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《揭秘启示录》 第299节

(一滴水译本 2019)


























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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 299

299. And he who sat on it had a bow. This symbolizes their having a doctrine of truth and goodness from the Word, from which they fought against falsities and evils emanating from hell, thus fighting against hell.

He who sat on the white horse in Revelation 19:11-13 means the Lord in relation to the Word, but he who sat on this white horse means an angelic person in relation to a doctrine of truth and goodness from the Word, thus a doctrine from the Lord, like the army of the Lord in heaven which followed the Lord on white horses in Revelation 19:14.

Regarding Him who sat on the white horse in Revelation 19, we are told that out of his mouth went a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations, and the sword going out of His mouth symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word fighting against falsities and evils (nos. 52, 108, 117). Here, however, we are told that he who sat on this white horse had a bow, and the bow symbolizes a doctrine of truth and goodness from the Word fighting against evils and falsities.

To fight against falsities and evils is also to fight against the hells, as evils and falsities emanate from there, and therefore this, too, is symbolically meant.

[2] That a bow in the Word symbolizes doctrine doing battle in both senses can be seen from the following passages:

(Jehovah's) arrows are sharp, and all His bows bent; His horses' hooves are accounted as rocks. (Isaiah 5:28)

(The Lord) has bent his bow like an enemy... (Lamentations 2:4)

O Jehovah..., You ride on Your horses; ...Your bow will be bared. (Habakkuk 3:8-9)

He gave the nations before Him, and made Him rule over kings. He gave them as the dust to His sword, as... stubble to His bow. (Isaiah 41:2)

Because the subject is Jehovah or the Lord, a bow in these places symbolizes the Word, from which the Lord fights in a person against evils and falsities.

I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem; the war bow shall be cut off. Rather He shall speak peace to the nations. (Zechariah 9:10)

They bend their tongue, their bow a lie, and not the truth... (Jeremiah 9:3)

Lo, the wicked bend their bow; they make ready their arrows on the bowstring, to shoot in the dark the upright in heart. (Psalms 11:2)

They will provoke Joseph and shoot at him; the archers will hate him. But he will rest on the tautness of his bow... by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob... (Genesis 49:23-24)

Set yourselves in array against Babylon... All you who bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrow, for she has sinned against Jehovah. (Jeremiah 50:14, cf. 50:29)

David lamented... over Saul... to teach the children of Judah the Bow. (2 Samuel 1:17-18)

This lamentation describes the combat of truth against falsities.

[3] Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: "Lo, I am breaking the bow of Elam, the source of its might." (Jeremiah 49:35)

(Jehovah) made Me a polished arrow; in His quiver He has hidden Me. (Isaiah 49:2)

Behold, children are a heritage from Jehovah... Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them. (Psalms 127:3-5)

Children here and elsewhere symbolize doctrinal truths.

In Salem shall be (Jehovah's) tabernacle... There He broke the strings of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the war. (Psalms 76:1-3)

(Jehovah) will make wars cease... He will break the bow..., cut asunder the spear; He will burn the chariot with fire. (Psalms 46:9; cf. Ezekiel 39:8-9, Hosea 2:18)

In these places a bow symbolizes a doctrine of truth fighting against falsities, and in an opposite sense, a doctrine of falsity fighting against truths. Arrows accordingly symbolize truths or falsities.

Since a war in the Word symbolizes a spiritual war, therefore the weapons of war - such as the sword, spear, shield, buckler, bow, and arrows - symbolize the kind of things that have to do with that war.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 299

299. 'And the one sitting upon it having a bow' signifies that with these there is a doctrine of truth and good out of the Word, out of which they have fought against the untruths and evils that [come] out of hell, thus against hell. By the 'One sitting upon a white horse,' of Whom, Revelation 19:13 [treats], is understood the Lord as to the Word, but by the 'one sitting' upon this 'white horse' is understood a man [who is] an angel as to the doctrine of truth and good out of the Word, thus out of the Lord, in like manner as by the Lord's army in heaven, which 'was following the Lord upon white horses' (Revelation 19:14). Of the One sitting upon the white horse (Revelation xix) it is said that 'out of His mouth there went forth a sharp sword that with it He should smite the nations,' and by the 'sword out of His mouth' is signified the Divine Truth of the Word fighting against untruths and evils (52, 108, 117). Here, however, it is said that the one sitting on this white horse had 'a bow,' and by 'a bow' is signified a doctrine of truth and good out of the Word fighting against evils and untruths. To fight against untruths and evils is also to fight against the hells, because evils and untruths are therefrom, and therefore this also is signified.

[2] That 'a bow' in the Word signifies a doctrine fighting in either [a good sense or an opposite] sense can be confirmed from these passages:

The darts of Jehovah are sharp, and all His bows bent, the hooves of His horses are accounted as rocks. Isaiah 5:28.

The Lord has bent His bow like an enemy, Lamentations 2:4.

Thou, O Jehovah, ridest upon Thy horses, Thy bow shall be made naked, Habakkuk 3:8-9.

