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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 658

658. Their bodies three days and a half. 1- That this signifies the complete extinction of Divine Truth and Divine Good, is evident from the signification of bodies, namely, of the witnesses, as denoting those who have extinguished in themselves all Divine Truth and Divine Good. For the two witnesses, whom they slew, signify the goods of love and of charity and the truths of doctrine and of faith, see above (n. 228, 635); consequently their bodies, when slain, signify that these have been extinguished. But because the good of love and of charity and the truth of doctrine and of faith cannot be extinguished except with those who are in falsities of doctrine and in evils of life, therefore these are meant, since others do not see that the goods of love and the truths of doctrine are extinguished. For every one sees the things which are of the Lord, and thence the things which pertain to heaven and the church, according to the quality of his state, and it is from this that he sees, therefore he cannot see otherwise than in agreement with that quality. Thus he who denies the Lord and His Divine in heaven and in the church does not see them, because he regards them negatively, therefore he does not see the witnesses alive, but their bodies as carcases, that is, he considers the goods of love and truths of doctrine as nothing, consequently also extinguished. The above is evident from the signification of three days and a half, as denoting what is complete, in this case, a complete extinction.

[2] "Three and a half" denotes what is complete, because three signifies an entire period or duration from beginning to end, consequently, where the church is treated of, as in the present case, three and a half signifies even unto its end, and at the same time to a new beginning wherefore it is said that after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and that they stood upon their feet, which signifies the beginning of a new church after the end of the old. For all the good of love and truth of doctrine is extinguished at the end of the church, but then there is a resuscitation which takes place with those in whom a new church is established by the Lord, which is also signified by the spirit of life which entered into them. A full or complete state is also signified by three days and a half, for the reason that this number has a similar signification to that of the number seven, for it is its half; and a number halved, like a number doubled, has a signification similar to that of the number itself that is halved or doubled; and the number seven signifies all, also what is full and complete, and it is used in reference to what is holy pertaining to heaven and the church. The signification of this number may be seen treated of above (n. 20, 24, 257, 388). That the greater numbers, as they are composed of smaller numbers, have a signification similar to that of the simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication, may be also seen above (n. 430:1-4), and that three signifies an entire period greater or less from beginning to end may be seen above (n. 532).


1. Note in Photolithographic copy- "3 1:2: - 1 Kings xvii; viii; Luke 4:25."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 658

658. Their bodies three days and a half, signifies the complete extinction of Divine truth and of Divine good. 1This is evident from the signification of "bodies" (that is, of the "witnesses"), as being those who have extinguished with themselves all Divine truth and Divine good; for "the two witnesses," whom they killed, signify the goods of love and charity and the truths of doctrine and faith (See above, n. 228, 635); consequently "their bodies when killed" signify that these have been extinguished; but because the good of love and charity and the truth of doctrine and faith can be extinguished only with those who are in falsities of doctrine and in evils of life, these are meant, since others do not see that the goods of love and the truths of doctrine are extinguished; for everyone sees the things that are of the Lord, and thus of heaven and the church, according to what his state is, since from that he sees; consequently he can see no otherwise than in accord with what that is. Thus he who denies the Lord and His Divine in heaven and in the church sees them not, because he sees from the negative; therefore such a one does not see the witnesses alive, but their bodies as carcasses, that is, the goods of love and the truths of doctrine as no truths and goods, consequently as extinguished. The above is evident also from the signification of "three days and a half," as meaning what is complete, here complete extinction.

[2] "Three and a half" means completeness, because "three" signifies an entire period or duration from beginning to end, consequently where the church is treated of, as here, "three and a half" signifies even to the end, and at the same time to a new beginning of it; therefore it is added "after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their (20, 24, 257, 300). That the greater numbers that are composed of smaller ones have a similar signification as the simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication, may be also seen above (n. 430); and that "three" signifies an entire period greater or less from beginning to end (above, n. 532).


1. ([MARGINAL NOTE:] 3 1/2:1 Kings 17;1 Kings 18; Luke 4:25.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 658 (original Latin 1759)

658. "Corpora illorum dies tres et dimidium." 1

– Quod significet plenariam exstinctionem Divini Veri ac Divini Boni, constat ex significatione "corporum", nempe "testium", quod sint qui apud se exstinxerunt omne Divinum Verum ac Divinum Bonum; per "binos" enim "testes", quos occiderunt, significantur bona doctrinae et fidei (videatur supra, n. 228, 635); inde per "corpora illorum", dum occisi, significatur quod illa exstincta, sint; at quia bonum amoris et charitatis ac verum doctrinae et fidei non exstingui possunt nisi quam apud illos qui in falsis doctrinae et in malis vitae sunt, ideo illi intelliguntur, quoniam alii non vident bona amoris et vera doctrinae exstincta: (unusquisque enim videt illa quae Domini sunt, et inde quae caeli et ecclesiae, secundum sui status quale, videt enim ex illo; quare non aliter videt quam qualis ille est: ut qui negat Dominum ac Divinum Ipsius in caelo et in ecclesia, ille non videt illa, quia ex negativo videt; quare is non videt testes vivos, sed "corpora" illorum sicut cadavera; hoc est, bona amoris et vera doctrinae ut nulla, proinde exstincta): et ex significatione "dierum trium et dimidii", quod sit plenarium, hic exstinctio plenaria;

[2] quod "tria et dimidium" sint plenarium, est quia "tria" significant integram periodum seu durationem a principio ad finem; proinde ubi de ecclesia agitur, ut hic, "tria et dimidium" significant usque ad finem et simul ad novum principium ejus; quare sequitur quod "post tres dies et dimidium spiritus vitae a Deo intraverit in illos", et quod "steterint super pedibus suis", per quae significatur principium novae ecclesiae post finem veteris: nam omne bonum amoris et verum doctrinae in fine ecclesiae exstinctum est; at tunc quoque resuscitatur, quod fit apud illos apud quos nova ecclesia a Domino instauratur, quod etiam significatur per "spiritum vitae" qui intravit in illos.

Quod "dies tres et dimidium" significent plenarium seu statum plenum, est quoque ex eo, quod ille numerus simile significet cum numero "septem", est enim dimidium ejus, ac per numerum dimidiatum, ut et per numerum duplicatum, simile significatur quod per numerum cujus dimidium aut duplum est; ac per numerum "septem" significatur omne, tum plenum et plenarium, et praedicatur de sancto caeli et ecclesiae, de qua illius numeri significatione videatur su

pra (n. 20, 24, 257, 300 2

). Quod numeri majores et congregati ex minoribus simile significent cum simplicibus ex quibus per multiplicationem exsurgunt, videatur etiam supra (n. 430 [a, b]); et quod "tria" significent integram periodum majorem aut minorem, a principio ad finem (supra, n. 532).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.. [NOTA: – .] 3 1/2: - 1 Reg. 27; cap. 8: Luca 4:25.

1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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