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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 425

425.To the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.- This signifies that influx was not permitted so far as to become powerful, as is clear from what has preceded, where the subject is the separation of the good from the evil by a modified or gentle influx. Concerning this influx see above (n. 413:2, 418:2, 419:1), where it was stated that the good are separated from the evil by a moderate or gentle influx, and the evil cast down by a strong and powerful influx. And because in that which now follows the separation of the good from the evil is first treated of, which is the result of a modified influx, therefore these words signify that that influx was not permitted so far as to become powerful. For by the four angels on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth, is signified the Divine which proceeds from the Lord, and its influx into the whole spiritual world, as may be seen above (n. 417:1, 418:2); and by the earth and the sea is signified everywhere in that world, even to its ultimates. See n. 420.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 425

425. To the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, signifies preventing as yet the influx from becoming intense. This is evident from what was said above, where the separation of the good from the evil by a moderate or gentle influx was treated of (respecting which influx see above, n. 413, 418, 419), namely, that by a moderate and gentle influx the good are separated from the evil, and by an intense and powerful influx the evil are cast down; and as what now follows treats first of the separation of the good from the evil, and this separation is effected by a moderate influx, these words signify preventing the influx as yet from becoming intense; for "the four angels upon the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth" signify the Divine proceeding from the Lord, and its influx into the whole spiritual world (See above, n. 417, 418); and "the earth and the sea" signify everywhere, even to its ultimates (n. 420).

Apocalypsis Explicata 425 (original Latin 1759)

425. "Quatuor angelis, quibus datum eis damno afficere terram et mare." - Quod significet inhibitionem adhuc ne influxus intensus fieret, constat ex praecedentibus, ubi actum est de separatione bonorum a malis per influxum remissum seu lenem; (de quo influxu videatur supra, n. 413(a), 418(a), 419(a, c, d);) quod nempe per influxum remissum et lenem separentur boni a malis, ac per influxum intensum et fortem dejiciantur mali; et quia in nunc sequentibus agitur primum de separatione bonorum a malis, quae separatio fit per influxum remissum, ideo per illa verba significatur inhibitio ne adhuc influxus intensus fiat; nam per "quatuor angelos super quatuor angulis terrae retinentes quatuor ventos terrae" significatur Divinum a Domino procedens et ejus influxus in universum mundum spiritualem (videatur supra, n. 417(a), 418(a)); ac per "terram" et "mare" significatur ubivis usque ad ultima ejus (n. 420).

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