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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 963

963. On the men who had the mark of the beast, and worshipped his image. That this signifies, who acknowledge faith alone and the doctrine thereof, and live according to it, is evident from the signification of the beast, as denoting those who are in faith alone, or in faith separated from the goods of life, and who confirm it by reasonings from the natural man (concerning this see the thirteenth chapter preceding, from beginning to end); and from the signification of his mark, as denoting acknowledgment, reception, and testification thereof (concerning which see above, n. 838, 886); and from the signification of his image, as denoting the doctrine, and of worshipping him, as denoting to acknowledge in heart and life (concerning which see n. 827, 833). That such men are in evil works and falsifications of the Word was shown in the chapter concerning the dragon and the two beasts of the dragon; and is clearly evident from this, that they exclude good works from saving or justifying faith, teaching that faith justifies and saves without them. And because these are thus deemed unnecessary, they are omitted.

It is from an eternal statute or from the Divine order that where there are not good works there are evil works. These, therefore, are what are signified by the great and noxious sore in the earth, or in the church, in the case of those who are in faith alone both in doctrine and in life.

Continuation concerning the Second Precept:-

[2] He who abstains from profaning the name of God, that is, from profaning the sanctity of the Word by contempt, rejection, or any blasphemy, possesses religion. And according to the quality of his abstaining, such is his religion. For no one has religion, except from revelation, and revelation with us is the Word. Abstinence from profaning the sanctity of the Word must be from the heart, not from the mouth only. Those who abstain from the heart, live from religion; but those who abstain only from the mouth, do not live from religion; for the latter abstain either for the sake of self, or for the sake of the world, because the Word serves them as a means of acquiring honour and gain; or they abstain from some kind of fear. But the majority of these are hypocrites, and have no religion.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 963

963. Upon the men that had the mark of the beast and that adored his image, signifies those who acknowledge faith alone and its doctrine, and who live according to it. This is evident from the signification of "the beast," as being those who are in faith alone, or in faith separated from goods of life, and who confirm this by reasonings from the natural man (See in the preceding thirteenth chapter, from beginning to end). It is evident also from the signification of its "mark," as being acknowledgment, reception, and attestation thereof (See above, n. 838, 886). Also from the signification of its "image," as being doctrine, and of "adoring" it, as being to acknowledge it in heart and life (See n. 827, 833). That to such belong evil works and falsifications of the Word has been shown in the chapters that treat of the dragon and of the two beasts of the dragon, and is clearly evident from this, that such exclude good works from saving or justifying faith, teaching that faith justifies and saves without these, and as they are unnecessary they are omitted. It is from an eternal statute or from the Divine order that where there are not good works there are evil works; therefore these evil works are what are signified by "the great 1and noxious sore in the earth," that is, in the church, with those who are in faith alone both in doctrine and in life.

(Continuation respecting the Second Commandment)

[2] He who abstains from profaning the name of God, that is, the holiness of the Word, by contempt, rejection, or any blasphemy, has religion; and such as his abstinence is such is his religion. For no one has religion except from revelation, and with us revelation is the Word. Abstinence from profaning the holiness of the Word must be from the heart, and not merely from the mouth. Those who abstain from the heart live from religion; but those who abstain merely from the mouth do not live from religion, for they abstain either for the sake of self or for the sake of the world, in that the Word can be made to serve them as a means of acquiring honor and gain; or they abstain from some fear. But of these many are hypocrites who have no religion.


1. In the text at the beginning of the chapter it reads "malum et noxium," "evil and noxious" here in the photolithograph Swedenborg first wrote "malum" but crossed this out and wrote over it "magnum" "great," through the following explanation he wrote "magnum" where the word is quoted. The Greek word means evil. In The Apocalypse Revealed Swedenborg translates it "malum" "evil," wherever quoted.

Apocalypsis Explicata 963 (original Latin 1759)

963. "In hominibus habentibus characterem bestiae, et imaginem ejus adorantibus." - Quod significet qui agnoscunt solam fidem ac doctrinam ejus, ac vivunt secundum illam, constat ex significatione "bestiae", quod sint qui in sola fide seu in fide separata a bonis vitae sunt, et qui illam per ratiocinia ex naturali homine confirmant (de qua in cap. 13 praecedente, a principio ad finem) ex significatione "characteris" ejus, quod sit agnitio, receptio et testificatio ejus (de qua supra, n. 838, 886); ex significatione "imaginis" ejus, quod sit doctrina; et "adorare" illam, quod sit corde et vita agnoscere illam (de qua n. 827, 833). Quod illis mala opera, et falsificationes Verbi sint, in capite de dracone, et in capite de binis draconis bestiis, ostensum est; et patet manifeste ex eo, quod ex fide salvante aut justificante excludant bona opera, docendo quod fides absque illis justificet et salvet; et quia sic non necessaria sunt, omittuntur. Ex statuto aeterno seu ex Divino ordine est, quod ubi non bona opera sunt ibi mala opera sint. Haec itaque sunt quae significantur per "ulcus magnum et noxium" in terra, seu in ecclesia, apud illos qui in sola fide sunt et doctrina et vita.

[2] (Continuatio de Secundo Praecepto.)

Qui abstinet a profanando nomen Dei, hoc est, sanctitatem Verbi, per contemptum, rejectionem et aliquam blasphemationem, ille religionem habet; et qualiter abstinet, talem habet: non enim est alicui religio nisi ex revelatione, ac revelatio apud nos est Verbum. Abstinere a profanando sanctitatem Verbi erit ex corde, non solum ex ore; qui ex corde, illi ex religione vivunt; qui vero solum ore, illi non ex religione vivunt; hi enim abstinent vel propter se vel propter mundum, quia Verbum inservit illis pro medio ad honorem et ad lucrum; vel abstinent ex aliquo timore: sed ex his plures sunt hypocritae, quibus nulla religio.

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