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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 430

430. A hundred and forty and four thousand, sealed out of every tribe [of the sons] of Israel.- That this signifies all who are in truth from good, and therefore in the church of the Lord, is evident from the signification of "a hundred and forty and four thousand," as denoting all things, and because it is stated of those who are in truths from good, of which signification we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the tribes of Israel, as denoting those who are in truths from good, and who are therefore in the church of the Lord, for tribes signify truths from good, and Israel signifies the church. That the tribes of Israel have this signification, will be seen in the following article. The reason why "a hundred and forty and four thousand" signifies all things and all persons, and is stated of truths from good, is, that this number arises out of the number twelve, which signifies all things and all persons, and is used in reference to truths from good. For the larger numbers, and those formed from the smaller, have the same signification as the smaller numbers and the simple ones from which they result by multiplication. Upon this fact see Arcana Coelestia 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). For example, a hundred and forty-four, as well as a hundred and forty-four thousand, signify the same as twelve, for a hundred and forty-four is the result of twelve, multiplied into itself, and 144,000 of 12,000 multiplied into twelve. 1

[2] There are simple numbers whose signification is higher than others, and from these the larger numbers derive their significations, namely, the numbers two, three, five, and seven. Two signifies union, and is used in reference to good; three signifies what is full, and is used in reference to truths; five signifies much and some, and seven signifies what is holy. From the number two the numbers 4, 8, 16, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, 8000, 16,000 result, and these have the same signification as two, because they result from this simple number multiplied into itself, and then multiplied into 10. From the number three result 6, 12, 24, 72, 144, 1440, 144,000, and these also have the same signification as three, because they arise from this simple number by multiplication. From the number five arise 10, 50, 100, 1000, 10000, 100,000, and these also have the same signification as the number five, because they are the result of multiplication. From the number seven arise 14, 70, 700, 7000, 70,000, and these results have a similar signification. Because the number three signifies what is full, and full denotes all, therefore from this the number twelve derives its signification of all things and all persons. The reason why it is used of truths from good is, because it is the result of three multiplied into four, and three is used of truths and four of good, as stated above.

[3] He who does not know that the number twelve signifies all things, and that the numbers which arise from it by multiplication have a similar signification, and that each tribe signifies something that is a universal and an essential of the church, merely knows that only 12,000 out of every tribe of Israel were sealed, and that these therefore were received, or were to be received into heaven, when yet by the 12,000 are not meant 12,000, nor by the tribes named there the tribes of Israel; but by 12,000 are meant all, and by the tribes of Israel, those who are in truths from good, and therefore all who form the church of the Lord in whatever part of the earth they may be. Every one who thinks intelligently may understand that such things are signified; for where are those tribes now, and where were they when John wrote this? Were they not, except the tribe of Judah, dispersed throughout a large part of the globe? And where is known to no one. And yet it is said that they were to be sealed, in order that they might be introduced by the Lord into heaven, and be with Him, as is clear in the Apocalypse (chap. The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248). It is evident therefore that 12,000 does not mean 12,000, nor do tribes mean the tribes of Israel, but all who are in truths from good, thus all who are of the church of the Lord. This will be further seen from the signification of each tribe in the spiritual sense; for each tribe signifies something that is a universal or an essential of the church, in which those are who belong to the church. The universal of each has reference also to truths from good, and these are manifold. For all who are in the heavens differ from one another in regard to good, and therefore in regard to truth, because every living truth in a man and in an angel is from good, and is according to it. Besides, all those who are of the church of the Lord are in truths from good, for those who are in truths and not in good, are not of the church; since as was just stated, every living truth in a man and in an angel is from good. Concerning this see above (n. 6, 59, 136, 242, 286, 292); and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 11-27). That goods and truths thence are of infinite variety, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 56, 71, 405, 418, 486, 588), and in the small work The Last Judgment 13); also in Arcana Coelestia 684, 690, 3241, 3267, 3470, 3519, 3744-3746, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 5598, 6917, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002. The reason why goods and the truths from them are of infinite variety, is because every angel, and every man in whom is the church, is his own good, and consequently his own truth; therefore the whole heaven is arranged according to the affections that pertain to love to the Lord, and to charity towards the neighbour, and faith thence; and all good pertains to those affections.

[4] That the number 144,000, or the number 12,000 multiplied into twelve, signifies all truths from good, in regard to their classes and species in their entirety, is evident from the use of the number 144 - which results from twelve multiplied into twelve - in other parts of the Apocalypse, where the city, New Jerusalem, is described by measurements in numbers. Concerning the dimensions of its wall, it is said,

"He measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel" (Apoc. 21:17).

The city Jerusalem here signifies the New Church to be established by the Lord, and its doctrine; therefore, all the things mentioned, as the wall, the gates, and the foundations, mean such things as relate to the church consequently spiritual things. And because the church and its doctrine are described in the sense of the letter by the city Jerusalem, and a city admits of measurement, therefore the spiritual things of that church are described by measurements in numbers, and its wall by the number 144, or twelve multiplied into twelve, by which number are signified truths from good in their whole extent, for a wall signifies truths defending against falsities and evils. That this number has such a signification, is plain from the statement that the measure of 144 cubits is the measure of a man, that is of an angel

No one can understand what this involves, unless it be known that measure, in the spiritual sense, has the same signification as number, namely, the quality of the thing treated of; and that man signifies the reception of truth from spiritual affection, that is, from good and intelligence thence. The signification of "an angel" is similar. For a man is an angel when he is in truths from good; he also becomes an angel after death. The number 144,000 has the same signification. For a larger or smaller number, if from the same origin, has a similar signification, a larger number being used when a great multitude is concerned, or when it embraces many classes at the same time, as in the case of 144,000, which embraces all the classes of truth from good, signified by twelve thousand sealed out of every tribe; and as is the case with the measure of the wall, which is said to be 144 cubits, because it includes both the gates and the foundations, which are twelve in number.

[5] Concerning the gates and the foundations of the New Jerusalem, it is said, "Having a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and above the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes [of the sons] of Israel. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." And the foundations consisted of twelve precious stones (Apocalypse xxi.

