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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 883

883. (Verse 9) And the third angel followed them. That this signifies manifestation from the Lord still further, is evident from the things said concerning the two angels above (n. 869 and 878), as denoting manifestations from the Lord concerning His Advent, and concerning the separation of the good from the evil at the day of the Last Judgment; but in this case concerning those who are meant by the dragon and his beast, who are those who separate faith from good works in doctrine and in life.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 883

883. Verse 9. And the third angel followed them, signifies further manifestation by the Lord. This is evident from what has been said about the two angels above (n. 869, 878), as being manifestations by the Lord respecting His coming and the separation of the good from the evil at the day of the Last Judgment; but here respecting those who are meant by "the dragon and his beast," who are such as separate faith from good works in doctrine and in the life.

Apocalypsis Explicata 883 (original Latin 1759)

883 [Vers. 9.] "Et tertius angelus secutus est illos." Quod significet manifestationem a Domino adhuc, constat ex illis quae de binis angelis supra (n. 869 et 878) dicta Sunt, quod sint manifestationem a Domino de adventu Ipsius, et de separatione bonorum a malis die ultimi judicii; hic vero de illis qui per "draconem" et "ejus bestiam" intelliguntur, qui sunt qui fidem a bonis operibus doctrina et vita separant.

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