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《揭秘启示录》 第821节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 821

821. And He who sat on it was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and does combat. This symbolizes the Lord in relation to the Word, as being Divine good itself and Divine truth itself, who exercises judgment in accordance with both and separates the good from the evil.

He who sat on it, that is, on the white horse, means the Lord in relation to the Word. That it is the Lord in relation to the Word is apparent from verse 13 below, where we are told that He was clothed with a garment stained with blood, and that His name is called "The Word of God." "Faithful and true" symbolizes the Divine goodness and Divine truth - faithfulness symbolizing Divine goodness because Divine goodness is faithful. In reference to people, someone who is faithful is someone in the inmost or third heaven, thus someone prompted by celestial goodness, as may be seen in no. 744 above. Truth in reference to the Lord plainly symbolizes Divine truth.

That righteousness symbolizes both goodness and truth, and in reference to the Lord, Divine goodness and Divine truth, may be seen in no. 805 above. It follows, therefore, that to judge in righteousness symbolically means to exercise judgment in accordance with Divine goodness and Divine truth.

That every judgment by the Lord is given effect by means of the Word, and that it is accordingly the Word that judges everyone, may be seen in no. 233 above. To do combat in righteousness means, symbolically, to separate the good from the evil, because the Lord does not fight against anyone, but separates good people from evil ones, and when the good have been separated from the evil, the evil then cast themselves into hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 821

821. 'And the One sitting upon it is called Faithful and True, and in justice He judges and fights' signifies the Lord as to the Word, which is Divine Good and Divine Truth itself, out of both of which He effects judgment and separates the good from the evil. By 'the One sitting upon it,' that is, upon the white horse, is understood the Lord as to the Word. That it is the Lord as to the Word is plain from the following verse 13, where it is said 'clothed with a blood-stained garment, and His Name is called the Word of God.' By 'Faithful and True' is signified Divine Good and Divine Truth, by 'Faithful' Divine Good because this is faithful. That where [it treats] of men, he is faithful who is in the inmost or third heaven, thus who is in celestial good, may be seen above (744). That by 'True,' when [it treats] of the Lord, is signified Divine Truths is plain. That by 'justice' is signified both, good as well as truth, and Divine Good and Divine Truth where [it treats] of the Lord, may be seen above (805). It follows from this that by 'to judge out of justice' is signified to effect judgment out of Divine Good and Divine Truth. That all judgment is effected by the Lord through the Word, thus that the Word itself judges each one may be seen above (233). 'To fight out of justice' signifies to separate the good from the evil. This is because the Lord does not fight against anyone but He separates the good from the evil, and when the good have been separated from the evil then the evil cast themselves into hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 821

821. And He that sitteth upon him is called faithful and true, and in justice He doth judge and make war, signifies the Lord as to the Word, that it is the Divine good itself and the Divine truth itself, from both of which He executes judgment, and separates the good from the evil. By "He that sitteth upon him," that is, upon the white horse, the Lord is meant as to the Word. That it is the Lord as to the Word, is manifest from verse 13, seq. , where it is said that "He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God." By "faithful and true" are signified the Divine good and the Divine truth; by "faithful," the Divine good, because this is faithful. That "faithful," when speaking of men, means one who is in the inmost or third heaven, and thus who is in celestial good, may be seen above, (744[1-2]); that by "true," when speaking of the Lord, the Divine truth is signified, is manifest. That by "justice" both are signified, as well good as truth, and, where it is speaking of the Lord, the Divine good and Divine truth, may be seen above, (805). Hence it follows, that by "judging from justice" is signified to execute judgment from the Divine good and the Divine truth. That all judgment is executed by the Lord through the Word, and thus that the Word itself judges everyone, may be seen above, (233). That "to make war from justice" signifies to separate the good from the evil, is because the Lord does not make war against anyone, but separates the good from the evil; and when the good are separated from the evil, the evil then cast themselves into hell.

Apocalypsis Revelata 821 (original Latin 1766)

821. "Et Sedens super illo vocatur fidelis et Verus, et ii, justitia judicat et pugnat," significat Dominum quoad Verbum, quod sit ipsum Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum, ex quo utroque facit judicium, et separat bonos a malis. - Per "Sedentem super illo," hoc est, Equo albo, intelligitur Dominus quoad Verbum; quod sit Dominus quoad Verbum, patet a versu 13, seq., ubi dicitur, "Circumindutus vestimento tincto sanguine, et vocatur Nomen Ejus Verbum Dei:" per "fidelem et verum" significatur Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum; per "fidelem" Divinum Bonum, quia hoc est fidele; quod "fidelis," ubi de hominibus, sit qui in intimo seu tertio Caelo est, ita qui in bono caelesti, videatur supra (744); 1quod per "verum," cum de Domino, significetur Divinum Verum, patet; quod per "justitiam" significetur utrumque, tam bonum et verum, et ubi de Domino, Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum, videatur supra (805). Inde sequitur, quod per "ex justitia judicare" significetur ex Divino Bono et Divino Vero judicium facere. Quod omne judicium fiat a Domino per Verbum, ita quod ipsum Verbum judicet unumquemvis, videatur supra (233). Quod "ex justitia pugnare" significet separare bonos a malis, est quia Dominus non pugnat contra aliquem, sed separat bonos a malis; et quando boni separati sunt a malis, tunc mali semet ipsos conjiciunt in Infernum.


1. 744 pro "644"

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