[12, 14,] 19-21). Will not he who knows that the New Jerusalem means a new church, be able to see that the number twelve so frequently mentioned means that chief and primary thing from which the church exists? And the chief and primary constituent of the church is truth from good, for everything pertaining to the church is from that, since truth pertains to its doctrine and good to life according to doctrine. But the particular signification of the gates and the foundations will be given in the explanation of that chapter.

[6] Because that number signifies all things, and is used in reference to truths from good, and the New Jerusalem signifies a new church, therefore the dimensions of the city itself are also stated in the following words by the same number multiplied,

"And the city lieth four square, and the length is as large as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal" (Apoc. 21:16).

What is signified in the spiritual sense by length, breadth and height, will be also explained hereafter. The City, in that sense, means the doctrine of the church; and by 12,000 [furlongs] are meant all its truths from good.

[7] The number twelve is also used of the fruits of the trees which were about the river in the following words, "In the midst of the street of it, and on this side of the river and on that side, was the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, and yielding its fruit every month" (Apoc. 22:2). Since truths of doctrine are signified by the streets of the city, since intelligence is signified by the river going forth thence, perception of truth from good from the Lord by the tree of life, and good from which are truths by fruits, it is therefore clear that twelve signifies truths from good, by means of which there is intelligence and from which the church exists.

[8] Because a representative church was to be established with the sons of Jacob, it was therefore provided by the Lord that he should have twelve sons (see Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 24).

[9] Because the twelve tribes named after the twelve sons of Jacob represented the church, and everything belonging to it, therefore the number twelve, on account of such signification, was used in connection with various subjects. For example, it is said that the princes of Israel were twelve in number (Numbers 1:44); that these twelve princes brought to the dedication of the altar twelve silver chargers, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden spoons, twelve bullocks, twelve rams, twelve lambs, and twelve goats (7:84, 87). By each of the things which they brought are signified such things as relate to truths from good. So also twelve men were sent to explore the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:23); for the land of Canaan signifies the church. Also twelve precious stones were set in the breast-plate of judgment, or in the Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28:21; 39:14); precious stones signify truths from good. Again, twelve cakes were placed upon the table in two rows, which were called the bread of faces (Leviticus 24:5, 6); the bread signifies the good of love, and the table its reception, so also truth in general, because this is the recipient of good. Again, Moses built an altar under Mount Sinai, and erected twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel (Exodus 24:4); for the altar signifies the good of the church, and the pillars, its truths; therefore by the altar and the twelve pillars are signified all truths from good, by means of which the church exists.

[10] So also twelve men carried twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, and set them up in Gilgal, that they might be for a memorial among the sons of Israel. Twelve stones were also placed in the midst of the Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests stood who bare the ark of the covenant (Josh. 4:1-9, 20). The Jordan in the Word signifies introduction into the church; the stones carried thence, and those [set up] in the midst of the river, signify the truths of the church, by means of which introduction takes place. Elijah also took twelve stones, and built an altar (1 Kings 18:31, 32); for an altar signifies the good of the church, and stones signify its truths.

[11] So again,

Moses chose twelve thousand of the sons of Israel, to fight against Midian under the command of Phinehas, and they returned with great spoil, without the loss of a single man (Numbers 31:5, 6, 49).

Midian signifies those who are in the knowledges of truth, but still not in a life agreeable to them, and therefore twelve thousand were sent against him; the great spoil taken from them, has the same signification as the raiment, the silver, and gold, which the sons of Israel took from the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36); and similarly the unjust mammon, of which the Lord told His disciples to make to themselves friends (Luke 16:9), which means the knowledges of truth, which they possess in doctrine and not in life.

[12] Solomon also placed the brazen sea which he made, upon twelve oxen (253:6, 7).

[13] It is said concerning Ishmael, that he should be blessed and should increase, and that twelve princes should be born of him (Genesis 17:20; 25:16). This was said of Ishmael, because he signified the external church with all its truths from good. It is said of Elisha that he was found by Elijah ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he among the twelve; and that then he cast his mantle upon him (1 Kings 19:19). This was done and said because Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord as to the Word, in which are all truths from good; therefore when that representation was transferred from Elijah to Elisha, signified by his casting his mantle upon him, Elisha was seen ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself among the twelve, which signifies the formation of the church by means of truths from good from the Word, as may be seen above (n. 12:1).

This was seen because a woman signifies the church, and stars signify cognitions of truth; the good of these is signified by a crown, and intelligence by the head.

[14] The twelve apostles of the Lord, also, have a similar representation to that of the twelve tribes of Israel; collectively they represented the church, and individually, some essential of the church; for this reason they were twelve in number. From these considerations it is evident whence and why it is said that the New Jerusalem, by which are signified the church and its doctrines, had twelve gates, and above the gates twelve angels, and names written, which are those of the twelve tribes of Israel; that the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (9, 206, 253:6, 270, 297, 333).

[15] He who does not know that twelve signifies all things, cannot know the interior truth signified by the twelve baskets of fragments that remained over from the five loaves and the two fishes, with which the Lord fed five thousand men, besides women and children (Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:37-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:9-13); in these places every particular, even to the very numbers, is significative. The five thousand men, besides women and children, signify all those of the church who are in truths from good; the men, those in truths; and the women and children, those who are in good; the loaves signify the goods, and the fishes the truths of the natural man; and by their eating and being filled is signified spiritual nourishment from the Lord; the twelve baskets of fragments signify the cognitions of truth and good thence in perfect abundance and fulness.

[16] Because twelve signifies all things, and is used in reference to truths from good, which make the church, therefore the Lord, when He was twelve years old, left [His] father and mother, and tarried in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions (Luke 2:42-46); by which is meant the initiation and introduction of His Human into all things of heaven and of the church. Therefore also when found He said, "Wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" (verse 49). Since the number twelve signifies all things, and is used in reference to truths from good, therefore the Lord said, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not" (John 11:9). Day signifies enlightenment in truths from good, and the twelve hours of the day signify all things of truth from good, and walking signifies to live. Therefore these words, in the spiritual sense, signify that he who lives in any kind of truth that is from good is in enlightenment, and does not wander into falsities. Because twelve signifies all things therefore the Lord said, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He shall cause to assist Me more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53). The twelve legions of angels mean the whole heaven, and more than these signify the Divine Omnipotence.

