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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 588

588. Which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk.- That this signifies in which, and from which there is nothing of the understanding of truth and perception of good, and thus nothing of spiritual life, is evident from the signification of seeing, as denoting to understand truth (see above, n. 11, 260, 529); and from the signification of hearing, as denoting to perceive and obey (see above, n. 14, 249), and as denoting to have understanding to perceive (see note 529); and from the signification of walking, as denoting to live spiritually, and when predicated of the Lord, as denoting life itself (see above, n. 97). Hence it is evident, that by neither seeing, hearing, nor walking, is signified, that there is no understanding of truth and perception of good, and consequently no spiritual life. The reason why these things are not in and from idols, is, that idols signify falsities of doctrine, religion, and worship, and such things are not in falsities, but in truths from good, in and from these, are all understanding, all perception from the will of good, and consequently spiritual life. We say, "consequently," because spiritual life consists in the understanding of truth, and in perception from the will of good. For truths are in the light of heaven, and so much so that truths themselves give forth light in heaven, and this because the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord is the cause of all light in the spiritual world; and that light imparts all intelligence and wisdom to the angels. Because, then, truths themselves are of the light, it follows that falsities are not of the light, for they extinguish it, therefore falsities, in the Word, are called darkness (see above, n. 526). And because they are darkness, they are the shadows of spiritual death. It must be observed, however, that the falsities of evil are such darkness, but not the falsities that are not from evil. The reason why to hear, signifies perception from the will of good, and thence obedience, is, that speech enters the ear together with sound, and the truths of speech enter the understanding and thence the thought, and the sounds enter the will and thence the affection. That in the spiritual world sounds manifest and produce affection which is of the will, and the expressions (voces) of sound thought which is of the will, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 236, 241), and above (n. 323:1). It is therefore evident why to hear and to hearken also signify to obey, and the ear and hearing obedience.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 588

588. Which can neither see nor hear nor walk, signifies in which and from which there is nothing of the understanding of truth or the perception of good, and thus nothing of spiritual life. This is evident from the signification of "to see," as being to understand truth (See above, n. 11, 260, 529); also from the signification of "to hear," as being to perceive and obey (See also above, n. 14, 249), and as being to have understanding to perceive, n. 529; also from the signification of "to walk," as being to live spiritually, and in reference to the Lord that it is life itself (See above, n. 97). From this it is clear that "not to see, to hear, or to walk," signifies that there is no understanding of truth, no perception of good, and thence no spiritual life; these are not in idols or from them, for "idols" signify the falsities of doctrine, of religion, and of worship, and such things are not in falsities, but in truths that are from good; in truths and from them is all understanding, all perception from the will of good, and consequently spiritual life. It is said "consequently," because spiritual life consists in the understanding of truth and in perception from the will of good; for truths are in the light of heaven, and this so much that the truths themselves give light in heaven, and this because the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord makes all light in the spiritual world, and that light gives all intelligence and wisdom to angels.

Now as truths themselves are of the light it follows that falsities are of no light, for they extinguish light, consequently falsities are called in the Word "darkness" (See above, n. 526); and as they are darkness, they are the shadow of spiritual death. But it is to be known that the falsities of evil constitute such darkness, not falsities that are not from evil. "To hear" signifies perception from the will of good, and thence obedience, because speech enters the ear at the same time with the sound, and the truths uttered enter the understanding and thence the thought, while sounds enter the will and thence the affection. That in the spiritual world sounds present and produce the affection which is of the will, and the words of the sound the thought which is of the understanding, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 236, 241, and above n. 323. From this it can be seen why "to hear" and "to hearken" also signify to obey, and the "ear" and "hearing" obedience.

Apocalypsis Explicata 588 (original Latin 1759)

588. "Quae neque videre possunt, neque audire, neque ambulare." - Quod significet in quibus et ex quibus nihil intellectis veri et perceptionis boni, et sic nihil vitae spiritualis, constat ex significatione "videre", quod sit intelligere verum (de qua supra, n. 11, 260 [a] , 529); ex significatione "audire", quod sit percipere et obedire (de qua etiam supra, n. 14, 249), et quod sit habere intellectum ad percipiendum (n. 529); et ex significatione "ambulare", quod sit vivere spiritualiter, et cum de Domino, quod sit ipsa vita (de qua etiam supra, n. 97); ex quibus constare potest quod per "non videre, audire et ambulare", significetur quod non sit intellectus veri, perceptio boni, et inde aliqua vita spiritualis. Quod haec non sint in illis et ab illis, nempe idolis, est quia per "idola" significantur falsa doctrinae, religionis et cultus; et in falsis talia non sunt, sed in veris quae ex bono; in his et ex his est omnis intellectus, perceptio ex voluntate boni, et consequenter vita spiritualis: dicitur consequenter, quia vita spiritualis consistit in intellectu veri ac in perceptione quae ex voluntate boni; vera enim in luce caeli sunt, in tantum ut ipsa vera luceant in caelo, et hoc ex causa quia Divinum Verum procedens a Domino facit omnem lucem in mundo spirituali, et illa lux dat omnem intelligentiam et sapientiam angelis. Quia nunc ipsa vera sunt lucis, sequitur quod falsa nullius lucis sint, illam enim exstinguunt; quapropter falsa in Verbo vocantur "tenebrae" (videatur supra, n. 526); et quia sunt tenebrae, sunt umbrae mortis spiritualis. At sciendum est quod falsa mali tales tenebrae sint, non autem falsa quae non ex malo.

Quod "audire" significet perceptionem quae ex voluntate boni, et inde obedentiam, est quia loquela intrat aurem simul cum sono, ac vera loquelae intrant intellectum et inde cogitationem, ac soni voluntatem et inde affectionem. Quod in mundo spirituali soni sistant et producant affectionem quae est voluntatis, et voces soni cogitationem quae est intellectus, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 236, 241), et supra (n. 323 [a]): inde constare potest, unde est quod "audire" et "auscultare" etiam significet obedire, ac "auris " et "auditus" obedientiam.

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