He gave the nations before Him, and made Him to rule over kings, He gave [them] as dust to His sword, as stubble to His bow. Isaiah 41:2.

In these passages 'a bow,' because it [is said] of Jehovah or the Lord, signifies the Word, out of which the Lord with a man fights against evils and untruths.

I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be cut off, until (contra) He shall speak peace to the nations, Zechariah 9:10.

They bend their tongue, their bow is a lie, and not the truth (veritas). Jeremiah 9:3; [H.B. 2].

Lo the wicked bend the bow, they make ready the arrows upon the string, to aim in the darkness at the upright in heart. Psalms 11:2.

They shall provoke Joseph and take aim, the archers shall hate him, but he shall sit in the firmness of his bow from the hands of the strong Jacob. Genesis 49:23-24.

Put yourselves in array against Babel, all bending the bow shoot at her, do not spare the dart for she has sinned against Jehovah. Jeremiah 50:14, 29.

David lamented over Saul, to teach the sons of Judah the bow, 2 Samuel 1:17 [,18].

In that lamentation it treats of the combat of truth against untruths.

[3] Jehovah Zebaoth says, Behold I am breaking the bow of Elam, the beginning of his might. Jeremiah 49:35.

Jehovah has made me into a cleansed dart, in His quiver has He hidden me. Isaiah 49:2.

Behold, sons are an heritage of Jehovah, blessed is he who has filled his quiver with them. Psalms 127:3-5.

'Sons' here, as elsewhere, signify truths of doctrine.

In Salem shall be the tabernacle of Jehovah, there broke He the strings of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the war. Psalms 76:1-3 [H.B. 2-4].

Jehovah will make wars to cease, He will break the bow, He will cut the spear asunder, He will burn up the chariot with fire. Psalms 46:9; [H.B. 10]; Ezekiel 39:8-9; Hosea 2:18.

In these places a 'bow' signifies a doctrine of truth fighting against untruths, and in the opposite sense a doctrine of untruth fighting against truths. Consequently 'arrows' and 'darts' signify truths or untruths. Since a 'war' in the Word signifies a spiritual war, therefore the weapons of war, as sword, spear, buckler (clypeus), shield (scutum), bow, arrows, signify such things as belong to that war.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 299

299. And he that sat upon him had a bow, signifies that they had the doctrine of truth and good from the Word, from which they fought against the falsities and evils which are from hell, thus against hell. By "Him that sat upon the white horse," as mentioned in Revelation 19:13, is meant the Lord as to the Word; but by him that sat upon this white horse, is meant a man-angel as to the doctrine of truth and good from the Word, thus from the Lord; in like manner as by:

The Lord's army in heaven, which followed the Lord upon white horses, (Revelation 19:14).

Of Him that sat on the white horse (Revelation 19), it is said that:

Out of His mouth went forth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations, (Revelation 19:15).

And by "the sword out of His mouth," is signified the Divine truth of the Word fighting against falsities and evils, (52, 108, 117); but here it is said that he who sat on this white horse had "a bow," and by "a bow" is signified the doctrine of truth and good from the Word fighting against evils and falsities. To fight against falsities and evils is also to fight against the hells, because evils and falsities are from thence, therefore this also is signified.

[2] That "a bow," in the Word, signifies doctrine combating, in both senses, may appear from these passages:

The arrows of Jehovah are sharp, and all His bows bent, the hoofs of His horses shall be counted like flints, (Isaiah 5:28).

The Lord bent His bow like an enemy, (Lamentations 2:4).

Thou, O Jehovah, ridest upon Thy horses, Thy bow shall be made naked, (Habakkuk 3:8-9).

He gave the nations before Him and made Him rule over kings. He gave them as dust to His sword, and as stubble to His bow, (Isaiah 41:2).

In these places "a bow," because it is applied to Jehovah or the Lord, signifies the Word, from which the Lord fights with man against evils and falsities.

I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be cut off; and he shall speak peace to the nations, (Zechariah 9:10).

They bend their tongue, their bow is a lie, and not the truth, (Jeremiah 9:3).

Behold the wicked bend their bow, they make ready the arrows upon the string, to shoot in the darkness the upright in heart, (Psalms 11:2).

They shall sorely grieve Joseph, and shoot, the archers hold him in hatred; but he shall sit in the strength of his bow, from the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, (Genesis 49:23-24).

Put yourselves in array against Babylon, all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare not the arrow, for she hath sinned against Jehovah, (Jeremiah 50:14, 29).

David lamented over Saul to teach the sons of Judah the bow, (2 Samuel 1:17-18).

In that lamentation the combat of truth against falsities is treated of.

[3] Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts; Behold I break the bow of Elam, the beginning of his might, (Jeremiah 49:35).

Jehovah hath made me a polished shaft, in His quiver hath He hidden me, (Isaiah 49:2).

Behold, sons are an heritage of Jehovah, happy is he that hath filled his quiver with them, (Psalms 127:3-5).

"Sons" here, as in other places, signify truths of doctrine.

In Salem shall be the tabernacle of Jehovah, there broke He the string of the bow, the shield, the sword, and war, (Psalms 76:2-3).