From these things the signification of a hundred and forty-four thousand out of every tribe is now evident, namely, all who are in truths from good. The twelve thousand out of every tribe mean all who are in that kind of truth from good which is signified by the particular tribe mentioned. Therefore neither twelve thousand are meant nor those who were of the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Napthali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Moreover, it should be understood that all these, or the hundred and forty-four thousand, mean those who were taken up into heaven before the Last Judgment. But by those afterwards mentioned from verse 9 to the end of this chapter, are meant those who were reserved by the Lord until the Last Judgment, and who were then first taken up into heaven; concerning, these see above (n. 14:1: "The Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads." It is further said of these, that "no man could learn that song, but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were bought from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins bought from among men, being the first-fruits unto God and unto the Lamb" (verses 3, 4). The same are also meant by those who are of the first resurrection; and the rest those who are of the second resurrection (Apoc. 20:4-6).


1. The text in the photolithograpy copy is "ac 144,000 ex 12,000 in 12,000;" and further on we find "quo numerus 144,000 seu numerus 12,000 in se multiplicati significet," etc. There is an obvious error here, and we have accordingly followed the editor of the American Latin edition, who has "ac 144,000 ex 12,000 in 12."

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 430

430. A hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel, signifies all who are in truths from good, and thence in the Lord's church. This is evident from the signification of "a hundred and forty-four thousand," as being all things, and as being said of those who are in truths from good (of which presently); also from the signification of "the tribes of Israel," as being those who are in truths from good, and thence who are in the Lord's church, "tribes" signifying truths from good, and "Israel" the church. That this is the signification of "the tribe of Israel" will be seen in the following article. "A hundred and forty-four thousand" signifies all things and all persons, and is predicated of truths from good, because that number arises out of the number twelve, and "twelve" signifies all things and all persons, and is predicated of truths from good; for greater numbers, and those made up of smaller numbers, have a similar signification as the smaller and simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication (on which see Arcana Coelestia 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). Thus "a hundred and forty-four" and "a hundred and forty-four thousand" have a similar significance as "twelve," for a hundred and forty-four arises out of twelve multiplied into itself, and a hundred and forty-four thousand out of twelve thousand multiplied into twelve.

[2] There are simple numbers that are more significative than others, and from which the greater numbers derive their significations, namely, the numbers two, three, five, and seven; "two" signifies union, and is predicated of good; "three" signifies fullness, and is predicated of truths; "five" signifies much and something; and "seven" signifies holiness. From the number two the numbers 4, 8, 16, 400, 800, 1, 600, 4, 000, 8, 000, and 16, 000 arise; and these numbers have a similar signification as two, because they arise from that simple number multiplied into itself, and multiplied by ten. From the number three the numbers 6, 12, 24, 72, 144, and 144, 000 arise; and these numbers have a similar signification as three, because they arise from this simple number by multiplication. From the number five the numbers 10, 50, 100, 1, 000, 10, 000, and 100, 000 arise, and these numbers have a similar signification as five, because 1they arise from it by multiplication. From the number seven the numbers 14, 70, 700, 7, 000, and 70, 000 arise, and these numbers have a similar signification as seven, because they arise from it. As the number "three" signifies fullness, and fullness implies all, the number twelve derives from this its signification of all things and all persons; and it is predicated of truths from good because it arises out of three multiplied into four, and three is predicated of truths, and four of good, as was said above.

[3] One who does not know that "twelve" signifies all things, and that the numbers that are multiples of it have a like signification, and who does not know that each tribe signifies some universal and essential constituent of the church, can have no other idea than that simply twelve thousand of every tribe of Israel were sealed, and consequently were received or are to be received into heaven; nevertheless the "twelve thousand" here do not mean twelve thousand, nor do the "tribes" here enumerated mean the tribes of Israel; but "twelve thousand" means all, and "the tribes of Israel" those who are in truths from good, 2and thus all, wherever on the earth they may be, who constitute the church of the Lord. That this is the signification, everyone who thinks intelligently can perceive; for where now are these tribes, and where were they when this was written by John? Have they not been scattered through a great part of the globe, and excepting the tribe of Judah, it is not known to anyone where they are? And yet it is said that they are to be sealed, that they may be introduced by the Lord into heaven and be with Him (as appears in The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 248). From this it can be seen that "twelve thousand" does not mean twelve thousand, nor do "tribes" mean the tribes of Israel, but they mean all who are in truths from good, thus all who are of the Lord's church. This will become still clearer from the significations of each tribe in the spiritual sense; for each tribe signifies some universal or essential of the church, in which those are who are of the church.

Moreover, the universal of each has relation to truths from good, and truths are manifold; for all who are in the heavens differ from each other in respect to good, and thence also in respect to truth, since every truth that has life in man or angel is from good and in accordance with good. Furthermore, all who are of the Lord's church are in truths from good, while those who are in truths and not in good are not of the church; for, as was just said, every truth that has life in man or angel is from good. (On this see above, n. 6, 59, 136, 242, 286, 292; and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n. 11-27. That goods and truths therefrom are of infinite variety, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 56, 71, 405, 418, 486, 585, in the small work on the Last Judgment 13, ; also Arcana Coelestia 684, 690, 3241, 3267, 3470, 3519, 3744-3746, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 5598, 6917, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002). Goods and the truths from them are of infinite variety, because every angel and every man in whom is the church is his own good and his own truth therefrom; so, too, the universal heaven is arranged according to the affections that are of love to the Lord and of charity towards the neighbor, and of faith therefrom, and all good is of these affections.

[4] The number "a hundred and forty-four thousand," or the number twelve thousand multiplied into twelve 3signifies all truths from good, in respect to their genera and species in the whole complex, as can be seen from the meaning of the number "one hundred and forty-four," which is twelve multiplied into twelve, in the following passages in Revelation, where the city New Jerusalem is described by measures expressed in numbers. Of the measure of its wall it is said:

He measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty-four cubits, which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel (Revelation 21:17).

