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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 361

361. (Verse 3) And when he had opened the second seal. That this signifies the manifestation of the succeeding state of those who belong to the church where the Word is, is clear from what was said above (n. 351, 352), namely, that by opening the seal is signified the manifestation of the state of those who belong to the church; and because there were seven seals, and they were seven times opened, their successive states are thence signified. But these successive states of the church, which are here described, do not appear to any one in the world, for they are successive states as to the understanding of truth from the Word. These no one sees but the Lord alone. And because all in the heavens are there arranged in order according to the affections of good and truth, and hence as to the perception and understanding of the Word; and in this prophetical book the Last Judgment upon those who were in the former heaven, and the arrangement of those who were in the new heaven, is described, therefore it is here treated concerning those states, for thereon depend the following things.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 361

361. Verse 3. And when he had opened the second seal, signifies the manifestation of the succeeding state of those who are of the church, where the Word is. This is evident from what was said above (n. 351, 352), namely, that "to open the seal" signifies the manifestation of the state of those who are of the church, and as there were seven seals, and seven openings of the seals, the successive states of those of the church are signified. But these successive states of the church, which are here described, are not apparent to anyone in the world, for they are successive states in respect to an understanding of truth from the Word; these no one sees but the Lord alone. And since all who are in the heavens are there arranged according to the affections of good and of truth, and thence in respect to the perception and understanding of the Word, and since this prophetical book describes the Last Judgment upon those who were in the former heaven, and the arrangement of those who are in the new heaven, therefore these states are here treated of, for thereon depend the things that follow.

Apocalypsis Explicata 361 (original Latin 1759)

361. (Vers. 3.) "Et cum aperuisset secundum sigillum." - Quod significet manifestationem succedentis status eorum qui ab ecclesia ubi Verbum, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 351, 352) dicta sunt, quod nempe per "aperire sigillum" significetur manifestatio status eorum qui ab ecclesia; et quia septem sigilla erant, et illa septies aperta, inde significantur. successivi status eorum. Sed hi successivi status ecclesiae, qui hic describuntur, non apparent alicui in mundo, sunt enim successivi status quoad intellectum veri ex Verbo; hos nemo videt quam solus Dominus: et quia, omnes qui in caelis sunt, ibi ordinati sunt secundum affectiones boni et veri, et inde quoad perceptionem et intellectum Verbi, et in hoc Libro Prophetico de ultimo judicio super eos qui in priori caelo ac de ordinatione eorum qui in novo caelo traditur, ideo de iis statibus hic agitur; inde enim pendent sequentia.

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