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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 395

395. (Verse 11) And white robes were given unto every one. That this signifies Divine truth from the Lord with them, and protection, is plain from the signification of a white robe, as denoting Divine truth from the Lord; for a robe signifies truth in general, because it is the general covering; and white is said of truths from the Lord, for whiteness is characteristic of light, and the light proceeding from the Lord as a Sun is in its essence Divine truth. That by the white robes given to every one, is also signified protection, will be explained below. First, however, it shall be explained why a white robe signifies Divine truth from the Lord. All spirits and angels are clothed according to their intelligence, or according to the reception of truth in the life, for this is intelligence, and the light of their intelligence is formed into garments, which, when they are thence formed, not only appear as garments, but also are garments. For all things that exist in the spiritual world, and appear before their eyes, exist from the light and heat that proceed from the Lord as a Sun. From this origin not only are all things in the spiritual world created and formed, but also all things in the natural world; for the natural world exists and subsists from the Lord through the spiritual world. Hence it is evident that appearances in heaven before the angels, are altogether real; similarly also the garments. Because spirits and angels are clothed according to intelligence, and all intelligence belongs to truth, and angelic intelligence is from Divine truth, therefore they are clothed according to truths. On this account garments signify truths; garments that are next to the body, and thence interior, signify interior truths; and the garments that are around and enclose the former, signify exterior truths; whence a robe, a gown, and a cloak, which are general coverings, signify truths in general, and the white robe which they have from the Lord, the Divine truth in general. (But see what has been shown concerning the garments with which the angels are clothed, in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 177-182; and what has been said above concerning the signification of garments, n. 64, 65, 195, 271.)

[2] The white robes given to those who were under the altar, also signify protection by the Lord, because the white robes given to them, represented the Lord's presence with the Divine truth around them; and the Lord by means of Divine truth protects His own, for He surrounds them with a sphere of light, from which they have white robes; and when they are thus encompassed, they can no longer be infested by evil spirits; for, as said above, they were infested by them, and, therefore, were hidden by the Lord. This also takes place with those who are raised by the Lord into heaven. They are then clothed with white robes, which is an indication that they are in Divine truth, and thus in safety. But concerning those who are clothed in white robes, more will be seen in the explanation of the chapter which follows, at verses 9, 13-17.

[3] That a robe, a gown, and a cloak, signify Divine truth in general is evident also from the following passages. In Zechariah:

"The prophets shall be ashamed every one on account of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a mantle of hair to deceive" (13:4).

By prophets are signified those who teach truths from the Word, and in an abstract sense, truths of doctrine from the Word, and because these things were signified by prophets, therefore, these were clothed with a mantle of hair; for by a mantle of hair was signified Divine truth in ultimates, which is Divine truth in general, for the ultimate contains all things interior, hair also signifies the ultimate. Hence it was, that Elijah from his mantle was also called a hairy man (2 Kings 1:7, 8); and that John the Baptist, who was like Elias, by reason of a similar representation, had a garment of camel's hair (Matthew 3:4). From these things it is evident what is signified by the prophets not wearing a mantle of hair to deceive, namely, that they shall not declare truths to be falsities, and falsities to be truths, this being signified by deceiving.

[4] Because Elijah represented the Lord as to the Word, which is the very doctrine of truth, and Elisha continued the representation; and because a mantle signified Divine truth in general, which is the Word in ultimates, therefore, the mantle of Elijah passed to Elisha; and by Elijah's mantle also the waters of Jordan were divided, according, to these statements in the books of the Kings:

When Elijah found Elisha "he cast his mantle upon him" (2762, 5247. That the ultimate contains the interior things, and thence signifies all things in general, n. 634, 6239, 6465, 9215, 9216, 9828; that hence strength and power are in ultimates, n. 9836; that Jordan signifies entrance into the church, and that hence the waters of Jordan signify the first truths by which there is entrance, n. 1585, 4255; and that waters denote truths, see above, n. 71.) The first truths are also ultimate truths, such as are those in the sense of the letter of the Word; for by these entrance is effected, for they are first learnt, and in them are all the interior things that constitute the internal sense of the Word.

