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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 841

841. Or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. That this signifies either what is similar to it as to life, or what is similar to it as to faith, is evident from the signification of name, as denoting the quality of the good of love, and of life therefrom; and from the signification of number, as denoting the quality of the truth of faith, and of intelligence therefrom. Hence by the number of a name is signified the quality of the truth of faith and of intelligence therefrom as a result of the quality of the good of love and of life therefrom; here in the opposite sense, because it is said, "the name of the beast," and "the number of his name."

That name, in the Word, signifies the quality of the good, and of love, thence of life, may be seen above (n. 102, 135, 148, 676, 695, 696, 815). Further, that number signifies the quality of the thing treated of, and that the quality is determined by the numbers involved, may also be seen above (n. 429, 430, 574); thus the quality of the truth of faith; and that to number signifies to know the quality of a thing, and to arrange and to dispose accordingly (n. 453). The reason why number signifies the quality of truth and of faith therefrom is, that number involves multitude; and multitude, in the Word, is said of truths, as may be seen above (n. 336, 337).

Hence now by the number of a name is signified the quality of truth from good, or the quality of faith from love; but, here, in the opposite sense, because it is said of the beast.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 841

841. Or the name of the beast, or the number of his name, signifies either what is like it in respect to life or what is like it in respect to faith. This is evident from the signification of "name," as being the quality of the good of love and of life therefrom; also from the signification of "number," as being the quality of the truth of faith and of intelligence therefrom; so "the number of a name" signifies the quality of the truth of faith and the intelligence thence from the quality of the good of love and its life; but here in the contrary sense, because it is said "the name of the beast, or the number of his name." That "name" signifies in the Word the quality of anyone in respect to good or to love, thus in respect to life, may be seen above (n. 102, 135, 148, 676, 695, 696, 815); and that "number" signifies the quality of the thing that is treated of, and that the quality is determined by the numbers that are added, may also be seen above (n. 429, 430, 574); thus it signifies the quality of the truth of faith; also that "to number" signifies to know the quality of a thing, and to arrange and to dispose according to it n. 453. "Number" signifies the quality of truth and thence of faith, because number involves multitude; and in the Word "multitude" is predicated of truths (See above, n. 336, 337). So now "the number of the name" signifies the quality of truth from good, that is, the quality of faith from love; but because the beast is here treated of it must here be understood in the contrary sense.

Apocalypsis Explicata 841 (original Latin 1759)

841. "Aut nomen bestiae, aut numerum nominis ejus." Quod significet vel simile ejus quoad vitam, vel simile ejus quoad fidem, constat ex significatione "nominis", quod sit quale boni amoris et inde vitae, et ex significatione "numeri", quod sit quale veri fidei et inde intelligentiae; inde per "numerum nominis" significatur quale veri fidei et inde intelligentiae ex quali bono amoris et inde vitae; hic in opposito sensu quia dicitur "nomen bestiae" et "numerus nominis ejus." Quod "nomen" in Verbo significet quale alicujus quoad bonum, seu quoad amorem, ita quoad vitam, videatur supra (n. 102, 135, 148, 676, 695 [b] 696 [a] 815 [c]): et quod "numerus" significet quale rei de qua agitur, et quod quale illud determinetur per numeros qui apponuntur, etiam supra (n. 429, 430, 574), ita quale veri fidei: et quod "numerare" significet nosse quale rei, ac ordinare et disponere secundum id (n. 453).

Quod "numerus" significet quale veri et inde fidei, est quia numerus involvit multitudinem, ac "multitudo" in Verbo praedicatur de veris (videatur supra, n. 336 [a] , 337): inde nunc per "numerum nominis" significatur quale veri ex bono, seu quale fidei ex amore; sed hic in opposito sensu, quia dicitur de "bestia."

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