"The city Jerusalem" here signifies a new church to be established by the Lord, and its doctrine; therefore all things that are mentioned, as the "wall," the "gates," and the "foundations," mean such things as belong to the church, consequently spiritual things; and as the church and its doctrine are here described in the sense of the letter by "the city Jerusalem," and a city can be measured, therefore the spiritual things of that church are designated by measures expressed in numbers, and its wall by the number "one hundred and forty-four," or by twelve multiplied into twelve, which number signifies truths from good in the whole complex; for a "wall" signifies truths defending against falsities and evils. That such is the signification of this number is clearly evident from its being said that the measure of a "hundred and forty-four cubits" is "the measure of a man, that is, of an angel." What this involves cannot be known unless it is known that measure, in the spiritual sense, has a similar signification as number, namely, the quality of the thing treated of; and that "man" signifies the reception of truth from spiritual affection, that is, from good, and intelligence therefrom; "angel" having a similar signification, since a man is an angel when he is in truths from good, and also becomes an angel after death. The number "a hundred and forty-four thousand" has a similar signification; for larger and smaller numbers, if from a similar origin, have a like signification, the larger number being made use of when the multitude is greater, or when many kinds together are included, as "a hundred and forty-four thousand," which includes all kinds of truth from good, which are signified by "twelve thousand 4sealed out of every tribe;" and as the measure of the wall, which is said to be "a hundred and forty-four cubits," which includes both the gates and the foundations, which are twelve in number.

[5] So respecting the gates and the foundations it is said:

The New Jerusalem had a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and upon the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. And the wall had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And the foundations consisted of twelve kinds of precious stones (Revelation 21:12, 14, 19-21).

When it is known that "the New Jerusalem" means a new church, who will not perceive that the number "twelve" so often employed, means the chief and primary constituent of the church? And the chief and primary constituent of the church is truth from good, for everything of the church is from that, for truth is of its doctrine, and good is of a life according to doctrine. But the signification of "gates" and of "foundations" will be told when that chapter is explained.

[6] Because the number "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, and "the New Jerusalem" signifies a new church, therefore the measurement of the city itself is indicated by a multiple of a like number, in these words:

The city lieth foursquare, and the length thereof is as great as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand stadia. The length and the breadth and the height are equal (Revelation 21:16).

What is signified by "length, breadth, and height" in the spiritual sense will also be told below in the explanation; "the city" means in that sense the doctrine of the church, and "twelve thousand stadia" all its truths from good.

[7] Again the number "twelve" is used here in reference to the fruits of the trees about the river, in these words:

In the midst of its street and of the river, on this side and on that, was there the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit every month (Revelation 21:2).

Since "the streets of the city" signify the truths of doctrine; "the river going forth thence" intelligence; "the tree of life" the perception of truth from good from the Lord, and "fruits" the good from which are truths, it is clear that "twelve" signifies truths from good, through which is intelligence, and of which the church is constituted.

[8] As a representative church was to be instituted among the sons of Jacob, it was provided by the Lord that he should have twelve sons (The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 24.)

[9] As the twelve tribes named from the twelve sons of Jacob represented the church, and all things belonging to it, the number "twelve," on account of such signification, was employed in various connections:

As that the princes of Israel were twelve in number (Numbers 1:44).

That these twelve princes brought to the dedication of the altar twelve chargers of silver, twelve bowls of silver, twelve spoons of gold, twelve bullocks, twelve rams, twelve lambs, and twelve goats (Numbers 7:84, 87).

Each one of these things that they brought signifies such things as have reference to truths from good. So too:

Twelve men were sent to explore the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:23);

for "the land of Canaan" signifies the church. So too:

There were twelve precious stones in the breastplate of judgment, or the Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28:21; 39:14);

"precious stones" signifying truths from good. So again:

There were twelve cakes of bread placed in two rows upon the table, which were called the bread of faces (Leviticus 24:5, 6);

"bread" signifying the good of love, and the "table" its reception, thus also truth in general, since truth is what receives good. Again:

Moses built an altar below Mount Sinai, and erected twelve pillars for the twelve tribes 5of Israel (Exodus 24:4);

for an "altar" signifies the good of the church, and "pillars" its truths, thence "the altar and twelve pillars" together signify all truths from good by which the church exists.

[10] Again:

Twelve men carried twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan which were set up in Gilgal, that they might be for a memorial to the sons of Israel. And also twelve stones were set up in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests that bare the ark stood (Joshua 4:1-9, 20);

"Jordan" in the Word signifying the introduction into the church, and "stones" therefrom and in its midst, the truths of the church through which introduction is effected.

[11] So again:

Elijah took twelve stones, and built an altar (1 Kings 18:31, 32);

"altar" signifying the good of the church, and "stones" its truths.

Moses sent twelve thousand of the sons of Israel, with Phinehas as commander, against Midian, and they returned with great spoil, with not a man missing (Numbers 31:5, 6, 49).

For "Midian" signifies those who are in the knowledges of truth, but not in a life according to them, therefore "twelve thousand" were sent against them. The "great spoil" taken from them, has a similar signification as the "raiment, silver, and gold," which the sons of Israel took from the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36), and a similar signification as the "unrighteous mammon" of which they should make to themselves friends (Luke 16:9, namely, the knowledges of truth therefrom, which they hold as doctrine and not in the life.

[12] So again:

Solomon placed upon twelve oxen the brazen sea that he made (253).

[13] Of Ishmael it is said:

That he should be blessed and multiplied, and that twelve princes should be born from him (Genesis 17:20; 25:16);

for the reason that "Ishmael" signified the external church with all its truths from good. Of Elisha it is said:

That Elijah found him plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he among the twelve; and that he cast his mantle upon him (1 Kings 19:19).

This was done and said because Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord in respect to the Word, in which are all truths from good; consequently when this representation was transferred from Elijah to Elisha, which was signified by his casting his mantle upon him, Elisha was seen "plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he among the twelve," which signifies the formation of the church by means of truths from good out of the Word (See above, n. Revelation 12:1).

This was seen because a "woman" signifies the church and "stars" the knowledges of truth: a "crown" the good of these knowledges, and the "head" intelligence.