[5] He who does not know what a robe or mantle signifies, does not know what a cloak signifies; for a cloak, the same as a mantle, was a general garment, because it encompassed the waistcoat, or inner garment, whence it has also the same signification; consequently, neither does he know what was signified by Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak; by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak; by Jonathan's giving David his cloak and garments; and by the daughters of a king, being arrayed in cloaks of divers colours, and many other cases in which cloaks are mentioned in the Word. Concerning Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak, we read thus:

"Samuel turned about to go away, but he laid hold upon the skirt of his cloak, and it rent. And Samuel said, Jehovah hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to thy companion, who is better than thou" (29, 31.)

[6] The same is signified by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak, concerning which we read thus:

David entered into the cave where Saul was, and cut off the skirt of Saul's cloak, and when thereafter he showed it to Saul, Saul said, "Now I know that thou shalt reign, and the kingdom of Israel shall be established in thy hand" (1 Sam. 24:4, 6, 12, 21).

This was done by David of the Divine Providence, that the same thing might be represented as above, for by the skirt of the cloak, and by king Saul and his kingdom, similar things are signified.

[7] The same is also signified by Jonathan, the son of Saul, stripping himself of his cloak and his garments, and giving them to David, concerning which we read thus:

"Jonathan stripped himself of the cloak that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, and even to his sword and to his bow and to his girdle" (1 Sam. 18:4).

By this was signified, that Jonathan, the heir of the kingdom, transferred all his right to David; for all the things that Jonathan gave to David were representative of the kingdom, that is of the Divine truth of the church, which Saul represented; for, as said above, all the kings who reigned over the sons of Israel represented the Lord as to Divine truth, and their kingdom, the church as to that [truth].

[8] Because cloaks and mantles signified Divine truth in general, therefore:

"Virgins, the king's daughters, were apparelled with mantles of divers colours" (2 Sam. 13:18).

Virgins, the king's daughters, signified the affections of truth, and thence the church, as is evident from a thousand passages in the Word where a king's daughter, the daughter of Zion, and the daughter of Jerusalem, and also the virgin Zion, and the virgin Jerusalem, are mentioned; therefore the king's daughters also represented the truths of that affection by garments, and in general by mantles, which thence were variegated with divers colours. So also truths from good, or truths from affection, are represented by the garments of virgins in heaven; which truths are more fully described by the garments of the king's daughters, in David (Psalms 45:8, 9, 13, 14).

[9] Because mourning in the ancient churches signified spiritual mourning, which is on account of the deprivation of truth, therefore, this was then represented in mourning, by their rending their mantles or cloaks, as is clear in Job:

When Job had lost everything, "then he arose, rent his mantle, and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return" (1:20, 21).

And in another place:

Job's three friends, when they saw him, wept "and rent their cloaks" (2:12).

(That to rend the garments was representative of mourning on account of truth being injured or destroyed, may be seen, n. 4763.)

And again, in Ezekiel:

"All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and shall cast away their cloaks, and put off their embroidered garments; they shall be clothed with terrors; they shall sit upon the ground" (26:16).

These things are said of Tyre, by which is signified the church as to the knowledges (cognitions) of truth and good; in this passage the church where these are destroyed. That they have no longer any truths by which the church is formed, is signified by, all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, the princes of the sea denoting primary scientific truths, to come down from the thrones, signifying that they were destroyed, and, consequently, that there is no intelligence. The same is signified by their casting away their cloaks, and putting off their embroidered garments, robes denoting truths in general, and embroidered garments the knowledges (cognitions) of truth. Condemnation thence is signified by, "they shall be clothed with terrors; they shall sit upon the ground."

[10] In Micah:

"My people have accounted every one as an enemy to them for the sake of a garment, ye draw off the mantle from them that pass securely, that are returning from the war" (2:8).

By these words is not signified that the sons of Israel have accounted any for an enemy for the sake of a garment, and that they drew off the mantle of those that passed by securely; but that they held as enemies those who spoke truths, and deprived of all truth those who lived well, and shook off falsities; garment denoting truth; robe denoting all truth, because denoting truth in general. To pass by securely, denotes to live well; men returning from war, denote those who have shaken off falsities, war denoting the combat of truth against falsity. Who cannot see that such is the spiritual meaning of the Word; and that the people of Israel did not account any one as an enemy for a garment, or draw off the mantle from those who passed by?

