmed from the Lord by "Amen," which signifies the truth of faith, and faith itself. Moreover, it is according to Divine order for the Lord to confirm the truths that an angel or a man speaks as if from himself, though not from himself; these He confirms in their hearts by an assurance not ascending manifestly into their thought, yet by a full acquiescence of mind proceeding from internal affection, which is from peace and its delight. This is the confirmation that it meant in the genuine internal sense by this manifest announcement heard by John.

Apocalypsis Explicata 348 (original Latin 1759)

348. [Vers. 14.] "Et quatuor Animalia dicebant Amen." - Quod significet confirmationem a Domino e caelo intimo, constat ex significatione "quatuor Animalium" seu cheruborum, quod in supremo sensu sint Dominus quoad providentiam et custodiam ne adeatur nisi quam per bonum amoris (de qua supra, n. 152 fin. , 277); et in sensu respectivo caelum intimum seu tertium (n. 313 [a] , 322); et ex significatione "amen", quod sit confirmatio a Divino et veritas (de qua etiam supra, n. 34, 238): ex his patet, quod per "Quatuor Animalia dicebant Amen", significetur confirmatio a Domino ex caelo intimo. Quod illa quae hactenus dicta sunt ab angelis trium caelorum confirmata sint a Domino, est quia omnia quae dixerunt, non ab ipsis sed a Domino erant: erat enim agnitio Ipsius Divini in Humano, glorificatio propterea, et gratiarum actio quod omne bonum et verum et inde omnis sapientia et intelligentia sit ab Ipso; haec non dicere potuerunt angeli a se, sed a Domino per interius dictamen seu influxum; angeli enim, sicut homines, ne quidem nominare possunt Dominum a se, proinde nec agnoscere et glorificare Ipsum a se; inde est, quod quae dicta sunt ab illis, confirmata sint a Domino per "Amen", per quod significatur veritas fidei, et ipsa fides. Secundum ordinem Divinum etiam est quod Dominus confirmet vera quae angelus et homo loquitur sicut ex se, tametsi non ex se; sed confirmat illa in corde ejus per affirmativum non manifeste ascendens in ejus cogitationem, sed per plenam acquiescentiam animi procedentem ex affectione interna, quae est ex pace et ejus jucundo. Haec confirmatio est quae per hanc manifestam, a Johanne auditam, in genuino sensu interno intelligitur.

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