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《揭秘启示录》 第819节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 819

819. "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." This symbolically means that an acknowledgment that the Lord is God of heaven and earth, and at the same time a life in accordance with His commandments, is in a universal sense the whole of the Word and of doctrine drawn from it.

The testimony of Jesus symbolizes an attestation of the Lord in heaven that heaven is His, and thus that He is present in heaven together with the angels there. Moreover, because that attestation cannot be given to any others than people conjoined with the Lord, and those are conjoined with the Lord who acknowledge Him as God of heaven and earth, as He Himself teaches (Matthew 28:18), and who at the same time live in accordance with His commandments, especially the Ten Commandments, therefore these two things are symbolically meant by the testimony of Jesus, as may be seen in nos. 6 and 490 above. That this testimony is the spirit of prophecy means, symbolically, that it is the whole of the Word and of doctrine drawn from it. For the Word in its universal sense deals solely with the Lord and with a life in accordance with His commandments. That is why the Lord embodies the Word. For He embodies the Word because the Word comes from Him and deals with Him alone, and teaches only how He is to be acknowledged and worshiped. These are the precepts of the Word, called Divine truths, in accordance with which a person must live in order for him to come into conjunction with the Lord.

That the Word deals with the Lord alone, and that for this reason the Lord is called an embodiment of the Word, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord 1-7, 8-11, 19-28, 37-44, and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture 80-90, 98-100.

This, too, is something the Lord says, that the spirit of truth, which is the Holy Spirit, will testify of the Lord, and that it will not speak on its own, but will take of what is the Lord's and declare it (John 15:26; 16:13, 15).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 819

819. 'For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy' signifies that the acknowledgment that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and at the same time a life in accordance with His precepts, is in the universal sense everything of the Word and of the doctrine thence. By 'the testimony of Jesus' is signified the Lord's bearing witness in heaven that it is His, and thus that He is in heaven one among the angels there. And because that witness cannot be given to any others than those who are in conjunction with the Lord, and those are in conjunction with the Lord who acknowledge Him as the God of heaven and earth as He Himself teaches in Matthew 28:18, and at the same time live in accordance with His precepts, especially in accordance with the precepts of the Decalogue, therefore these two things are signified by 'the testimony of Jesus,' as may be seen above (6, 490). By [the statement] that that testimony 'is the spirit of prophecy' is signified that it is everything of the Word and of the doctrine thence; for the Word in the universal sense treats only of the Lord and of a life in accordance with His precepts. This is why the Lord is the Word. For He is the Word because the Word is derived from Himself and treats of Himself Only and is solely concerned with teaching how He is to be acknowledged and worshipped. Also these things are the precepts of the Word that are called the Divine Truths in accordance with which one must live in order to be able to come into conjunction with the Lord. That the Word treats of the Only Lord, and that this is why the Lord is said to be the Word, may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD 1-11, 19-28, 37-44 and in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 80-90, 98-100. This also is what the Lord says:

That the Spirit of the Truth (veritas), Who is the Holy Spirit, is going to bear witness concerning the Lord, and that He is not going to speak of Himself (ex seipso), but He is going to take the things that are the Lord's and announce them. John 15:26; 16:13, 15.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 819

819. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, signifies that the acknowledgment that the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and at the same time a life according to His commandments, is in the universal sense the all of the Word and of doctrine therefrom. By "the testimony of Jesus" is signified the Lord's attestation in heaven, that man is His, and thus that he is in heaven one among the angels there; and because that attestation cannot be given to any others but to those who are in conjunction with the Lord, who acknowledge Him as the God of heaven and earth, as he teaches in Matthew 28:18, and at the same time live according to His commandments, especially according to the commandments of the Decalogue, these two things are therefore signified by "the testimony of Jesus," see above, (6, 490). By that testimony is "the spirit of prophecy," is signified that it is the all of the Word and of doctrine therefrom; for the Word in the universal sense treats only of the Lord, and of life according to His commandments. Hence it is, that the Lord is the Word; for He is the Word, because the Word is from Him, and treats of Him alone, and teaches solely how He is to be acknowledged and worshiped; and these are the commandments of the Word, which are called Divine truths, according to which one must live, that he may be able to come into conjunction with the Lord. That the Word treats of the Lord alone, and that it is thence that the Lord is called the Word, may be seen in Doctrine of the Lord, (1-7, 8-11, 19-28, 37-44); and in Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture, (80-90, 98-100). This is also what the Lord says, that:

The Spirit of Truth, which is the Holy Spirit, will testify concerning the Lord; and that he will not speak from himself, but that he will receive of the things which are of the Lord's, and announce them, (John 15:26; 16:13, 15).

Apocalypsis Revelata 819 (original Latin 1766)

819. "Nam testimonium Jesu est spiritus prophetiae," significat quod Agnitio quod Dominus sit Deus Caeli et Terrae, et simul Vita secundum praecepta Ipsius, sit in universali sensu omne Verbi et Doctrinae inde. - Per "testimonium Jesu" significatur testatio Domini in Caelo, quod sit Ipsius, et sic quod sit in Caelo unus inter angelos ibi; et quia testatio illa non dari potest aliis quam qui in conjunctione cum Domino sunt, et in conjunctione cum Domino sunt illi qui agnoscunt Ipsum pro Deo Caeli et Terrae, ut Ipse docet, Matthaeus 28:18, et simul vivunt secundum praecepta Ipsius, imprimis secundum praecepta Decalogi, ideo haec duo per "testimonium Jesu" significantur (6, 490); per quod illud testimonium sit "spiritus prophetiae," significatur quod id sit omne Verbi et doctrinae inde; Verbum enim in universali sensu solum agit de Domino, et de Vita secundum praecepta Ipsius. Inde est quod Dominus sit Verbum; est enim Verbum, quia Verbum ex Ipso est, et de Ipso Solo agit, et unice docet quomodo agnoscendus et colendus est; et haec sunt praecepta Verbi, quae vocantur Divina Vera, secundum quae vivendum est, ut in conjunctionem cum Domino venire 1possit. Quod Verbum de Solo Domino agat, et quod inde sit quod Dominus dicatur Verbum, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 1-11, 19-28, 37-44; et in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 80-90, 98-100. Hoc quoque est quod Dominus dicit, quod Spiritus Veritatis, qui est Spiritus Sanctus, testaturus sit de Domino, et quod non locuturus sit ex se ipso, sed quod ex illis quae Domini sunt accepturus sit, et annuntiaturus, (Johannes 15:26; 16:13, 15).


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