[11] In Matthew:

The scribes and Pharisees "do all their works that they may be seen of men; they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments" (Arcana Coelestia 9917.)

[12] In Isaiah:

"I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah, my soul shall exult in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; he hath covered me with a cloak of justice" (61:10).

To rejoice in Jehovah, signifies to rejoice in Divine good; to exult in God, signifies, in the Divine truth; for the Lord is called Jehovah from Divine good, and God from Divine truth; and all spiritual joy is from them. To clothe with the garments of salvation, signifies to instruct and gift with truths; and to cover with a cloak of Justice, signifies to fill with every truth from good, a cloak denoting all truth because it denotes truth in general, justice being said of good.

[13] In the same:

"He put on the garments of vengeance, and clothed himself with zeal as a cloak" (Arcana Coelestia 9910-9928.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 395

395. Verse 11. And white robes were given to every one of them, signifies Divine truth from the Lord with them, and protection. This is evident from the signification of "a white robe" as being Divine truth from the Lord, for "robe" signifies truth in general, because it is a general covering; and "white" is predicated of truths which are from the Lord; for whiteness pertains to light, and the light proceeding from the Lord as a sun is in its essence Divine truth. That "white robes were given to everyone of them" signifies also protection, will be told further on; but let it first be told why "a white robe" signifies Divine truth from the Lord. All spirits and angels are clothed according to their intelligence, or according to their reception of truth in the life, this constituting intelligence; for the light of their intelligence is formed into garments, and when these are thus formed they do not merely appear as garments, but they also are garments. For all things that exist in the spiritual world, and appear before the eyes of those there, exist from the light and heat that proceed from the Lord as a sun; from that origin have been created and formed not only all things in the spiritual world, but also all things in the natural world; for the natural world exists and subsists by means of the spiritual world from the Lord. From this it can be seen that the appearances that exist in heaven before the angels are altogether real; in like manner also the garments. As spirits and angels are clothed according to intelligence, and all intelligence is of truth, and angelic intelligence is of Divine truth, so they are clothed according to truths; this is why "garments" signify truths; "the garments" that are next to the body, that is, the inner garments, signify interior truths; but the garments that are outside of these and encompass them, signify exterior truths; therefore "a robe," "a mantle," and "a cloak," which are general coverings, signify truths in general, and "a white robe" Divine truth in general, which they have from the Lord. (But see what has been shown respecting The Garments with which Angels are Clothed, in the work on Heaven and Hell 177-182; and what has been said above about the signification of garments, n. 64-65, 195, 271.)

[2] "There were given to those who were under the altar white robes" signifies also protection by the Lord, because "the white robes" given to them represented the presence about them of the Lord with Divine truth; and by means of Divine truth the Lord protects His own, for He surrounds them with a sphere of light, from which they have white robes; and when encompassed by this sphere they can no longer be infested by evil spirits; for, as said above, they were infested by evil spirits, and were therefore hidden by the Lord. This also takes place with those who are elevated by the Lord into heaven. They are then clothed with white garments, which is an indication that they are in Divine truth, and thus in safety. But respecting those who were clothed in white robes more will be shown in the explanation of the following chapter (Revelation 7:9, 13-17).

[3] That "robe," "mantle," and "cloak" signify Divine truth in general can be seen also from the following passages. In Zechariah:

The prophets shall be ashamed every man of his vision which he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a mantle of hair to dissemble (Zechariah 13:4).

"Prophets" signify those who teach truths from the Word, and in an abstract sense, the truths of doctrine from the Word; and because of this signification of "prophets" they were clothed with a mantle of hair, "the mantle of hair" signifying Divine truth in ultimates, which is Divine truth in general, for the ultimate contains all things interior; "hair," too, signifies the ultimate. This is why:

Elijah, from his mantle, was called a hairy man (2 Kings 1:7-8);

And John the Baptist, who was as Elijah by reason of a like representation, had a garment of camel's hair (Matthew 3:4).

This makes clear the signification of "the prophets shall not wear a mantle of hair to dissemble," namely, that they shall not declare truths to be falsities, and falsities to be truths; this is what is signified by "dissembling."

