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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 892

892. And whoso shall receive the mark of his name. That this signifies reception and acknowledgment of its quality, according to the description above, is evident from the signification of receiving a mark, as denoting reception and acknowledgment (see above, n. 838, 886); and from the signification of name, as denoting the quality of any one (see n. 102, 135, 148, 676, 696, 815, 841), in this case, therefore, according to the description of this beast above in chapter xiii. for such things constitute their name in the spiritual world. For every one there receives a name according to his quality and the quality of every one there is expressed by a term of spiritual language, which may indeed be pronounced in natural language, but still not understood; for it includes several things which cannot be comprehended by the ideas of natural thought, and, consequently, cannot be expressed by any words of speech used in the world. From these things it is clear, that by the mark of the name of the beast, is signified the acknowledgment of that religious persuasion as to all its quality; which was described above.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 892

892. And if anyone hath received the mark of his name, signifies reception and acknowledgment of its quality, according to the description above. This is evident from the signification of "receiving a mark," as being reception and acknowledgment (as above, n. 13); for such things constitute their name in the spiritual world, since everyone there receives a name according to his quality, and the quality of everyone there is expressed by a word of the spiritual language; and while this word might be pronounced in natural language it could not be understood, for it includes many things that could not be comprehended by the ideas of natural thought, and thus could not be expressed by the words of speech in this world. This makes clear that "the mark of the name of the beast" signifies the acknowledgment of that religion as to all that it is, which has been described above.

Apocalypsis Explicata 892 (original Latin 1759)

892. "Et si quis acceperit characterem nominis ejus." Quod significet receptionem et agnitionem qualitatis ejus secundum descriptionem supra, constat ex significatione "accipere characterem", quod sit receptio et agnitio (ut supra, n. 838 et 886); et ex significatione "nominis", quod sit quale alicujus (de qua, n. 102, 135, 148, 676, 696 [a] 815 [c] , 841), hic itaque secundum descriptionem bestiae istius supra (cap. 13), talia enim faciunt nomen illorum in mundo spirituali; quisque enim ibi nomen accipit secundum quale ejus, et quale cujusvis ibi exprimitur per vocem linguae spiritualis, quae vox quidem in lingua naturali potest enuntiari, sed usque non intelligi; includit enim plura, quae non per ideas cogitationis naturalis possunt comprehendi, et inde nec per voces loquelae in mundo exprimi: ex his patet quod per "characterem nominis bestiae" significetur agnitio religiosi istius quoad omne quale ejus, quod supra descriptum est.

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