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《揭秘启示录》 第19节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 19

19. Who loves us and washes us from our sins in His blood. This symbolically means, who out of love and mercy reforms and regenerates people by His Divine truths drawn from the Word.

It is apparent that to wash us from our sins is to purify us from evils, thus to reform and regenerate, for regeneration is a spiritual washing. However, "His blood" does not mean the suffering of the cross, as many believe, but the Divine truth emanating from Him, as can be seen from many passages in the Word, which it would be too tedious to present in their entirety here. We will present them in nos. 379 and 684 below. In the meantime, see what we have said and shown regarding the symbolic meaning of the Lord's blood and flesh in the Holy Supper, in The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, (London, 1758), nos. 210-222, and in the same place regarding spiritual washing, which is regeneration, nos. 202-209.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 19

19. 'Loving us and washing us from our sins [in His own blood]' signifies Who out of love and mercy reforms and regenerates men by means of His Divine Truths out of His Word. That 'to wash us from our sins' is to purify from evils, thus to reform and regenerate, is plain, for regeneration is a spiritual washing. That 'by His own blood,' however, is not understood the passion of the cross, as is believed by many, but the Divine Truth proceeding from Him, can be established from many passages in the Word. It would be too tedious to adduce all of these here, but they will be adduced below (Arcana Coelestia 379, 684). Meanwhile the things may be seen that have been stated and demonstrated concerning the signification of the Lord's blood and flesh in the Holy Supper, in THE NEW JERUSALEM AND ITS HEAVENLY DOCTRINE, published at London in the year 1758 (210-222); also concerning the spiritual washing that is regeneration (202-209) there.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 19

19. To Him that loveth us and washeth us from our sins, signifies, who out of love and mercy reforms and regenerates men by His Divine truths from the Word. That "to wash us from our sins" is to purify us from evils, thus to reform and regenerate, is evident; for regeneration is spiritual washing. But that by "His blood," is not meant the passion of the cross, as many believe, but the Divine truth proceeding from Him, may appear from many passages in the Word, which it would be too prolix to adduce here, but they will be adduced below, (379[1-7], 653). In the meantime, see what is said and shown concerning the signification of the Lord's flesh and blood in the Holy Supper, as set forth in The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, published at London in the year 1758 (210-222); and concerning spiritual washing, which is regeneration, in the same, (202-209).

Apocalypsis Revelata 19 (original Latin 1766)

19. "Amante nos et lavante nos a peccatis nostris, (in sanguine Suo)" significat qui ex amore et misericordia reformat et regenerat homines per Sua Divina Vera ex Verbo. -Quod "lavare nos a peccatis," sit purificare a malis, ita reformare et regenerare, patet; nam regeneratio est lavatio spiritualis: quod autem per "sanguinem Suum" non intelligatur passio crucis, ut a multis creditur, sed Divinum Verum procedens ab Ipso, constare potest a multis locis in Verbo, quae omnia hic adducere nimis prolixum foret; adducentur infra (379, 684); 1interea videantur quae de significatione Sanguinis et Carnis Domini in Sancta Caena, in Nova Hierosolyma et Doctrina ejus Caelesti, Londini Anno 1758 edita (210-222), dicta et demonstrata sunt; et de Lavatione Spirituali, quae est regeneratio (202-209 ibi).


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