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《揭秘启示录》 第146节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 146

146. "'And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end.'" (2:26) This symbolically means, those who fight against evils and falsities and are reformed, who are in fact governed by charity and its resulting faith, and continue to be governed by them to the end of their life.

To overcome is to fight against evils and falsities, as may be seen in no. 88 above. And that works are charity and its resulting faith in practice, see nos. 76 and 141. It is apparent that to keep until the end is to be governed by these and to continue to be governed by them to the end of life.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 146

146. [verse 26] 'And he who overcomes and keeps My works even to the end' signifies those who fight against evils and untruths and are reformed, and are actually in charity and faith therefrom, and continue in them even to the end of life. That 'to overcome' is to fight against evils and untruths may be seen above (88); and that the 'works' are charity and faith therefrom in act (76, 141). It is plain that 'to keep them even to the end' is to be in them and continue in them even to the end of life.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 146

146. Verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth My works unto the end, signifies those who fight against evils and falsities and are reformed, and are actually in charity, and thence faith, and remain in them to the end of life. That "to overcome" is to fight against evils and falsities, may be seen above, (88); and that "works" are charity and thence faith in act, (76, 141); that "to keep them unto the end," is to be in them, and remain in them to the end of life, is evident.

Apocalypsis Revelata 146 (original Latin 1766)

146. (Vers. 26.) "Et vincens et custodiens usque ad finem opera Mea," significat qui pugnant contra in mala et falsa ac reformantur, et in charitate et inde fide actualiter sunt, et in illis permanent usque ad finem vitae. - Quod "vincere" sit pugnare contra mala et falsa, videatur supra (88); et quod "opera" sint charitas et inde fides actu (76, 141); quod "custodire usque ad finem" sit in illis esse, et permanere usque ad finem vitae, patet.

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