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《揭秘启示录》 第300节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 300

300. And a crown was given to him. This symbolizes a token of their combat.

A crown symbolizes a token of combat because in ancient times kings wore crowns into battle, as can be seen from historical accounts, and to some degree from 2 Samuel 1:10, where we read that a man said to David concerning Saul, that when Saul was about to die in battle, he took the crown upon his head and the armlets upon his arms. And from what is related about the king in Rabbah and David in 2 Samuel 12:29-30.

Moreover, because trials or temptations are the kind of spiritual battles which the martyrs endured, therefore they were given crowns as tokens of their combat (no. 103).

It is apparent from this that a crown here symbolizes a token of their combat, on which account the statement also follows, "and he went out conquering and to conquer."

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 300

300. 'And a crown was given unto him' signifies his badge of combat. A 'crown' signifies a badge of combat because in ancient times the kings in battles used to wear crowns, as can be established from the histories, and somewhat from, 2 Samuel 1:10 where the man said to David concerning Saul, that when he had died in the battle, he took the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelets that were upon his arm.

Then also, from the things that are related of the king of Rabbah and David (2 Samuel 12:29-30). And as temptations are spiritual combats, and the martyrs sustained these, therefore crowns were given to them as badges of victory (103). It is plain from these considerations that by 'crown' here is signified their badge of combat, and therefore it follows 'And he went forth conquering and to conquer.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 300

300. And a crown was given unto him, signifies his badge of combat. "A crown" signifies a badge of combat, because in ancient times kings wore crowns in battle, as may appear from history, and partly from 2 Samuel 1:10, where:

The man said to David concerning Saul, that when he died in battle, he took the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelets that were upon his arms, (2 Samuel 1:10).

Then also from what is said of the king of Rabbah and David, (2 Samuel 12:29-30). And as temptations are spiritual combats which the martyrs sustained, therefore crowns were given them as badges of victory, (103). Hence it appears, that by "a crown" is here signified the badge of their combat; therefore it follows, "And he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

Apocalypsis Revelata 300 (original Latin 1766)

300. "Et data ei corona," significat insigne pugnae ejus. - Quod "corona" significet insigne pugnae, est quia antiquis temporibus reges in proeliis gestabant coronas, ut constare potest ex historiis, et aliquid ex 2 Samueli 1:10, ubi Vir dixit ad Davidem de Saule, quod cum moriturus esset in proelio, acceperit Coronam quae super capite ejus, et armillas quae super brachios ejus;

tum etiam ex illis quae de Rege Rabbae et Davide, (2 Samuelis 12:29-30) memorantur. Et quia tentationes sunt pugnae spirituales, quas martyres sustinuerunt, ideo illis ut insignia victoriae datae sunt coronae (103). Ex his patet, quod per "coronam" hic significetur insigne pugnae eorum; quare etiam sequitur, "Et exivit vincens et ut vinceret."

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