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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 61

61. (Verse 12) And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. That this signifies, the understanding enlightened, is in some degree evident from what was said above (n. 55), in the explanation of what is signified by John's hearing a voice behind him. It is clear that these words contain an arcanum which cannot be known unless it is known how the Divine enters by influx from heaven into the mind of man; for it was from influx that John heard the voice behind him, and that afterwards, being turned to see it, he saw the things which followed. The Divine influx from heaven is into the will of man, and through it into his understanding. Influx into the will is into the back part of the head, because into the cerebellum, and it advances thence towards the forepart into the cerebrum, where the understanding has its seat; and when it comes by that way into the understanding, it then also comes into sight, for man sees from his understanding. That this is the nature of influx, I have come to know by much experience. Whether we say influx into the will, or into the love, it is the same thing, since the will is the receptacle of love; it is also the same whether we say into the understanding or into faith, for the understanding is the receptacle of faith (concerning this see what is said in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 28-35). But at present it is not allowable to adduce more on this subject, because the things relating to it have been hitherto unknown. These few things, however, have been stated in order that it may be known what is involved in the fact of John's hearing a voice behind him, and of his turning to see it; and why it is that it signifies the understanding enlightened; for that which enters by the will into the understanding, or by love into faith, comes into enlightenment, because what man wills or loves, that he perceives clearly. The case is otherwise, if it enters by way of the understanding alone. It is here said that John turned to see the voice, because seeing, when said of spiritual things, signifies understanding from enlightenment (as was shown above, n. 11); and unless seeing signified understanding, it would not have been said to see the voice.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 61

61. Verse 12. And I turned to see the voice which spoke with me signifies the understanding illustrated. This is evident in some degree from what was said above n. 55, in the explanation of what is signified by John's hearing a voice behind him. It is clear that in these words there is an arcanum that cannot be known unless it is known how the Divine flows in out of heaven with man; for it was from influx that John heard the voice behind him, and that afterwards, having turned to see the voice, he saw the things that follow. Divine influx out of heaven is into man's will, and through that, into his understanding. Influx into the will is into the occipital region, because into the cerebellum, and from this it passes towards the foreparts into the cerebrum, where the understanding is; and when it comes by that way into the understanding, then it comes also into the sight; for man sees from the understanding. That there is such influx it has been granted me to know by much experience. It is the same whether we say influx into the will, or into the love, since the will is the receptacle of love; and it is also the same whether we say influx into the understanding or into faith, since the understanding is the receptacle of faith (See what is adduced in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 28-35). But it is not permitted to adduce more on these subjects at present, because up to this time they have been unknown: only these few things have been said that it may be known what is involved in John's hearing a voice behind him, and his turning to see it; and why it is that this signifies the understanding illustrated; it is because what enters through the will into the understanding, or through love into faith, comes into illustration, since what man wills or loves, that he clearly perceives. It is otherwise if it enters by the way of the understanding alone. It is said "to see the voice," because by "seeing," when predicated of spiritual things, is signified understanding from illustration (as was shown above, n. 11. ); and unless "seeing" signified understanding it could not have been said "to see the voice."

Apocalypsis Explicata 61 (original Latin 1759)

61. (Vers. 12.) "Et conversus videre vocem quae loquebatur cum me." - Quod significet intellectum illustratum, constare potest aliquantisper ex illis quae supra (n. 55) dicta sunt, ubi explicatur quid significatur per quod audiverit vocem post se; quod in his arcanum sit, et id non sciri possit nisi sciatur quomodo influit Divinum e caelo apud hominem, patet; ex influxu enim erat quod vox audita sit post illum, et quod dein conversus videre illam viderit illa quae sequuntur. Influxus Divinus e caelo est in voluntatem hominis, et per illam in intellectum ejus; influxus in voluntatem est in occipitium quia in cerebellum, et inde vadit versus anteriora in cerebrum ubi est intellectus; et cum per illam viam in intellectum venit, tunc etiam venit in visum, nam homo videt ex intellectu; quod talis influxus sit, datum est mihi per multam experientiam scire. Sive dicas influxum in voluntatem sive in amorem, idem est, quoniam voluntas est receptaculum amoris; et quoque sive dicas intellectum aut fidem, idem est, quoniam intellectus est receptaculum fidei (de qua re videantur quae in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 28-35, allata sunt): sed plura de his non licet adhuc afferre, quia hactenus ignota sunt; modo pauca illa dicta sunt, ut sciatur quid involvit quod Johannes audiverit vocem post se, et quod conversus sit videre illam, et unde est quod hoc significet intellectum illustratum; quod enim per voluntatem in intellectum seu per amorem in fidem intrat, hoc in illustrationem venit, nam quod homo vult seu amat, hoc clare percipit; aliter si per viam solius intellectus. "Videre vocem" dicitur, quia per "videre", cum de spiritualibus, significatur intelligere ex illustratione, ut supra (n. 11) ostensum est; et nisi "videre" significaret intelligere, non potuisset dici "videre vocem."

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