[14] The Lord's twelve apostles had a similar representation as the twelve tribes of Israel; namely, they collectively represented the church, and each one of them some essential of the church, and for this reason there were twelve of them.

From this it can be seen why it is and what it signifies that the New Jerusalem (which signifies the church and its doctrine) is said:

To have twelve gates, and upon the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel; and that the wall had twelve foundations, and on these the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (9, 206, 253, 270, 297, 333).

[15] He who does not know that "twelve" signifies all things cannot know the arcanum that is signified by:

The twelve baskets of fragments that remained from the five loaves and two fishes with which the Lord fed five thousand men besides women and children (Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:37-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:9-13).

Each particular here, with the numbers themselves, is significative; "the five thousand men besides women and children," signify all who are of the church that are in truths from good; the "men" signifying those who are in truths, and the "women and children" those who are in good; "loaves" the goods and "fishes" the truths of the natural man; "eating" spiritual nourishment from the Lord; the "twelve baskets of fragments" the knowledges of truth and good therefrom in all abundance and fullness.

[16] Because "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, which constitute the church:

When the Lord was twelve years old He left father and mother and remained in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them and asking them questions (Luke 2:42, 46);

by which is meant the initiation and introduction of His Human into all things of heaven and the church; therefore when He was found He said:

Wist ye not that I must be in the things that are My Father's? (verse 49).

Because "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, the Lord said:

Are there not twelve hours of the day? If a man walk in the day he stumbleth not (John 11:9);

"day" signifying illustration in truths from good, and the "twelve hours of the day" all things of truth from good, and "to walk" signifying to live; these words, therefore, in the spiritual sense signify that one who is living in any kind of truth from good is in illustration, and does not stray into falsities. Because "twelve" signifies all things, the Lord said:

Thinkest thou that I cannot now beseech My Father and He will cause to stand by Me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53).

"Twelve legions of angels" meaning the whole heaven, and "more than these" signifying Divine omnipotence.

[17] From this it can now be seen what is signified by "a hundred and forty-four thousand out of every tribe," namely, all who are in truths from good; and "twelve thousand out of each tribe" all who are in that kind of truth from good which is signified by the tribe named; consequently, that twelve thousand are not meant, nor those who are of the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Furthermore, it is to be known that all these, or "the hundred and forty-four thousand," mean those who were taken up into heaven before the Last Judgment; but those afterward mentioned, from verse 7:9-17to the end of this chapter, mean those that were preserved by the Lord until the Last Judgment, and were then first taken up into heaven (respecting whom see above, n. 14:1).

Of these it is said that:

No one could learn the song save the hundred and forty-four thousand bought from the earth. These are they who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins, bought from among men, the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb (verses 14:3-4); and the same are meant by those who are "of the first resurrection;" and the others are meant by those who were "of the second resurrection" (Revelation 20:4-6).


1. The photolithograph has "which" for "because."

2. The photolithograph has "in" for "from."

3. The photolithograph has "itself" for "twelve."

4. The photolithograph has "twelve" for "twelve thousand."

5. The photolithograph has "sons" for "tribes." The latter is found in AC 9389.

Apocalypsis Explicata 430 (original Latin 1759)

430. "Centum quadraginta quatuor millia (signati) ex omni tribu (filiorum) Israelis." - Quod significet omnes qui in veris ex bono sunt, et inde in ecclesia Domini, constat ex significatione "centum quadraginta quatuor millium", quod sint omnia, et quod dicantur de illis qui in veris ex bono sunt (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "tribuum Israelis", quod sint qui in veris ex bono sunt, et inde qui in ecclesia Domini, "tribus" enim significant vera ex bono, ac "Israel" ecclesiam; quod "tribus Israelis" illa significent, videbitur in sequente articulo.

Quod "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" significent omnia et omnes, et quod dicantur de veris ex bono, est quia ille numerus exsurgit ex numero duodecim, ac "duodecim significant omnia et omnes, ac dicuntur de veris ex bono; numeri enim majores, et congregati ex minoribus, simile significant cum numeris minoribus et simplicibus a quibus per multiplicationem exsurgunt (de qua re videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973); ita "centum quadraginta quatuor", tum "centum quadraginta quatuor millia", simile cum "duodecim significant, nam 144 exsurgunt ex 12 in se multiplicatis, Arcana Coelestia 144000 ex 12000 in 112.

[2] Sunt numeri simplices qui prae reliquis significativi sunt, ex quibus majores numeri suas significationes trahunt, nempe numeri duo, tres, quinque et septem; "duo" significant unionem et dicuntur de bono, "tres" significant plenum ac dicuntur de veris, "quinque" significant multum et aliquid, ac "septem" significant sanctum. Ex numero 2 exsurgunt numeri 4, 8, 16, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, 8000, 16000, qui numeri simile significant cum "duo", quia ex hoc simplici numero per multiplicationem in se et per multiplicationem cum 10, exsurgunt: ex numero 3 exsurgunt 6, 12, 24, 72, 144, 1440, 144000, qui numeri etiam similia significant cum "tria", quia ex hoc simplici numero per multiplicationem exsurgunt: ex numero 5 exsurgunt 10, 50, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, qui etiam numeri simile significant cum "quinque", 1

quia ex illo per multiplicationem exsurgunt: ex numero 7 exsurgunt 14, 70, 700, 7000, 70000, qui numeri etiam simile significant cum "septem", quia ex illo exsurgunt. Quoniam "tria" significant plenum, ac plenum est omne, inde trahit numerus "duodecim" quod significet omnia et omnes; quod dicatur de veris ex bono est quia exsurgit ex 3 multiplicatis in 4, ac "tria" dicuntur de veris et "quatuor" de bono, ut supra dictum est.