[4] Because Elijah represented the Lord in relation to the Word, which is the doctrine of truth itself, and Elisha continued the representation, and because "mantle" signified Divine truth in general, which is the Word in ultimates, so the mantle divided the waters of Jordan, according to the following in the books of the Kings:

When Elijah found Elisha he cast his mantle upon him (Arcana Coelestia 2762, 5247. That the ultimate contains the interior things, and thus signifies all things in general, n. 634, 6239, 6465, 9215, 9216, 9828; that thus strength and power are in ultimates, n. 9836; that "Jordan" signifies the entrance into the church, and thus "the waters of Jordan" signify the first truths through which there is entrance, n. 1585, 4255; and that "waters" mean truths, see above, n. 71.) First truths are also ultimate truths, such as are in the sense of the letter of the Word, for through these entrance is effected, for these are first learned, and in them are all interior things which constitute the internal sense of the Word.

[5] One who does not know what "robe" or "mantle" signifies, does not know what "cloak" signifies, for a cloak, as well as a mantle, was a general garment, encompassing the tunic or inner garment, therefore it has a like signification. Neither does he know what was signified by Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak; by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak; by Jonathan's giving David his cloak and garments; and by kings' daughters being arrayed in cloaks of various colors; neither does he know the meaning of many other passages in which cloaks are mentioned in the Word. Of Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak, we read:

Samuel turned to go away, but he laid hold upon the skirt of his cloak and it was rent. And Samuel said, Jehovah hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to thy companion, who is better than thou (29, 31.)

[6] The same is signified by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak, of which we read:

David entered into the cave where Saul was, and cut off the skirt of his cloak, and when he afterwards showed it to Saul, Saul said, Now I know that thou shalt reign, and the kingdom of Israel shall be established in thy hand (1 Samuel 24:3-5, 11, 20).

This was done by David of Divine Providence, that the like might be represented as above, "the skirt of the cloak," and "King Saul and his kingdom," having the like meaning as above.

[7] That Jonathan the son of Saul stripped himself of his cloak and his garments, and gave them to David, of which we read as follows, has a like signification:

Jonathan stripped off the cloak that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, and even his sword and his bow and even to his girdle (1 Samuel 18:4).

This signified that Jonathan, the heir of the kingdom, transferred all his right to David; for all the things that Jonathan gave to David were representative of the kingdom, that is, of the Divine truth of the church, which Saul represented; for as was said above, all the kings who were over the sons of Israel represented the Lord in relation to Divine truth, and their kingdom represented the church in relation to Divine truth.

[8] Because "cloaks" and "robes" signify Divine truth in general:

The king's daughters that were virgins were clad in robes of diverse colors (2 Samuel 13:18).

"The king's daughters that were virgins" signified the affections of truth, and thus the church, as can be seen from a thousand passages in the Word in which "the king's daughter," "the daughter of Zion," "the daughter of Jerusalem," also "the virgin of Zion," and "the virgin of Jerusalem" are mentioned; therefore "the king's daughters" represented also the truths of that affection by their garments, and in general by their robes, which, were therefore, variegated with diverse colors. So also truths from good, or truths from affection, are represented by the garments of the virgins in heaven; which truths are more fully described by:

The garments of the king's daughter (Psalms 45:9-10, 13-14).

[9] As mourning in the Ancient Churches signified spiritual mourning, which is from the deprivation of truth, they represented this in their mourning, then by rending their mantles or cloaks, as is evident in Job:

When Job had lost all things, then he arose, rent his mantle, and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return (Job 1:20-21).

Job's three friends, when they saw him, wept and rent their cloaks (Job 2:12).

(That "rending the garments" was a representative of mourning because of truth injured or destroyed, see Ezekiel 26:16).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of truth and good, here the church where these are destroyed. That there are no longer any truths through which there can be a church, is signified by "all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones;" "the princes of the sea" meaning true primary knowledges [scientifica]; "to come down from thrones" signifying that these have been destroyed, and consequently that there is no intelligence. The like is signified by "they shall cast away their cloaks and strip off their broidered garments," "cloaks" meaning truths in general, and "broidered garments" the knowledges of truth; the consequent damnation is signified by "they shall be clothed with terrors; they shall sit upon the earth."

