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《揭秘启示录》 第265节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 265

265. "Behold, the Lion... has prevailed." This symbolically means the Lord, that by His own power He conquered the hells and put everything into order when He was in the world.

That a lion symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word in respect to its power may be seen in no. 241 above. And because the Lord is Divine truth itself or the Word, therefore He is called a lion.

That when the Lord was in the world He conquered the hells and put everything in the heavens into order, and also glorified His humanity, may be seen in no. 67 above. Moreover, how He did so may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord, nos. 12-14.

This makes plain the meaning of the statement that the Lion has prevailed.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 265

265. 'Behold the Lion has prevailed' signifies the Lord, that out of His own power He subjugated the hells, and brought all things back into order when He was in the world. That a 'lion' signifies the Divine Truth of the Word as to power maybe seen above (24); and since the Lord is Divine Truth Itself or the Word, therefore He is called 'the Lion.' That the Lord, when He was in the world, subjugated the hells and brought all things in the heavens back into order, and also glorified His Human, may be seen above (67); and how [this was done], in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord 12-14. It is consequently plain what is understood by 'the Lion has prevailed.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 265

265. Behold, the Lion hath prevailed, signifies the Lord, that from His own power He had subjugated the hells, and reduced all things to order when He was in the world. That "a lion" signifies the Divine truth of the Word as to its power, may be seen above, (241); and because the Lord is the Divine truth itself, or the Word, He is called "a Lion." That the Lord, when He was in the world, subjugated the hells and reduced all things in the heavens to order, and likewise glorified His Human, may be seen above, (67); and how He did this, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord, (12-14). Hence it is evident, what is meant by "the Lion hath prevailed."

Apocalypsis Revelata 265 (original Latin 1766)

265. "Ecce vicit Leo," significat Dominum, quod ex propria potentia subjugaverit Inferna, et redegerit in ordinem omnia cum fuit in Mundo. Quod "Leo" significet Divinum Verum Verbi quoad potentiam, videatur supra (241); et quia Dominus est Ipsum Divinum Verum seu Verbum, ideo vocatur "Leo." Quod Dominus cum fuit in mundo subjugaverit Inferna ac redegerit omnia in Caelis in ordinem, et quoque glorificaverit Humanum Suum, videatur supra (67); et quomodo, in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 12-14. Inde patet, quid intelligitur per "vicit Leo."

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