[3] Qui non scit quod "duodecim" significent omnia, ac quod simile numeri inde multiplicati, et qui non scit quod unaquaevis "tribus" aliquod universale et essentiale ecclesiae significet, prorsus non scit aliud quam quod forent duodecim millia ex unaquavis tribu Israelis solum "signati", ita qui recepti, seu qui recipiendi in caelum; cum tamen ibi per "duodecim millia" non intelliguntur duodecim millia, nec per "tribus" ibi nominatas tribus Israelis; sed per "duodecim millia" intelliguntur omnes, et per "tribus Israelis" illi qui in veris 2

ex bono sunt, ita omnes ubicunque in terris sunt qui faciunt ecclesiam Domini. Quod talia significentur, quisque qui intelligenter cogitat, percipere potest; ubinam enim nunc sunt tribus illae, et ubinam fuerunt cum hoc a Johanne scriptum fuit? Annon per multum orbis dispersae, et nulli notum ubi sunt, praeter tribum Jehudae? et usque dicitur quod signandi ut a Domino introducantur in caelum, et cum Ipso Sint (ut patet ex capite 14, vers. 1, 3, 4, in Apocalypsi): praeterea notum est quod undecim tribus ibi nominatae ex terra Canaane propter idololatrias et alias abominationes relegatae fuerint; similiter gens Judaica, quae qualis sit videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae (n. 248). Inde constare potest quod per "duodecim millia" non intelligantur duodecim millia, nec per "tribus" intelligantur tribus illae, sed quod intelligantur omnes qui in veris ex bono sunt, ita omnes qui ab ecclesia Domini. Hoc patebit ulterius ex significatione cujusvis tribus in sensu spirituali; nam unaquaevis tribus significat aliquod universale seu essentiale ecclesiae in quo sunt qui ab ecclesia. Universale cujusvis etiam se refert ad vera ex bono, et haec sunt multiplicia; nam omnes qui in caelis sunt differunt inter se quoad bonum et inde quoque quoad verum, quippe omne verum quod vitam habet in homine et in angelo est ex bono et secundum id; praeterea omnes qui ab ecclesia Domini sunt, in veris ex bono sunt; qui enim in veris sunt et non in bono, illi non ab ecclesia sunt: nam, ut mox dictum est, omne verum, quod in homine et in angelo vitam habet, ex bono est. (De qua re videatur supra, n. 6, 59, 136, 242, 286, 292; et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 11-27; quod bona et inde vera sint infinitae varietatis, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 56, 71, 405, 418, 486, 588; et in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 13; tum in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 684, 690, 3241, 3267, 3470, 3519, 3744-3746, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 5598, 6917, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002.) Quod bona et inde vera sint infinitae varietatis, est quia unusquisque angelus et unusquisque homo, in quo est ecclesia, est suum bonum et inde suum verum; quare etiam universum caelum ordinatum est secundum affectiones quae sunt amoris in Dominum, et charitatis erga proximum et inde fidei, et omne bonum est illarum affectionum.

[4] Quod numerus "centum quadraginta quatuor millia", seu numerus 12000 in 3

12 multiplicatus, significet omnia vera ex bono quoad sua genera et species in toto complexu, constare potest ex numero "centum quadraginta quatuor", qui numerus est 12 in 12 multiplicatus, in sequentibus in Apocalypsi, ubi civitas Nova Hierosolyma describitur per mensuras in numeris; de cujus muri mensura ita dicitur,

"Mensus est murum ejus centum quadraginta quatuor cubitorum, quae est mensura hominis, hoc est, angeli" (Apocalypsis 21:17):

per "civitatem Hierosolymam" ibi significatur nova ecclesia a Domino instauranda, et ejus doctrina; quare per omnia illa quae memorantur, ut per "murum", per "portas" et per "fundamenta" intelliguntur talia quae sunt ecclesiae, proinde spiritualia; et quia ecclesia et ejus doctrina in sensu litterae describitur per Hierosolymam civitatem, et civitas est mensurabilis, ideo spiritualia illius ecclesiae designantur per mensuras in numeris, ac murus ejus per numerum "centum quadraginta quatuor", seu per 12 in 12, per quem numerum significantur vera ex bono in omni complexu, "murus" enim significat vera tutantia contra falsa et mala; quod is numerus significet illa, patet manifeste ex eo, quod dicatur quod mensura centum quadraginta quatuor cubitorum esset "mensura hominis, hoc est, angeli." Quid hoc involvit, nemo potest scire, nisi sciat quod per "mensuram" in sensu spirituali significetur simile quod per "numerum", nempe quale rei de qua agitur; et quod per "hominem" significetur receptio veri ex affectione spirituali, hoc est, ex bono, ac inde intelligentia, ac simile per "angelum"; homo enim est angelus quando in veris ex bono est, fit etiam angelus post mortem. Simile etiam significat numerus "centum quadraginta quatuor millia"; nam numerus major et minor, modo ex simili origine sit, simile significat; numerus enim major adhibetur quando major multitudo erit, tum quando complectitur plura genera simul; prout "centum quadraginta quatuor millia", qui complectitur omnia genera veri ex bono, quae significantur per " 4

duodecim millia signatos" ex unaquavis tribu; et prout mensura muri, quae dicitur "centum quadraginta quatuor cubitorum", quia includit tam portas quam fundamenta, quae numero "duodecim" sunt.

[5] De portis et de fundamentis enim dicitur,

Nova Hierosolyma "habens murum magnum et altum, habentem portas duodecim, et super portis angelos duodecim, et nomina scripta quae sunt duodecim tribuum (filiorum) Israelis. ...Murus etiam habebat fundamenta duodecim, et in iis nomina duodecim apostolorum Agni": ...ac fundamenta constabant ex duodecim lapidibus pretiosis (Apoc. 21 [12, 14,] 19-21):

quis non percepturus est, qui scit quod per "Novam Hierosolymam" intelligatur nova ecclesia, quod per numerum "duodecim" toties designatum intelligatur principale et primarium ex quo ecclesia? ac principale et primarium ecclesiae est verum ex bono; nam omne ecclesiae inde est, verum enim est doctrinae ejus, ac bonum est vitae secundum doctrinam: quid autem per "portas" et quid per "fundamenta" ibi significatur, dicetur in explicatione illius capitis.

[6] Quia is numerus significat omnia et praedicatur de veris ex bono, et "Nova Hierosolyma" significat novam ecclesiam, ideo etiam mensura ipsius civitatis per similem numerum multiplicatum designatur, his verbis,

"Civitas jacet quadrangularis, ac longitudo ejus tanta quanta latitudo; et mensus est civitatem calamo in stadiis duodecies mille; longitudo et latitudo et altitudo aequalia" (Apocalypsis 21:16):

quid per "longitudinem", "latitudinem" et "altitudinem in sensu spirituali significatur, dicetur etiam infra in explicatione; per "civitatem" intelligitur in eo sensu doctrina ecclesiae, et per " (stadia) duodecies mille" intelliguntur omnia ejus vera ex bono.