[10] In Micah:

My people have set up an enemy for themselves for the sake of a garment; ye strip off the mantle from them that pass by securely, returning from war (Micah 2:8).

These words do not mean that "the sons of Israel have set up an enemy for the sake of a garment, and have stripped off the mantle from those that pass by securely;" but they mean that they held as enemies those who spoke truths, and deprived of all truth those who had lived well and had shaken off falsities, "garment" meaning truth, "mantle" all truth because it means truth in general; "to pass by securely" means to live well; "men returning from war" mean those who have shaken off falsities, "war" meaning the combat of truth against falsity. Who cannot see that this is the spiritual meaning of the Word; and not that the people of Israel held some one as an enemy for the sake of a garment, or stripped off the mantle from those who passed by?

[11] In Matthew:

The scribes and Pharisees do all their works that they may be seen of men, and make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their robes (Arcana Coelestia 9917.)

[12] In Isaiah:

I will rejoice in Jehovah, my soul shall exult in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).

"To rejoice in Jehovah" signifies to rejoice in Divine good; "to exult in God" signifies to exult in Divine truth; for the Lord is called "Jehovah" from Divine good, and "God" from Divine truth, and from these is all spiritual joy. "To clothe with the garments of salvation" signifies to instruct and to gift with truths; and "to cover with the robe of righteousness" signifies to fill with every truth from good, "robe" meaning all truth, because it means truth in general, and "righteousness" is predicated of good.

[13] In the same:

He put on the garments of vengeance, and covered Himself with zeal as with a robe (Arcana Coelestia 9910-9928).

Apocalypsis Explicata 395 (original Latin 1759)

395. (Vers. 11.) "Et datae singulis stolae albae." - Quod significet Divinum Verum a Domino apud illos, et tutationem, constat ex significatione "stolae albae", quod sit Divinum Verum a Domino, "stola" enim significat verum in communi, quia est commune indumentum, et "album" dicitur de veris quae a Domino; album enim est lucis, et lux procedens a Domino ut Sole in sua essentia est Divinum Verum: quod per "datas singulis stolas albas" etiam significetur tutatio, dicetur infra; primum tamen, unde est quod "stola alba" significet Divinum Verum a Domino. Omnes spiritus et angeli vestiuntur secundum intelligentiam suam, seu secundum receptionem veri in vita, nam hoc est intelligentia; formatur enim lux intelligentiae eorum in vestes, quae cum inde formatae sunt, non modo apparent ut vestes sed etiam sunt vestes: omnia enim quae in mundo spirituali existunt, et apparent coram oculis eorum, ex luce et calore, quae procedunt a Domino ut Sole, existunt; ex illa origine non modo omnia in mundo spirituali creata et formata sunt, sed etiam omnia in mundo naturali, nam mundus naturalis existit et subsistit per mundum spiritualem a Domino. Inde constare potest quod apparentiae, quae in caelo coram angelis existunt, sint prorsus reales; similiter etiam vestes. Quoniam spiritus et angeli vestiuntur secundum intelligentiam, et omnis intelligentia est veri, et angelica intelligentia est Divini Veri, ideo vestiuntur secundum vera; quapropter "vestes" significant vera; vestes quae proximae corpori sunt, et inde interiores, significant interiora vera, vestes autem quae circum sunt et cingunt illas, significant exteriora vera; inde "stola", "toga" et "pallium", quae communia indumenta sunt, significant vera in communi, et "toga alba" Divinum Verum in communi quod apud illos a Domino. (Sed videantur quae De Vestibus quibus induti sunt Angeli, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 177-182, ostensa sunt; et quae supra de significatione Vestium, n. 64, 65, 195, 271, dicta.)

[2] Quod "stolae albae datae illis qui sub altari" etiam significet tutationem a Domino, est quia "stolae albae", quae illis datae erant, repraesentabant praesentiam Domini cum Divino Vero circum illos, et Dominus per Divinum Verum tutatur suos, circumdat enim illos sphaera lucis, ex qua illis stolae albae; qua cum circumdati sunt, non amplius infestari possunt a malis spiritibus, nam, ut supra dictum est, infestabantur ab illis, ac ideo a Domino recondebantur. Hoc etiam fit apud illos qui elevantur a Domino in caelum; induuntur tunc vestibus albis, quod indicium est quod sint in Divino Vero, et sic in tuto: sed de his qui induti stolis albis, plura videbuntur in explicatione capitis sequentis (ad versus 9, 13-17 ibi).

