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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 908

908. And in his hand a sharp sickle. That this signifies Divine truth minutely exploring and separating, is evident from the signification of a sickle, as denoting Divine truth minutely exploring and separating. That this is signified by sickle, is because it has nearly the same signification as a sword (gladius); and a sword (machaera), in the spiritual sense, denotes Divine truth combating against falsity and dispersing it, as may be seen above (n. 73, 131, 367). Here, therefore, instead of a sword (gladius) and a sword (machaera), a sickle is mentioned, because a harvest is treated of; concerning which and the sickle, more will be said in what follows.

The reason why a sharp sickle signifies Divine truth minutely exploring and separating is, that by harvest is signified the last state of the church preceding the Last Judgment, when the Lord explores every one, and makes a separation, on the accomplishment of which the good are raised into heaven, and the evil cast into hell, which is the Last Judgment. That previously such exploration and separation take place, and have also taken place at this day, has been shown from some experience, in the work concerning the Last Judgment, and also above; more also shall be said concerning it in an Appendix at the end of that work.

[2] That sharp signifies accurate, minute, and completely, is evident without explanation. For a sharp sickle, like a sharp sword, acts more minutely and penetrates in a more subtle manner, as is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah "hath set my mouth as a sharp sword" (49:2).

Where by the mouth of the prophet also is signified Divine truth; therefore it is compared to a sharp sword, by which is meant its penetrating, completely dispersing, and destroying falsity. Similarly in the Apocalypse:

"Out of the mouth of the Son of man went forth a sharp two-edged sword" (1:16; 2:12; 19:15, 21).

The tongue of the impious, which, speaking falsities from interior evil, penetrates and disperses truths, is also compared to a sharp sword, and sharp arrows. As in David:

"My soul, I lie in the midst of lions, the sons of man are set on fire, their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword" (Psalm 57:4).

And in another place:

"Jehovah, deliver my soul from the lip of a lie, from the tongue of guile, sharp arrows of the mighty" (Psalm 120:2, 4).

Where the lip of a lie, and the tongue of guile, denote falsities from evil; and the dispersion of truth by these is signified by a sharp sword and sharp arrows. Similarly in Ezekiel (5:1).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 908

908. And in His hand a sharp sickle, signifies the Divine truth accurately exploring and separating. This is evident from the signification of a "sickle," as being the Divine truth accurately exploring and separating. This is the signification of "sickle," because it has almost the same signification as "sword" [gladius et machaera], which means in the spiritual sense the Divine truth fighting against falsity and dispersing it (See above, 73, 131, 367); so here in place of sword [gladius et machaera] a "sickle" is mentioned, because the harvest is treated of, respecting which and the sickle more will be said hereafter. "A sharp sickle" signifies the Divine truth accurately exploring and separating, because the "harvest" signifies the last state of the church preceding the Last Judgment, when the Lord explores everyone and separates; and when this is done the good are raised up into heaven and the evil cast into hell, which is the Last Judgment. That such exploration and separation are effected before the Last Judgment, and have also been done at this day, has been set forth to some extent from experience in the work on The Last Judgment, and also above; and more will be said about it in an appendix at the end of this work.

[2] That "sharp" signifies what is careful, accurate and complete, is evident without explanation. For a sharp sickle, like a sharp sword, acts with great accuracy and pierces very keenly. This is shown in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah hath made my mouth like a sharp sword (Isaiah 49:2).

The "mouth" of the prophet signifies the Divine truth, and for this reason is compared to a sharp sword, meaning that the Divine truth pierces and wholly disperses and destroys falsity. So in Revelation:

Out of the mouth of the Son of man went forth a sharp two-edged sword (Revelation 1:16; 2:12; 19:15, 21).

The tongue of the wicked, which speaks falsities from interior evil, and pierces and disperses truths, is also compared to a sharp sword and sharp arrows. In David:

My soul, in the midst of lions do I lie; the sons of man are set on fire, their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword (Psalms 57:4).

And elsewhere:

Jehovah deliver my soul from the lip of falsehood, from the tongue of deceit, sharp arrows of the mighty (Psalms 120:2, 4).

Here "the lip of falsehood and the tongue of deceit" stand for falsities from evil; and the dispersion of truth by falsities is signified by "a sharp sword" and "sharp arrows." In like manner in Ezekiel (Ezekiel 5:1).

Apocalypsis Explicata 908 (original Latin 1759)

908. "Et in manu sua falcem acutam." Quod significet Divinum Verum exquisite explorans et separans, constat ex significatione "falcis", quod sit Divinum Verum exquisite explorans et separans; quod per "falcem" id significetur, est quia per illam paene simile significatur quod per "gladium" et "machaeram", quae quod in spirituali sensu sit Divinum Verum pugnans contra falsum, et dispergens illud, videatur supra (n. 1

73, 131, 367); hic itaque loco gladii et machaerae dicitur "falx", quia agitur de messe, de qua et de falce plura in sequentibus dicentur.

Quod "falx acuta" Divinum Verum exquisite explorans et separans significet, est quia per "messem" significatur ultimus status ecclesiae praecedens ultimum judicium, quando Dominus explorat unumquemvis et separat; quo facto boni elevantur in caelum, et mali conjiciuntur in infernum, quod est ultimum judicium. Quod ante illud talis exploratio et separatio fiat, et quoque quod hodie facta sit, aliqua ab experientia in opere De Ultimo Judicio dicta sunt, et quoque supra; tum plura de eo in Appendice ad finem hujus libri dicentur.

[2] Quod "acutum" significet accuratum, exquisitum et prorsus, absque explicatione patet, nam falx acuta, sicut gladius acutus, exquisitius agit, et subtilius penetrat, ut constare potest ex sequentibus; Apud Esaiam,

Jehovah "posuit..os meum, sicut gladium acutum" (49:2):

per "os prophetae" etiam significatur Divinum Verum, quare comparatur gladio acuto, quia intelligitur illud penetrans, prorsus dispergens et destruens falsum. Similiter in Apocalypsi,

"Ex ore" Filii hominis "romphaea anceps acuta exivit" (1:16; 2:12; 19:15, 21 2


Lingua impiorum, quae falsa ex interiori malo loquitur, penetrat, et dispergit vera, etiam comparatur gladio acuto et telis acutis, apud Davidem,

"Anima mea in medio leonum cubo, inflammantur filii hominis, dentes eorum hasta et tela, et lingua eorum gladius acutus" (Psalms 57:5 [B.A. 4]):

et alibi,

"Jehovah, libera animam meam a labio mendacii, a lingua doli, .... tela potentis acuta" (Ps. 120:2, 4):

"labium mendacii" et "lingua doli" pro falsis ex malo; dispersio veri per illa significatur per "gladium acutum", et per "tela acuta." (Pariter Ezechiel 5:1.)


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2. The editors made a correction or note here.

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