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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 55

55. And I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet. That this signifies clear perception of Divine truth to be revealed from heaven, is evident from the signification of hearing, as denoting to perceive and obey (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 2542, 3869, 4653, 5017, 7216, 8361, 8990, 9311, 9397); from the signification of "behind me," as denoting clearly, concerning which more will be said in what follows; from the signification of a voice, when heard from heaven, as denoting Divine truth (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 219, 220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 8914), and from the signification of a trumpet, as denoting what was to be revealed from heaven, concerning which we shall also speak presently. The reason why "behind me" signifies clearly is, because those things that flow from heaven into the affection of man, flow into the back part of the head, and thus enter clearly into his perception; for the things which enter into the affection are perceived clearly, all the life of perception being from that source; but the things that flow from heaven immediately into the thought, flow into the part above the forehead. (Concerning this influx see what is said in the work, Heaven and Hell 251.) It is therefore evident what is signified by John's hearing behind him, and by his afterwards turning to see the voice which spake with him. The reason why a trumpet, or horn, signifies Divine truth to be revealed from heaven, is, because Divine truth is sometimes so heard when it flows down from the Lord through the heavens to man; for it becomes louder in its descent and thus flows in. But it is heard in this way only in the beginning, by those to whom Divine truth is to be revealed in the ultimate sense, which is representative of interior things; afterwards it is heard as a human voice.

[2] From these considerations it is evident why it is that the voice of a trumpet, or horn, signifies Divine truth that must be revealed from heaven. He who knows that a horn or trumpet signifies Divine truth from heaven, will be able to understand several passages in the Word in which they are mentioned; as in Matthew:

"He shall send angels with a great voice of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the elect from the four winds" (24:31).

In Isaiah:

"All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, when the sign of the mountains is lifted up, behold; and when the trumpet is sounded, hear" (18:3).

In Jeremiah

"Proclaim with the trumpet in the land. Set up the standard towards Zion. How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? For my people is stupid they are foolish sons, and have no understanding" (4:5, 6, 21, 22).

In the same prophet:

"I have set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the voice of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. Therefore hear ye nations" (6:17, 18).

In Ezekiel:

"He heard the voice of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But had he taken warning, he would have delivered his soul" (33:5).

And in Hosea:

"Set the trumpet to thy mouth, because they have transgressed my covenant, and have trespassed against my law" (8:1).

And in Zechariah:

"The Lord Jehovih shall sound with the trumpet, and shall go forth in whirlwinds of the south" (9:14).

And in David:

"God goeth up with a shout, and Jehovah with the voice of a trumpet" (Psalm 47:5).

And also in Apoc. 4:1; 8:2, 7, 8, 13; 9:1, 13, 14; 10:7; 18:22. Because a trumpet signified Divine truth, therefore when Divine truth had first to be revealed before the people of Israel, the voices of a trumpet were heard from Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:16). Hence, therefore, to sound with a trumpet became a representative with them, when they were convoked, when they journeyed, and also in their solemnities, in the beginnings of months, at burnt offerings and peace offerings (Numbers 10:1-10). They also sounded with trumpets when they went to battle against the Midianites (Numbers 31:6); and when they took the city of Jericho (Joshua 6:4-20); for those wars and battles signified spiritual combats, which are combats of truth against falsity, and of falsity against truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 55

55. And I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, signifies manifest perception of Divine truth about to be revealed from heaven. This is evident from the signification of "hearing," as being to perceive and obey (See Arcana Coelestia 2542, 3869, 4653, 5017, 7216, 8361, 8990, 9311, 9397); and from the signification of "behind me," as being manifestly (of which hereafter); and from the signification of "voice," when heard out of heaven, as being Divine truth (See Arcana Coelestia 219-220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 8914); and from the signification of a "trumpet," as being truth to be revealed out of heaven (of which hereafter). "Behind me" signifies manifestly, because the things that flow in from heaven into man's affection flow in into the occipital region, and come thus into his manifest perception; for whatever enters into affection is manifestly perceived, for the whole life of perception is from affection; but whatever flows out of heaven immediately into the thought flows into the region above the forehead. (Concerning this influx, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 251.) From this it is clear what is signified by John's having heard "behind him," and by his afterwards "having turned to see the voice which spoke with him." A "trumpet" or "horn" signifies Divine truth about to be revealed out of heaven, because sometimes Divine truth is heard in this way when it flows down from the Lord through the heavens with man; for it is increased in coming down; and it thus flows in. But it is thus heard only in the beginning with those through whom Divine truth is to be revealed in the ultimate sense, which is representative of interior things. But afterwards it is heard as a human voice. From this it is evident why "the voice of a trumpet" or "horn" signifies Divine truth about to be revealed out of heaven.

[2] He who is aware that "trumpet" or "horn," signifies Divine truth out of heaven can understand many passages in the Word where these are mentioned. As in Matthew:

He shall send forth His angel, with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the elect from the four winds (Matthew 24:31).

In Isaiah:

All ye inhabitants of the world, and ye dwellers on the earth, when the sign of the mountains shall be lifted up, see ye; and when the trumpet is blown, hear ye (Isaiah 18:3).

In Jeremiah:

Proclaim with the trumpet in the land. Set up a standard towards Zion. How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? For my people are foolish, they are sottish sons, and they have no understanding (Jeremiah 4:5-6, 21-22).