[3] Quod "stola", "toga", et "pallium", significent Divinum Verum in communi, constare etiam potest a sequentibus his locis:

Apud Sachariam,

"Pudefient prophetae, quisque propter visionem suam quam prophetavit, neque induent togam pili ut mentiantur" (13:4):

per "prophetas" significantur qui docent vera ex Verbo, et in sensu abstracto vera doctrinae ex Verbo; et quia haec per "prophetas" significabantur, ideo illi induebantur toga pili: per "togam" enim "pili" significabatur Divinum Verum in ultimis, quod est Divinum Verum in communi; nam ultimum continet omnia interiora, "pilus" etiam significat ultimum. Inde erat

Quod etiam Elias ex toga sua dictus fuerit "vir pilosus" (2 Regnum 1:7, 8):

Et quod Johannes Baptista (qui sicut Elias fuit, quia simile repraesentabat) habuerit "vestimentum ex pilis camelinis" (Matthaeus 3:4).

Ex his patet quid significatur per quod prophetae "non induent togam pili ut mentiantur", nempe quod non dicent vera esse falsa et falsa esse vera; "mentiri" hoc significat.

[4] Quoniam Elias repraesentavit Dominum quoad Verbum, quod est ipsa doctrina veri, et Elisaeus continuabat repraesentationem, et quia "toga" significabat Divinum Verum in communi, quod est Verbum in ultimis, ideo toga Eliae pervenit ad Elisaeum, et quoque per togam Eliae divisae sunt aquae Jordanis, secundum haec in Libris Regum:-

Cum Elias invenit Elisaeum", projecit togam suam super illum" (2 Regnum 19:19):

"Elias sumpsit togam suam, et convolvit illam, et percussit aquas" Jordanis, "quae divisae sunt huc et illuc, et transiverunt ambo in sicco" (2 Regnum 2:8):

"Elisaeus videns" cum ablatus est Elias turbine in caelum, ... sustulit togam Eliae, quae deciderat desuper illo, et reversus est et stetit ad litus Jordanis; et sumpsit togam illam, ... et percussit aquas, quae divisae sunt huc et illuc, et transivit" (2 Regnum 2:12-14):

quod "Elias togam projecerit super Elisaeum" significabat quod transferret repraesentationem Domini quoad Verbum super Elisaeum; et quod "toga deciderit de Elia cum ablatus est, et quod sumpta sit ab Elisaeo", significabat quod repraesentatio illa translata sit super Elisaeum; nam Elias et Elisaeus repraesentabant Dominum quoad Verbum, ac vestiti sunt secundum id quod repraesentabant; et "toga" significabat Verbum in ultimis, quod est Divinum Verum in communi, seu Divinum Verum in omni complexu: quod "per togam Eliae divisae sint aquae Jordanis", primum ab Elia et postea ab Elisaeo, significabat potentiam Divini Veri in ultimis; "aquae" etiam "Jordanis" significabant prima vera per quae intratur in ecclesiam, et haec prima sunt quae in Verbi ultimis: inde quoque constare potest quod "toga" et "stola" significent Divinum Verum in communi. (Quod Elias repraesentaverit Dominum quoad Verbum, et similiter Elisaeus, videatur n. 2762, 5247. Quod ultimum contineat interiora, et inde significet omnia in communi, n. 634, 6239, 6465, 1

9215, 2

9216, 9828; quod inde in ultimis sit robur et potentia, n. 9836; quod "Jordanes" significet introitum in ecclesiam, et quod inde "aquae Jordanis" significant prima vera per quae intratur, n. 1585, 4255; quod "aquae" sint vera, supra, n. 71.) Prima vera sunt quoque ultima, qualia sunt Verbi in sensu litterae; nam per illa fit introitus, primum enim discuntur, et in illis sunt interiora omnia, quae faciunt Verbi sensum internum.

