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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 370

370. I heard the third animal saying. That this signifies out of the inmost heaven from the Lord, is manifest from what has been said above (n. 353 and 362), where the same words are explained. The reason that the four animals, or four cherubim, spoke one after another is, because what they said corresponds from its opposite; for the first cherub was like a lion, the second like a calf, the third as to its face as a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle; and by a lion is signified power (see above, n. 278), by a calf is signified good (n. 279), by a man wisdom (n. 280), and by an eagle intelligence (n. 281). Therefore, when the first animal, which was like a lion, spoke, the first state of those who belong to the church is described, that there would be therein combat from Divine truth (as may be seen above, n. 355-359), for by a lion is signified the power which belongs to Divine truth. When the second animal spoke, which was like a calf, the second state of those who belong to the church is described, namely, that good was then destroyed (see n. 361-367), for by a calf is signified the good of the church. When the third animal spoke, which was as to its face as a man, the third state of those who belong to the church is described, which was, that there was no longer any truth because there was no good, consequently, that there was no longer any wisdom; for all wisdom is of truth from good, and wisdom is signified by a man. And when the fourth animal spoke, which was like a flying eagle, the fourth state of those who belong to the church is described, namely, that they were in evils and the falsities thence, thus not in any intelligence, for by an eagle is signified intelligence. From these considerations it is evident, that the four animals spoke in order according to correspondences from what was opposite.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 370

370. I heard the third animal, saying, signifies out of the inmost heaven from the Lord. This is evident from what has been said above (n. 353, 362), where there are like words. The four animals or four cherubim spoke one after another because the things they said correspond by opposites; for the first cherub "was like a lion," the second "like a calf," the third "had a face like a man," and the fourth "was like a flying eagle;" and a "lion" signifies power (See above, n. 278); a "calf" signifies good n. 279; a "man" wisdom n. 280; and an "eagle" intelligence n. 281; consequently when the first animal, which was like a lion, spoke, the first state of those who are of the church is described, that in that state there then was combat from Divine truth (See above, n. 355-359), for "a lion" signifies the power that belongs to Divine truth.

When the second animal, which was like a calf, spoke, the second state of those who are of the church is described, namely, that good was destroyed (See n. 361-367), for a "calf" signifies the good of the church. When the third animal spoke, which had a face like a man, the third state of those who are of the church is described, which was that there was no longer any truth because there was no good, consequently that there was no longer any wisdom, for all wisdom is of truth from good, and wisdom is signified by "man." And when the fourth animal, which was like a flying eagle, spoke, the fourth state of those who are of the church is described, namely, that they were in evils and in falsities therefrom, thus in no intelligence, for intelligence is signified by "an eagle." From this it is clear that the four animals spoke in order according to correspondences, but from opposites.

Apocalypsis Explicata 370 (original Latin 1759)

370. "Audivi tertium animal dicens." - Quod significet e caelo intimo a Domino, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 353 et 362) dicta sunt, ubi similia. Quod quatuor animalia seu quatuor cherubi unus post alterum locuti sint, est quia illa quae dixerunt correspondent ex opposito; primus enim cherubus erat similis leoni, secundus similis vitulo, tertius quoad faciem sicut homo, et quartus similis aquilae volanti; et per "leonem" significatur potentia (videatur supra, n. 278), per "vitulum" significatur bonum (n. 279), per "hominem" sapientia (n. 280), et per "aquilam" intelligentia (n. 281); quare cum primum animal, quod erat simile leoni, locutum est, describitur primus status eorum qui ab ecclesia, quod ibi tunc esset pugna ex Divino Vero (videatur supra, n. 355-359), nam per "leonem" significatur potentia quae est Divino Vero: cum secundum animal locutum est, quod erat simile vitulo, describitur secundus status eorum qui ab ecclesia, quod nempe bonum sit deperditum (videatur n. 61-367); per "vitulum" enim significatur bonum ecclesiae: cum tertium animal locutum est, quod erat quoad faciem sicut homo, describitur tertius status eorum qui ab ecclesia, qui erat quod non amplius verum quia non bonum, proinde non amplius aliqua sapientia, nam omnis sapientia est veri ex bono; per "hominem" enim significatur sapientia: et cum quartum animal locutum est, quod erat simile aquilae volanti, describitur quartus status eorum qui ab ecclesia, quod essent in malis et inde falsis, ita non in aliqua intelligentia; per "aquilam" enim significatur intelligentia. Ex his patet quod quatuor animalia ordine locuta sint secundum correspondentias ex opposito.

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