In the same:

I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken. Therefore hear, ye nations (Jeremiah 6:17-18).

In Ezekiel:

He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him; whereas if he had taken warning he should have delivered his soul (Ezekiel 33:5).

In Hosea:

[Set] the trumpet to thy mouth, because they have transgressed My covenant, and trespassed against My law (Hosea 8:1).

In Zechariah:

The Lord Jehovih shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with the whirlwinds of the south (Zechariah 9:14).

In David:

God is gone up with a shout, and Jehovah with the sound of a trumpet (Psalms 47:5).

And also in Revelation (chap. Revelation 4:1; 8:2, 7-8, 13; 9:1, 13, 14; 10:7; 18:22). Because a "trumpet" signified Divine truth, therefore when Divine truth was first about to be revealed before the people of Israel:

Sounds of a trumpet were heard from Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:16).

For this reason sounding the trumpet became representative with them:

When they were to assemble, and when they went forward, and also in their solemnities, at the beginnings of months, at burnt-offerings and eucharistic sacrifices (Numbers 10:1-10).

They also sounded trumpets when they went forth to battle against the Midianites (Numbers 31:6).

And when they took the city of Jericho (Joshua 6:4-20);

for wars and battles signified spiritual combats, which are combats of truth against falsity, and of falsity against truth.

Apocalypsis Explicata 55 (original Latin 1759)

55. "Et audivi post me vocem magnam tanquam tubae." - Quod significet perceptionem manifestam Divini Veri e caelo revelandi, constat ex significatione "audire", quod sit percipere et obedire (de qua n. 2542, 3869, 4653, 5017, 7216, 8361, 8990, 9311, 9397); ex significatione "post me", quod sit manifeste (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "vocis", cum e caelo, quod sit Divinum Verum (de qua n. 219, 220, 3563, 6971, 8813, 8914); et ex significatione "tubae", quod sit id e caelo revelandum (de qua etiam sequitur).

Quod "post me" significet manifeste, est quia illa quae influunt e caelo in affectionem hominis influunt in occipitium ejus, et sic veniunt in manifestam ejus perceptionem: nam quae intrant in affectionem, manifeste percipiuntur; est enim omnis vita perceptionis inde; at quae influunt immediate in cogitationem e caelo, influunt in regionem supra frontispicium (de quo influxu videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 251). Inde patet quid significat quod audiverit post se, et dein quod conversus sit videre vocem quae loquebatur cum illo.

Quod "tuba" seu "buccina" significet Divinum Verum e caelo revelandum, est quia ita aliquoties auditur Divinum Verum cum defluit a Domino per caelos apud hominem; augetur enim in descensu, et sic influit; sed ita auditur solum in initio apud illos per quos revelandum est Divinum Verum in ultimo sensu, qui est repraesentativus interiorum; sed postea auditur sicut vox humana. Ex his patet unde est quod "vox tubae" seu "buccinae" significet Divinum Verum e caelo revelandum.

[2] Qui scit quod "buccina" seu "tuba" significet Divinum Verum e caelo, is intelligere potest plura loca in Verbo, ubi illae nominantur:

- Ut apud Matthaeum,

"Mittet angelos cum tubae voce magna, et congregabunt electos ex quatuor ventis" (24:31);

apud Esaiam,

"Omnes habitatores orbis et incolae terrae, quando tolletur signum montium, aspicite; et cum clangetur tuba, audite" (18:3);

apud Jeremiam,

"Proclamate tuba in terra, ... erigite signum Zionem versus... Quousque videbo signum audiam vocem tubae? quoniam stolidus meus filii stulti illi, et non intelligentes illi" (4:5, 6, 21 [, 22]):

apud eundem,

"Constitui super Vos speculatores, attendite ad vocem tubae; sed dixerunt, Non attendemus; quare audite gentes" (6:17, 18);

apud Ezechielem,

"Vocem tubae audivit, nec sibi tamen cavit; sanguis ejus super illo erit; quod si is cavisset, animam suam eripuisset" (33:5);

apud Hoscheam,

"Ad palatum tuum buccina, ... quia transgressi sunt foedus meum, et contra legem meam praevaricati sunt" (8:1);

apud Sachariam,

"Dominus Jehovih tuba clanget, et procedet in procellis meridiei" (9:14);

apud Davidem,

"Ascendit Deus cum clangore, et Jehovah cum voce tubae" (Psalms 47:6 [B.A. 5]); et quoque in Apocalypsi (cap. Apocalypsi 4:1; 8:2, 7, 8, 13; 9:1, 13, 14; 10:7; 18:22).

Quia "tuba" significavit Divinum Verum, ideo cum Divinum Verum primo revelandum erat coram populo Israelitico,

Voces tubae e monte sinai auditae sunt (Exodus 19:16).

Et ideo clangere tuba apud illos repraesentativum factum est,

Cum convocarentur, cumque proficiscerentur, et quoque in solennitatibus, in principiis mensium, ad holocausta et sacrificia eucharistica (Numeri 10:1-10);

Et quoque tubis clanxerunt cum proelium gesserunt contra Midianitas (Numeri 31:6);

Et cum ceperunt urbem Jericho (Joshua 6:4-20);

bella enim et proelia significabant pugnas spirituales, quae sunt veri contra falsum, et falsi contra verum.

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