[5] Qui non scit quid "stola" seu "toga" significat, nec scit quid "pallium", nam pallium aeque ac toga erat vestis communis, circumcinxit enim tunicam seu vestem interiorem, unde similis ei quoque significatio est; unde nec scit quid significavit quod Schaul abruperit alam pallii Samuelis; quod David absciderit alam pallii Schaulis; quod Jonathan dederit Davidi pallium suum et vestes suas; et quod filiae regis amictae fuerint palliis frustatim variegatis, et plura alia ubi pallia nominantur in Verbo. De Schaule quod abruperit alam pallii Samuelis, ita legitur:

"Convertit se Samuel ad abeundum, sed apprehendit alam pallii ejus, et abrupta est; et dixit Samuel, Abrupit Jehovah regnum Israelis desuper te hodie, et dedit illud socio tuo, qui melior te" (1 Samuelis 15:27, 28):

ex verbis Samuelis patet quod "abruptio alae pallii" significaverit abruptionem regni a Schaule, nam dixit, postquam id factum est, quod "Jehovah abruperit regnum Israelis desuper te hodie"; per "regem" enim et per "regnum" ejus significatur Divinum Verum ecclesiae, et per "alam pallii" significatur Divinum Verum in ultimis seu omne in communi: reges enim super filios Israelis repraesentabant Dominum quoad Divinum Verum, et regnum eorum significabat ecclesiam quoad illud; quare per historicum illud significatur quod Schaul rex non amplius repraesentare posset, quia non talis, et quod aliter repraesentativum ecclesiae periret. (Quod reges repraesentaverint Dominum quoad Divinum Verum, et quod "regnum" inde significaverit ecclesiam quoad illud, videatur supra, n. 29, 31.)

[6] Simile significatur per quod David absciderit alam pallii Schaulis, de quo ita legitur:

David intravit in speluncam ubi schaul, et abscidit alam pallii ejus; et cum dein ostendit illam Schauli, dixit Schaul, "Nunc novi quod regnabis, et consistet in manu tua regnum Israelis" (1 Sam. 24 [4,] 5, 6, 12, 21 [B.A. 3-5, 11, 20]);

hoc factum est a Davide ex Divina Providentia ut simile repraesentaretur quod supra; nam per "alam pallii", et per "Schaulem regem" ac per "regnum" ejus, similia significantur.

[7] Simile etiam significatur per quod Jonathan filius Schaulis exuerit se pallio et vestibus suis, et dederit Davidi, de qua re ita legitur:

"Exuit Jonathan pallium quod super illo, et dedit Davidi et Vestes suas, et usque ad gladium suum, et usque ad arcum suum, et usque ad cingulum suum" (1 Sam. 18:4 3


per haec significabatur quod Jonathan heres regni omne jus suum transtulerit in Davidem, omnia enim illa quae Jonathan dedit Davidi repraesentativa erant regni, hoc est, Divini Veri ecclesiae, quod Schaul repraesentabat; nam ut supra dictum est, omnes reges qui fuerunt filiis Israelis repraesentaverunt Dominum 4

quoad Divinum Verum, et regnum eorum ecclesiam quoad illud.

[8] Quia "pallia" et "togae" significabant Divinum Verum in communi, ideo

"Filiae regis Virgines vestiebantur togis frustatim variegatis" (2 Samuelis 13:18):

"filiae regis virgines" significabant affectiones veri, et inde ecclesiam, ut constare potest ex mille locis ubi in Verbo nominatur "filia regis", "filia Zionis", et "filia Hierosolymae", et quoque "virgo Zion" et "virgo Hierosolyma"; quare etiam filiae regis repraesentabant vera affectionis illius per vestes, et in communi per togas, quae inde frustis variegatae erant; sicut etiam repraesentantur vera ex bono seu vera ex affectione per vestes virginum in caelo; quae vera amplius describuntur per

"Vestes filiae Regis" apud Davidem (Psalms 45:10, 11, 14, 15 [B.A. 9, 10, 13, [14]).

[9] Quoniam luctus in Antiquis Ecclesiis significabat luctum spiritualem, qui est propter deprivationem veri, quare haec repraesentabatur in luctu tunc per quod disruperint togas suas seu pallia sua; ut constat apud Hiobum,

Cum Hiob amiserat omnia, "tunc surrexit, scidit togam suam, ... et dixit, Nudus egressus sum ex utero matris meae, et nudus revertar" (1:20, 21):

et alibi,

Tres amici Hiobi, cum viderunt eum, "fleverunt et sciderunt pallia sua" (2:12).

