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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 657

657. And they of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations shall see.- That this signifies with all who are in falsities and evils of religion, of doctrine, and of life, is evident from the signification of seeing, as denoting to know, to perceive, and to understand; and from the signification of peoples and tribes as denoting those who are in falsities of doctrine and of religion; for by peoples, in the Word, are meant all those who are in truths or in falsities, whether they are of the church or of some religion out of the church (see 175, 331, 625), and by tribes, in the Word, are meant all those who are in truths or in falsities of doctrine, for tribes denote all truths and falsities of doctrine (see above, n. 330, 430, 431, 454), from which it is evident that peoples and tribes signify all those who are in truths or falsities of religion and of doctrine, in this case those who are in falsities, because it is said that they shall see the bodies of the witnesses three days and a half, and shall not suffer them to be placed in sepulchres; and from the signification of tongues and nations as denoting those who are in evils of doctrine and of life, for by tongues are signified goods or evils of doctrine, and thus of religion (see above, n. 330, 455, 625); and by nations are signified goods or evils of life (see also above, n. 175, 331, 625); from which it is evident that tongues and nations signify all those who are in goods or evils of doctrine and of life, in this case those who are in evils, because it is said of them that they shall see the bodies of the witnesses upon the street of the great city, and shall not suffer them to be put in sepulchres.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 657

657. Verse 9. And they of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations shall see, signifies with all who are in the falsities and evils of religion, of doctrine, and of life. This is evident from the signification of "to see," as being to know, to perceive, and to understand; also from the signification of "peoples and tribes" as being those who are in the falsities of doctrine and religion; "peoples" in the Word mean all who are in truths or in falsities, whether they are of the church or of some religion out of the church (See n. 175, 331, 625); and "tribes" mean in the Word all who are in truths or in falsities of doctrine, for "tribes" signify all truths and falsities of doctrine (See above, n. 330, 430, 431, 454). From this it can be seen that "peoples and tribes" signify all who are in the truths or falsities of religion and of doctrine, here those who are in falsities, because it is said, "they shall see the bodies of the witnesses three days and a half, and shall not suffer them to be placed in sepulchers." This is evident also from the signification of "tongues and nations," as being those who are in the evils of doctrine and of life, for "tongues" signify the goods or evils of doctrine, and thence of religion (See above, n. 330, 455, 625); and "nations" signify the goods or evils of life (See also above, n. 175, 331, 625); from which it can be seen that "tongues and nations" signify all who are in the goods or the evils of doctrine and of life, here those who are in the evils, since it is said of them that "they shall see the bodies of the witnesses upon the street of the great city, and shall not suffer them to be placed in sepulchers."

Apocalypsis Explicata 657 (original Latin 1759)

657. [Vers. 9.] "Et vidabunt ex populis et tribubus et linguis et gentibus." - Quod significet apud omnes qui in falsis et malis religionis, doctrinae et vitae sunt, constat ex significatione "videre", quod sit scire, percipere et intelligere: ex significatione "populorum et tribuum", quod sint qui in falsis doctrinae et religionis; per "populos" in Verbo intelliguntur omnes qui in veris aut in falsis sunt, sive ab ecclesia sint sive extra ecclesiam ex aliqua religione (videatur n. 175 [a] , 331, 625); et per "tribus" in Verbo intelliguntur omnes qui in veris aut falsis doctrinae sunt, nam per "tribus" significantur omnia vera et falsa doctrinae (videatur supra, n. 330, 430, 431, 454); ex his constare potest quod "populi et tribus" significent omnes qui in veris aut falsis religionis et doctrinae sunt; hic qui in falsis, quia dicitur quod "illi videbunt corpora testium tres dies et dimidium, et non permittent illa poni in monumentis": et ex significatione "linguarum et gentium", quod sint qui in malis doctrinae et vitae sunt; per "linguas" enim significantur bona aut mala doctrinae et inde religionis (videatur supra, n. 330, 455, 625); et per "gentes" significantur bona aut mala vitae (etiam supra, n. 175, 331, 625); ex quibus constare potest quod "linguae et gentes" significent omnes qui in bonis aut malis doctrinae et vitae sunt; hic qui in malis, nam de illis dicitur quod "visuri corpora testium super platea urbis magnae, nec permittent illa poni in monumentis."

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