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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 369

369. (Verse 5) And when he had opened the third seal. That this signifies prediction concerning a further succeeding state with those who belong to the church where the Word is, is manifest from what has been said above (n. 351, 352, 361); for the subject treated of in this and the following chapter is the state of the Christian Church, or the church where the Word is, from its beginning to its end, or from the time of the Lord's coming even to the Last Judgment. For the new church, which is called the Christian Church, [and which] was begun by the Lord when He was in the world, and afterwards extended, has decreased successively down to the present time, which is its last time, in which judgment takes place. The predictions concerning these successive states of the church are here manifested as from a book, by various representatives; but it is to be observed, that such predictions were not seen and read in a book, after its seals were opened, but were manifested through the heavens from the Lord, before the angels of the inmost heaven; and were represented in the ultimates of heaven by such things as are related in this chapter, namely, by horses of various colours, and afterwards by earthquakes, darkenings of the sun and moon, and the falling of the stars to the earth.

[2] These, however, were appearances before the angels of the ultimate heaven, signifying such things as were heard and perceived in the inmost heaven, where there were no such appearances; for whatever is heard, thought, and perceived in the inmost heaven from the Lord, when it descends through the middle heaven to the last, is turned into such appearances; thus are the mysteries of Divine Wisdom promulgated before the angels of the ultimate heaven. Those there, who are intelligent, perceive these mysteries from correspondences; but the lowest of them do not perceive, but only know, that mysteries are therein, nor do they inquire further; John was with the latter when in spirit or in vision. These things are mentioned that it may be known how the Word was written, namely, from such things as were seen and heard in the ultimates of heaven, thus from pure correspondences and representatives, in each of which lie concealed innumerable and ineffable mysteries of Divine Wisdom.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 369

369. Verse 5. And when he had opened the third seal, signifies prediction respecting the state that next follows with those who are of the church where the Word is. This is evident from what has been said above (n. 351, 352, 361); for this and the following chapter treat of the state of the Christian Church, or the church where the Word is, from its beginning to its end, or from the time of the Lord down to the Last Judgment. For the new church that is called the Christian Church, and that was begun by the Lord when He was in the world, and afterwards propagated, has successively decreased down to this time, which is its last time, in which is the judgment. Predictions respecting these successive states of the church are here brought forth, as from a book, by various representatives; but it is to be known that such predictions were not seen and read in a book when its seals were opened, but were made manifest through the heavens from the Lord before the angels of the inmost heaven; and were represented in the ultimates of heaven by such things as are related in this chapter, namely, by horses of various colors, and afterwards by earthquakes, by the darkenings of the sun and moon, and by the falling of the stars to the earth.

[2] These, however, were appearances before the angels of the ultimate heaven, signifying such things as were heard and perceived in the inmost heaven where there were not such appearances; for whatever is heard, thought, and perceived in the inmost heaven from the Lord, when it descends through the middle heaven to the ultimate, is turned into such appearances. In this way are the arcana of Divine wisdom made known before the angels of the ultimate heaven. Those there who are intelligent perceive these arcana by the correspondences; but the lowest of them do not perceive, but only know that there are arcana therein, nor do they inquire further; John was with these when "in the spirit" or in vision. This has been said to make known how the Word was written, namely, from such things as were seen and heard in the ultimates of heaven, thus by pure correspondences and representatives, in each one of which lie concealed innumerable and ineffable arcana of Divine wisdom.

Apocalypsis Explicata 369 (original Latin 1759)

369. (Vers. 5.) "Et cum aperuisset tertium sigillum." - Quod significet praedictionem de statu adhuc succedente apud illos qui ab ecclesia ubi Verbum, constat ex illis quae supra (n. 351, 352, 361) dicta sunt: agitur enim in hoc et in sequente capite de statu Ecclesiae Christianae seu ecclesiae ubi est Verbum, a principio ad finem, seu a tempore Domini usque ad ultimum judicium; ecclesia enim nova, quae Christiana vocatur, incohata est a Domino cum in mundo fuit, et postquam propagata est, decrevit successive usque ad hoc tempus, quod est ultimum ejus, quo judicium. Praedictiones de his successivis ecclesiae statibus manifestantur hic sicut ex libro per varia repraesentativa; sed sciendum est quod praedictiones tales non visae et lectae sint in libro, postquam sigilla ejus aperta sunt, sed manifestatae per caelos a Domino coram angelis intimi caeli, quae in ultimis caeli repraesentatae sunt per talia quae in hoc capite memorantur; nempe, per equos varii coloris, et dein per terrae motus, solis et lunae obscurationes, et stellarum lapsus in terram: sed haec erant apparentiae coram angelis ultimi caeli, et significant illa quae audita et percepta sunt in intimo caelo, ubi non tales apparentiae fuerunt: nam quicquid in intimo caelo auditur, cogitatur et percipitur a Domino, hoc cum descendit per caelum medium ad ultimum, vertitur in tales apparentias. Ita coram ultimi caeli angelis promulgantur arcana sapientiae Divinae: illi qui ibi intelligentes sunt, percipiunt arcana illa ex correspondentiis; at infimi illorum non percipiunt, sed modo sciunt quod inibi sint arcana, nec ultra inquirunt; cum his fuit Johannes cum in spiritu seu in visione. Haec dicta sunt, ut sciatur quomodo Verbum conscriptum sit, quod nempe ex talibus quae visa et audita sunt in ultimis caeli, ita ex meris correspondentiis et repraesentativis, in quorum singulis latent innumerabilia et ineffabilia arcana sapientiae Divinae.

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