Jehovah will make wars to cease, He will break the bow, He will cut the spear in sunder, He will burn the chariot in the fire, (Psalms 46:9; Ezekiel 39:8-9; Hosea 2:18).

In these passages "a bow" signifies the doctrine of truth combating against falsities, and in the opposite sense, the doctrine of falsity combating against truths; therefore "arrows" and "darts" signify truths or falsities. As "war" in the Word signifies spiritual war, therefore the arms of war, such as the sword, spear, shield, buckler, bow and arrows, signify such things as belong to that war.

Apocalypsis Revelata 299 (original Latin 1766)

299. "Et sedens super illo habens arcum," significat quod illis doctrina veri et boni ex Verbo, ex qua pugnarunt contra falsa et mala quae ex Inferno, ita contra Infernum. - Per "Sedentem super Equo albo" de Quo Apocalypsis 19:13, intelligitur Dominus quoad Verbum; at per "sedentem" super hoc Equo albo, intelligitur homo angelus quoad doctrinam veri et boni ex Verbo, ita ex Domino, similiter quod per Exercitum Domini in Caelo, qui sequebatur Dominum super Equis albis, (Apocalypsis 19:14).

De "Sedente super Equo albo," Apocalypsis 19, dicitur, quod "Ex ore Ejus exiverit romphaea acuta, ut per illam percuteret gentes;"

et per "romphaeam ex ore Ejus" significatur Divinum Verum Verbi pugnans contra falsa et mala (52, 108, 117); hic autem dicitur, quod "sedens "super hoc Equo albo haberet "arcum," et per "arcum" significatur doctrina veri et boni ex Verbo pugnans contra mala et falsa: pugnare contra falsa et mala est quoque pugnare contra Inferna, quia mala et falsa inde sunt, quare etiam hoc significatur. Quod "arcus" in Verbo significet doctrinam pugnantem in utroque sensu, constare potest ex his locis:

Jehovae "Tela acuta, et omnes Arcus Ipsius tensi, ungulae Equorum Ejus tanquam rupes reputantur," (Esaias 5:28);

Dominus "tetendit Arcum Suum sicut inimicus," (Threni 2:4);

"Jehovah, equitas super equis Tuis, denudabitur Arcus Tuus," ((Habakuk 3:) 8-9); 1

"Dedit coram Ipso gentes, et regibus dominari fecit; dedit sicut pulverem gladio Suo, sicut stipulam Arcu Suo," (Esaias 41:2);

in his locis "Arcus," quia de Jehovah seu Domino, significat Verbum, ex quo Dominus apud hominem pugnat contra mala et falsa.

"Exscindam currum ex Ephraimo, et equum ex Hierosolyma, et exscindetur Arcus belli, contra loquetur pacem gentibus," (Sacharias 9:10);

"Tendunt linguam suam, Arcus eorum mendacium, et non veritas," (Jeremias 9:2 (B.A. 3); 2

"Ecce impii tendunt Arcum, praeparant Sagittas super nervo suo, ad Jaculandum in tenebris rectos corde," (Psalm 11:2);

"Exacerbabunt Josephum et Jaculabuntur, odio habebunt illum Sagittarii, sed sedebit in firmo Arcus sui a manibus fortis Jacobi," (Genesis 49:23-24);

"Disponite aciem contra Babelem, omnes tendentes Arcum jacite in eam, ne parcatis Telo, quia Jehovae peccavit," (Jeremias 50:14, 29);

David lamentatus est super Schaule, "ad docendum filios Jehudae Arcum," (2 Samuelis 1:17-18); 3

in Lamentatione illa agitur de pugna veri contra falsa.

"Dixit Jehovah Zebaoth, Ecce Ego frangens Arcum Elami, principium fortitudinis ejus," (Jeremias 49:35);

"Jehovah posuit me in Telum expurgatum, in Pharetra Sua occultavit me," (Esajas 49:2); 4

"Ecce haereditas Jehovae filii, beatus qui implevit Pharetram ex illis," (Psalm 127:3-5);

"filii" hic ut alibi significant vera doctrinae.

"Erit in Schalem tabernaculum Jehovae: ibi fregit nervos Arcus, seu tum, gladium, et bellum," (Psalm 76:3-4 (B.A. 2-3)); 5

"Jehovah cessare faciet bella, Arcum franget, amputabit hastam, currus comburet igne," (Psalm 46:10 (B.A. 9); Ezechiel 39:8-9; Hoschea 2:18);

in illis locis "arcus" significat doctrinam veri pugnantem contra falsa, et in opposito sensu doctrinam falsi pugnantem contra vera; inde "sagittae" et "tela" significant vera aut falsa. Quoniam "bellum" in Verbo significat bellum spirituale, ideo arma belli, ut gladius, hasta, clypeus, scutum, arcus, sagittae, significant talia quae sunt istius belli.


1. iii. pro "ii."

2. 2 pro "10"

3. 17, 18 pro "17"

4. xlix. pro "xlviii."

5. 2, 3 pro "2, 3, 4"

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