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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 909

909. (Verse 15) And another angel went out from the temple. That this signifies exploration from the Lord concerning the state of the church in general, is evident from what follows, namely, that the angel cried with a great voice, "Thrust in Thy sickle and reap, for the hour is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe." This signifies annunciation after exploration that the time is come for collecting the good, and separating them from the evil, because it is the end of the church; and from the signification of the temple, as denoting heaven and the church, and also the Divine proceeding from the Lord (concerning which see above, n. 220, 630, 700).

The reason why the state of the church in general is here meant is, that it follows that two other angels went forth, one from the temple which is in heaven, and the other from the altar; by which are signified manifestations from the Lord concerning separation. The reason why exploration by the Lord is signified is, that by angel, in the Word, is meant something from the Lord, as may be seen above (n. 869, 878, 883). For angels cannot explore anything concerning the state of the church from themselves, but from the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 909

909. Verse 15. And another angel went out from the temple, signifies exploration by the Lord of the state of the church in general. This is evident from what follows, namely, that the angel "cried out with a great voice, Send Thy sickle and reap, for the hour for Thee to reap is come, for the harvest of the earth is dried up," which signifies announcement after exploration that it is the time for gathering up the good and separating them from the evil, because this is the end of the church. Also from the signification of "the temple," as being heaven and the church, and the Divine proceeding from the Lord (See above, n. 220, 630, 700). The state of the church in general is here meant, because it is added that "two other angels went forth, one from the temple that is in heaven, and the other from the altar;" and these signify manifestations by the Lord respecting separation. Exploration by the Lord is signified, because an "angel" means in the Word something from the Lord (See above, n. 869, 878, 883); since angels can make no exploration of the state of the church from themselves, but only from the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 909 (original Latin 1759)

909. (Vers. 15.] "Et alius angelus exivit e templo." Quod significet explorationem a Domino de statu ecclesiae in communi, constat ex illis quae sequuntur; sequitur enim quod "clamaverit angelus magna voce, Mitte falcem tuam et mete, quia venit tibi hora metendi, quia aruit messis terrae", per quae significatur annuntiatio post explorationem, quod tempus sit colligendi bonos et separandi illos a malis, quoniam finis ecclesiae est: ex significatione "templi", quod sit caelum et ecclesia, ac Divinum procedens a Domino, (de qua, supra, n. 220, 630, 1

700 [a]); quod hic status ecclesiae in communi intelligatur, est quia sequitur quod "duo alii angeli exiverint, unus e templo quod in caelo, et alter ex altari", per quae significantur manifestationes a Domino de separatione; quod sit exploratio a Domino quae significatur, est quia per "angelum" in Verbo intelligitur aliquid Domini (videatur supra, n. 869, 878, 883); angeli enim ex se nihil de statu ecclesiae possunt explorare, sed ex Domino.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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