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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 904

904. (Verse 14) And I saw. That this signifies prediction concerning [the separation] of the good from the evil, is evident from this, that to see involves the things seen, which are afterwards described. And because these, in the spiritual sense, involve the first or general separation of the good from the evil, therefore, here by I saw, is signified prediction concerning it.

It must be known, that in what follows in this chapter separation in general is predicted, and in the following chapters separation in particular, or specifically, which is described by the seven angels having the seven vials of the wrath of God. That the separation of the good from the evil is thus described, is according to Divine Order, which is, that what is general should be premised, before the particulars and singulars, which are also specific things, are described. The reason why this is according to Divine Order is, that particulars may be implanted, and properly arranged, and be made homogeneous, and associated according to affinity. Upon this subject see what is said in the Arcana Coelestia, namely, that general things precede, into which particulars are implanted, and singulars into these (n. 920, 4325, 4329, 4345, 5208, 6089). That with the man who is being regenerated, general things precede; and particulars and singulars follow in order (n. 3057, 4345, 4383, 6089). That afterwards, with him, there is a subordination of all things under the generals, and thereby connection (n. 5339). That generals may be infilled with things innumerable (n. 7131). That such as a man is in general, such he is in singulars (n. 918, 1040, 1316). That what reigns generally, is in all and everything (n. 6159, 7648, 8067, 8853-8857, 8865). These things are adduced in order that it may be known, why things general and generic are here first stated, and afterwards particulars and singulars.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 904

904. Verse 14. And I saw, signifies prediction respecting the separation of the good from the evil. This is evident from the fact that "seeing" involves the things that are seen, and these are what now follow; and as these involve in the spiritual sense the first or general separation of the good from the evil, so here, "I saw" signifies prediction respecting this separation. It is to be known that in what follows in this chapter separation in general is predicted, and in the following chapters separation in particular, or specifically, which is described by "the seven angels having the seven vials of the wrath of God." It is according to Divine order that the separation of the good from the evil should be thus described, which order is that what is general should come before the setting forth of the particular and the most particular or the specific things. It is according to Divine order for what is general to precede, in order that particulars may be introduced into them and rightly arranged, and made homogeneous and joined together in close connection.

(On this subject see what is set forth in the Arcana Coelestia, namely, that general things precede, into which particulars are introduced, and most particular things into these, n. 920, 4325, 4329, 4345, 5208, 6089).

That with the man who is being regenerated general things precede, and particular and most particular things follow in order, n. 3057, 4345, 4383, 6089.

That afterwards there is a subordination of all things under the generals in man, and thus connection, n. Arcana Coelestia 5339. That generals may be filled with innumerable things, n. 7131.

That such as a man is in general, such he is in every particular thing, n. 917, 1040, 1316.

That what reigns generally is in all things and in each thing, n. 6159, 7648, 8067, 8853-8857, 8865. All this has been presented to make known why general and generic things are here first stated, and afterwards the particular and most particular things.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 904 (original Latin 1759)

904. [Vers. 14.] "Et vidi." Quod significet praedictionem [de separatione] bonorum a malis, constat ex eo, quod "videre" involvat illa quae vidit, quae sunt quae sequuntur; et quia haec in spirituali sensu involvunt primam seu communem separationem bonorum a malis, ideo hic per "Vidi" significatur praedictio de illa. Sciendum est quod in sequentibus in hoc capite praedicatur separatio in communi, ac in sequentibus in particulari, seu in specie, quae describitur per "septem angelos habentes septem phialas excandescentiae Dei": quod separatio bonorum a malis ita describatur, est secundum Divinum ordinem, qui est, ut commune praecedat, antequam particularia et singularia, quae etiam sunt specifica, traduntur. Quod secundum Divinum ordinem sit ut commune praecedat, est ut particularia possint insinuari, ac juste ordinari, ac homogenea fieri, ac affinitate conjungi. (De qua re videantur quae in Arcanis Caelestibus tradita sunt: nempe, Quod communia praecedant, et illis particularia, et his singularia insinuentur, n. 920, 4325, 4329, 4345, 5208, 6089. Quod apud hominem qui regeneratur communia praecedant, et sequantur ordine particularia et singularia, n. 3057, 4345, 4383, 6089. Quod dein omnium subordinatio sit sub communibus apud illum, et sic nexus, n. 5339. Quod communia impleri possint innumeris, n. 7131. Qualis homo in communi est, quod talis sit in singulis suis, n. 1

917, 1040, 1316. Quod id quod communiter regnat, sit in omnibus et singulis, n. 6159, 7648, 8067, 8853-8857, 8865. Haec allata sunt, ut sciatur cur hic primum communia et generica traduntur, ac postea particularia et singularia, )


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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