(Quod "discindere vestes" fuerit repraesentativum luctus propter verum laesum aut deperditum, videatur n. 4763.) Et praeterea apud Ezechielem,

"Descendent desuper thronis suis omnes principes maris, et abjicient pallia sua, et vestes acupicturae suae exuent, terroribus induentur, super terra sedebunt" (26:16):

haec dicta sunt de Tyro, per quam significatur ecclesia quoad cognitiones veri et boni, hic ecclesia ubi illae deperditae sunt: quod non amplius illis vera sint per quae ecclesia, significatur per quod "descendent desuper thronis suis omnes principes maris"; "principes maris" sunt vera scientifica primaria, "descendere desuper thronis" significat quod illa deperdita sint, et inde quod non aliqua intelligentia: simile significatur per quod "abjicient pallia sua, et exuent vestes acupicturae suae"; "pallia" sunt vera in communi, et "vestes acupicturae" sunt cognitiones veri: damnatio inde significatur per quod "terroribus induentur, super terra sedebunt."

[10] Apud Micham,

"Populus meus pro hoste sibi statuit propter vestem, togam extrahitis a transeuntibus secure, reducibus belli" (2:8):

per haec non significatur quod filii Israelis pro hoste statuerint propter vestem, et quod extraxerint togam a transeuntibus secure, sed quod pro inimicis habuerint illos qui vera locuti sunt, et deprivaverint omni vero illos qui bene vixerunt, et discusserunt falsa; "vestis" est verum", "toga" est omne verum quia est verum in communi, "transire secure" est bene vivere, "reduces belli" sunt qui discusserunt falsa, "bellum" est pugna veri contra falsum. Quis non videre potest quod hoc spirituale Verbi sit, et non quod habuerint pro hoste propter vestem, et extraxerint tunicam a transeuntibus?

[11] Apud Matthaeum,

Scribae et Pharisaei "omnia opera sua faciunt ut spectentur ab hominibus, et dilatant phylacteria sua, et magnificant fimbrias palliorum suorum ( 5


haec fecerunt Scribae et Pharisaei, at usque per hoc repraesentabatur et significatur quod ex ultimis Verbi multa loquerentur et applicarent vitae et traditionibus suis, et hoc ut apparerent sancti et docti: per "phylacteria" quae dilatant, significantur bona in externa forma, nam erant super manus, et per "manus" significantur facta, quia manus faciunt; et per "fimbrias palliorum" quas magnificant, significantur vera externa; vera externa sunt quae in ultimo sensu litterae: "pallia" sunt vera in communi, et "fimbriae" sunt ultima eorum.

(Quod "fimbriae palliorum" talia vera significent, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 9917.)

[12] Apud Esaiam,

"Laetabor in Jehovah, exultabit anima mea in Deo meo, quia induit me vestibus salutis, pallio justitiae texit me" (61:10);

"laetari in Jehovah" significat in Divino Bono, "exultare in Deo" significat in Divino Vero; nam Dominus "Jehovah" dicitur ex Divino Bono, et "Deus" ex Divino Vero, et omne gaudium spirituale est ex illis: "induere vestibus salutis" significat instruere et donare veris; et "tegere pallio justitiae" significat implere omni vero ex bono; "pallium" est omne verum quia est verum in communi, ac "justitia" dicitur de bono.

[13] Apud eundem,

"Induit vestes vindictae, et texit Se zelo sicut pallio" (59:17):

haec dicta sunt de Domino, ac de Ipsius pugna cum infernis; cum enim in mundo fuit redegit omnia in infernis et in caelis in ordinem, et hoc per Divinum Verum ex Divino Amore: "vestes vindictae" significant vera per quae, "zelus sicut pallium" significat Divinum Amorem ex quo; "pallium" dicitur, quia significatur per Divina vera ex Divino Amore. (Quid autem significat "pallium ephodi", quo Aharon amictus fuit, super cujus fimbriis malogranata et tintinnabula, de quo in Exod., cap. 28:31-35. et Leviticus 8:7. videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 9910- 6



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