[7] Etiam numerus "duodecim" designatur ibi de fructibus arborum circa fluvium his verbis,

"In medio plateae ejus et fluvii hinc et illinc arbor vitae faciens fructus duodecim, juxta mensem quemvis reddens fructum" (Apocalypsis 22:2);

quia per "plateas civitatis" significantur vera doctrinae, per "fluvium inde exeuntem" intelligentia, per "arborem vitae" perceptio veri ex bono a Domino, ac per "fructus" bonum ex quo vera, inde etiam patet quod "duodecim" significent vera ex bono, per quae intelligentia, et ex quibus ecclesia.

[8] Quoniam Ecclesia Repraesentativa instituenda erat apud filios Jacobi, ideo provisum est a Domino ut filii ejus duodecim essent (Genes., 5

cap. 29:32-35; cap. 6

30:1-25; cap. 35:22-26), ut sic omnes simul repraesentarent omnia ecclesiae, et singuli suam partem; inde est quod duodecim tribus ex illis exstiterint (Genesis 49:28), et quod illae significent omnia ecclesiae, et quaelibet tribus aliquid essentiale ecclesiae; quare etiam in nunc sequentibus dicitur quod "duodecim millia essent ex unaquavis tribu signati", per quos significantur omnes qui in illo ecclesiae essentiali sunt, seu omnes qui in illo genere veri ex bono, nam verum ex bono format ecclesiam apud omnes; verum enim est doctrinae, ac bonum est vitae, ut supra dictum est. (Quid verum ex bono, et quale, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 24.)

[9] Quoniam duodecim tribus nominatae ex duodecim filiis Jacobi repraesentabant ecclesiam ac omnia ejus, ideo numerus "duodecim", quia significativus talium, assumptus est in variis:

Ut quod principes Israelis numero duodecim essent (Numeri 1:44);

Quod duodecim illi principes attulerint ad initiationem altaris duodecim scutulas argenti, duodecim crateres argenti, duodecim acerras auri, duodecim juvencos, duodecim arietes, duodecim agnos, et duodecim hircos (Numeri 7:84, 87):

per singula illa, quae attulerunt, significantur talia quae se referunt ad vera ex bono. Ideo etiam

Missi sunt duodecim viri qui explorarent terram Canaanem (Deuteronomius 1:23):

per "terram" enim "Canaanem" significatur ecclesia. Ideo etiam

In pectorali judicii, seu in Urim et Thummim, erant duodecim lapides pretiosi (Exodus 28:21; 39:14):

per "lapides pretiosos" significantur vera ex, bono. Ideo quoque

Erant duodecim panes dispositi in duos ordines super mensa, qui "panes facierum" vocabantur (Leviticus 24:5, 6):

per "panes" significabatur bonum amoris, ac per "mensam" receptio ejus, ita quoque verum in communi, quia hoc est recipiens boni:

Ideo "Moses... aedificavit altare infra montem" Sinai, "et erexit duodecim statuas pro duodecim 7

tribubus Israelis" (Exodus 24:4): per "altare" enim significatur bonum ecclesiae, ac per "statuas" vera ejus; inde per "altare et duodecim statuas" simul significantur omnia vera ex bono, per quae ecclesia.

[10] Ideo

Duodecim viri portarunt duodecim lapides e medio Jordanis, qui erecti in Gilgale, ut essent in memoriale filiis Israelis. Et quoque positi duodecim lapides in medio Jordanis sub statione pedum sacerdotum portantium arcam (Joshua 4:1-9, 20):

per "Jordanem" enim in Verbo significatur introductio in ecclesiam, ac per "lapides" inde et in medio ejus significantur vera ecclesiae per quae introductio. Ideo etiam

Elias sumpsit duodecim lapides, et struxit altare (1 Reg. 18:31, 32 8


per "altare" enim significatur bonum ecclesiae, et per "lapides" significantur vera ejus.

[11] Ideo etiam

Moses sumpsit duodecim millia ex filiis Israelis contra Midianem, duce Pinchaso, qui reversus cum magna praeda, nec desideratus unus (Numeri 31:5, 6, 49):

per "Midianem" enim significantur illi qui in cognitionibus veri sunt, sed usque non in vita secundum illas; ideo contra illum "duodecim millia" missi sunt: per "praedam magnam" ex illis significatur simile quod per "vestes", "argentum" et "aurum", quibus filii Israelis deprivaverunt Aegyptios (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36),

ac simile quod per "injustum mammona", ex quo sibi facerent amicos (Luca 16:9);

nempe cognitiones veri ex illis, quas doctrina possident et non vita.

[12] Ideo quoque

Salomo, mare aeneum quod fecit, posuit super duodecim bobus (1 Regnum 7:25, 44):

per "mare aeneum" significatur verum ex bono; per "aquam" inibi verum, et per "aes" ex quo fuit, bonum: ac per "duodecim boves" significantur omnia bona et inde vera super quibus fundantur. Ideo etiam

Salomo fecit thronum eboris, et ad illum sex gradus, et duodecim leones stantes super illis hinc et illinc (1 Regnum 10:18-20);

per "thronum" enim Salomonis significabatur judicium, quod ex veris quae ex bono, ac repraesentabatur Divinum Verum ex Divino Bono; per "leones" significabantur vera caeli et ecclesiae in sua potentia, ac per "duodecim" omnia (videatur supra, n. 253(d)).

