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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 362

362. I heard the second animal saying. That this signifies out of the inmost heaven from the Lord, is clear from what was said above (n. 353); for by the animals are meant the cherubim, and the cherubim signify, in the highest sense, the Lord as to Providence, and as to defence, that He may not be approached except by means of the good of love; and in a respective sense, the inmost heaven (see above, n. 152, 277, 313, 322). The reason why the cherubim also signify the inmost heaven, is, because this heaven is in the good of love to the Lord, and the Lord cannot be approached except through the heavens, and into the inmost or third heaven there is not anything admitted which does not savour of the good of that heaven. The reason there were four animals or cherubim, is, because four signifies conjunction into one, and such is the conjunction with those who are there; for the Lord thus conjoins them by love to Him from Him. Hence it is that four were seen. From these things it is also evident, that the same is here meant by the second animal as by the first, and also by the third and fourth in the verses following. (That four signifies conjunction, may be seen in n. 1686, 8877, 9601, 9674.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 362

362. I heard the second animal saying, signifies out of the inmost heaven from the Lord. This is evident from what was said above n. 353; for by the animals are meant cherubim, and "cherubim," in the highest sense, signify the Lord in relation to providence and guard that He be not approached except through the good of love; and in a relative sense, the inmost heaven (See above, n. 152, 277, 313, 322). "Cherubim" signify also the inmost heaven because this heaven is in the good of love to the Lord, and the Lord cannot be approached except through the heavens, and into the inmost or third heaven there is nothing admitted that does not savor of the good of that heaven. There were four animals or cherubim, because "four" signifies conjunction into one, and such is the conjunction with those who are there; for the Lord thus conjoins them by means of love to Him from Him. For this reason four were seen. From this also it is clear that the second animal here has a similar significance as the first, and similar as the third and fourth in what follows. (That "four" signifies conjunction, see Arcana Coelestia 1686, 8877, 9601, 9674)

Apocalypsis Explicata 362 (original Latin 1759)

362. "Audivi secundum animal dicens. "Quod significet e caelo intimo a Domino, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 353) dicta sunt: per "animalia" enim intelliguntur cherubi, et per "cherubos" significatur in supremo sensu Dominus quoad providentiam, et quoad tutelam ne adeatur nisi quam per bonum amoris, et in sensu respectivo caelum intimum (videatur supra, n. 152, 277, 313(a), 322): quod "cherubi" etiam significent caelum intimum, est quia hoc caelum in bono amoris in Dominum est, et Dominus adiri non potest nisi per caelos, et in caelum intimum seu tertium non admittitur aliquid quod non sapit ex bono illius caeli. Quod quatuor animalia seu cherubi fuerint, est quia "quatuor" significant conjunctionem in unum, et talis illis qui ibi sunt conjunctio est, Dominus enim ita conjungit illos per amorem in Ipsum ab Ipso; inde est quod quatuor visi fuerint. Ex his etiam patet quod hic simile intelligatur per secundum animal quod per primum, et simile per tertium et per quartum in sequentibus.

(Quod "quatuor" significent conjunctionem, videatur n. 1686, 8877, 1

9601, 9674.)


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