[13] De Ismaele dicitur

Quod benediceretur et cresceret, et quod duodecim principes ex illo nascerentur (Genesis 17:20; 25:16);

ex causa, quia per illum significabatur ecclesia externa cum ejus omnibus veris ex bono. De Elisaeo dicitur

Quod Elias invenerit illum, cum araret duodecim juga, et ipse inter duodecim, et quod tunc projecerit super illum togam (1 Regnum 19:19):

hoc factum et dictum est quia per Eliam et Elisaeum repraesentabatur Dominus quoad Verbum, in quo omnia vera ex bono sunt; quapropter cum illa repraesentatio translata est ex Elia in Elisaeum, quod significatur per quod "togam super illum projecerit", visus est Elisaeus "arare duodecim juga, et ipse inter duodecim", per quod significatur formatio ecclesiae per vera ex bono ex Verbo (videatur supra, n. 395(d)). Dicitur in sequentibus quod

"Visa sit mulier circumdata sole, et luna sub pedibus, et super capite corona stellarum duodecim" (Apocalypsis 12:1):

hoc visum est quia per "mulierem" significatur ecclesia, et per "stellas" cognitiones veri, per "coronam" bonum illarum, per "caput" intelligentia.

[14] Simile quod duodecim tribus Israelis etiam duodecim apostoli Domini repraesentaverunt, nempe omnes simul ecclesiam, et quisque eorum aliquod essentiale ecclesiae; inde est quod fuerint duodecim.

Ex his constare potest unde est et quid significat, quod Nova Hierosolyma, per quam significatur ecclesia ac doctrina ejus, dicatur

Habere duodecim portas, et super portis angelos duodecim, et nomina scripta quae sunt duodecim tribuum Israelis; et quod murus haberet fundamenta duodecim, et in iis nomina duodecim apostolorum Agni (Apoc. 21:12-14 9


ubi per "duodecim angelos", "duodecim tribus", et "duodecim apostolos" non intelliguntur angeli, tribus et apostoli, sed omnia ecclesiae. Similiter quod

Apostoli sessuri super duodecim thronis, et judicaturi duodecim tribus Israelis (Matthaeus 19:28; Luca 22:30);

per quod non intelligitur quod apostoli sessuri sint super duodecim thronis, et judicaturi duodecim tribus Israelis, sed quod solus Dominus judicaturus sit omnes per Divinum Verum ex Divino Bono (videatur supra, n. 9, 206, 253(d), 270, 297, 333).

[15] Qui non scit quod "duodecim" significent omnia, nec scire potest arcanum quod significatur per quod

Supererint duodecim cophini fragmentorum ex quinque panibus et duobus piscibus, quibus Dominus cibavit quinquiens mille viros praeter mulieres et pueros (Matthaeus 14:15-21; Marcus 6:37-44; Luca 9:12-17; Johannes 6:9-13):

singula cum ipsis numeris ibi significant; "quinquiens mille viri praeter mulieres et pueros" significant omnes qui ab ecclesia in veris ex bono sunt, "viri" illos qui in veris, "mulieres et 10

pueri" qui in bonis; "panes" bona et "pisces" vera naturalis hominis; "cibatio" nutritionem spiritualem a Domino; "duodecim cophini fragmentorum" significant inde cognitiones veri et boni in omni abundantia et plenitudine.

[16] Quoniam duodecim significant omnia, et dicuntur de veris ex bono, quae faciunt ecclesiam, ideo

Dominus, cum erat duodecim annorum, reliquit patrem et matrem, et mansit in Templo, sedens in medio doctorum, audiens illos et interrogans illos (Luca 2:42 [, 46]);

per quae intelligitur initiatio et introductio Humani sui in omnia quae caeli et ecclesiae; quare etiam dixit cum inventus,

"Annon sciebatis, quod in iis quae Patris mei oportet Me esse ?" (vers. 49.)

Quoniam "duodecim" significant omnia, ac dicuntur de

veris ex bono, ideo dixit Dominus,

"Nonne duodecim horae diei? Si quis ambulat in die non offendit" (Joh.11:9):

per "diem" significatur illustratio in veris ex bono, ac per "duodecim horas diei" omnia veri ex bono, ac per "ambulare" significatur vivere; inde per illa verba in sensu spirituali significatur quod qui in aliquo genere veri ex bono vivit, in illustratione sit, et non in falsa aberret. Quoniam "duodecim" significant omnia, ideo dixit Dominus,

"Autumasne quod non possim nunc rogare Patrem meum, et facere assistere Mihi plures quam duodecim legiones angelorum?" (Matthaeus 26:53):

per "duodecim legiones angelorum" intelligitur universum caelum; ac "plures quam illi", significant Divinum omnipotentiam.

[17] Ex his nunc constare potest quid significatur per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia ex omni tribu", quod nempe omnes qui in veris ex bono sunt, et quod per "duodecim millia ex unaquavis tribu" omnes qui in illo genere veri ex bono quod per nominatam tribum significatur; proinde quod non intelligantur duodecim millia, nec illi qui ex tribu Jehudae, Reubenis, Gadis, Ascheris, Naphthali, Menasses, Simeonis, Levi, Isascharis, Zebulonis, Josephi et Benjaminis. Praeterea sciendum est quod per omnes illos, seu per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" intelligantur illi qui sublati in caelum sunt ante ultimum judicium; at per illos qui sequuntur a versu 9 ad finem hujus capitis, intelligantur illi qui a Domino reservati sunt ad ultimum judicium, et tunc primum in caelum sublati (de quibus supra, n. 391 [a] 392 [a] , 394, 397, dictum est): nam qui in veris ex bono fuerunt omnes recepti sunt in caelum ante judicium; at qui in bono fuerunt et nondum ita in veris, reservati sunt, ac interea instructi et praeparati ad caelum, de quibus in sequentibus ulterius agendum est. Illi qui sublati sunt in caelum. ante judicium, intelliguntur quoque per illos de quibus in sequenti cap. 14 Apocalypseos haec dicuntur,

"Agnus stans super Monte Sionis, et cum Ipso centum quadraginta quatuor millia habentes nomen Patris scriptum in frontibus suis" (vers. 1);

de quibus dicitur

Quod nemo potuerit discere canticum "quam centum quadraginta quatuor millia, empti de terra: hi sunt qui cum mulieribus non polluti sunt, virgines enim sunt empti de hominibus, primitiae Deo et Agno" (vers. 3, 4);

iidem etiam intelliguntur

per eos qui sunt "ex resurrectione prima", et reliqui qui ex resurrectione secunda (Apocalypsis 20:4-6)


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