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《揭秘启示录》 第826节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 826

826. 19:14 And the hosts in heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. This symbolizes angels in the New Christian Heaven, who, being conjoined with the Lord, have a deeper understanding of the Word and so possess truths that are pure and genuine.

The hosts in heaven mean angels who possess Divine truths and goods (no. 447). Heaven here means the New Christian Heaven, referred to in nos. 612[1-4], 613, 626, 659, 661 above. This is the heaven meant because it is the new heaven foretold in the book of Revelation. To follow the Lord means, symbolically, to be conjoined with Him (no. 621). The white horses on which John saw them symbolize a deeper understanding of the Word, as in no. 820 above. The fine linen, white and clean, symbolizes truth that is pure and genuine obtained through the Word from the Lord (no. 814). We are also told regarding the New Church in verse 8 of this chapter that it would be clothed in fine linen, clean and bright. So we are told the same here as well regarding the New Christian Heaven, through which that church will descend from the Lord.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 826

826. [verse 14] 'And the armies in heaven were following Him upon white horses, clothed with fine linen white and clean' signifies the angels in the Christian New Heaven who were conjoined with the Lord in the interior understanding of the Word, and were thus in pure and genuine truths. By' the armies in heaven' are understood the angels who are in Divine truths and goods (447). By 'heaven' here is understood the Christian New Heaven treated of above (612-613, 626, 659, 661). This heaven is understood for the reason that this is the New Heaven that is treated of in the Apocalypse. By 'to follow the Lord' is signified to be conjoined to Him. (621). By the 'white horses' upon which they were appearing are signified the interior understanding of the Word, as above (820). By 'fine linen white and clean' is signified pure and genuine truth by means of the Word from the Lord (814). It is also said of the New Church that she should be 'arrayed with fine linen clean and bright' (verse 8 of this chapter); and so it is said here of the Christian New Heaven by means of which that Church will exist from the Lord.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 826

826. Verse 14. And the armies in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen white and clean, signifies the angels in the New Christian heaven, who were conjoined with the Lord in the interior understanding of the Word, and thus in pure and genuine truths. By "the armies in heaven" are meant the angels who are in Divine truths and goods, (447). By "heaven" is here meant the New Christian Heaven, spoken of above, (612, 613, 626, 659, 661). The reason that this heaven is meant, is because this is the New Heaven which is treated of in Revelation. By "following the Lord" is signified to be conjoined to Him, (621). By "the white horses" upon which they appeared, is signified the interior understanding of the Word, as above, (820). By "the fine linen white and clean," is signified pure and genuine truth from the Lord through the Word, (814). It is also said of the New Church, that it should be clothed in "fine linen clean and bright" (verse 8 of this chapter); and so here of the New Christian Heaven, through which, from the Lord, that church will exist.

Apocalypsis Revelata 826 (original Latin 1766)

826. (Vers. 14.) "Et exercitus in Caelo sequebantur Ipsum super equis albis, induti Byssino albo et mundo," significat angelos in Caelo novo Christiano, qui conjuncti Domino in intellectu Verbi interiore et sic in puris et genuinis veris erant. - Per "exercitus in Caelo" intelliguntur Angeli qui in Divinis veris et bonis sunt (447); per "Caelum" hic intelligitur Caelum novum Christianum, de quo supra (612, 613, 626, 659, 661); quod id Caelum intelligatur, est quia hoc est Novum Caelum, de quo in Apocalypsi agitur: per "sequi Dominum" significatur Ipsi conjunctus esse (621); per "equos albos" super quibus apparebant, significatur intellectus Verbi interior, ut supra (820); per "byssinum album et mundum" significatur verum purum et genuinum per Verbum a Domino (814). 1Dicitur etiam de nova Ecclesia, quod amiceretur "byssino mundo et splendido" (versu 8 hujus capitis); ita hic de Caelo novo Christiano, per quod a Domino illa Ecclesia erit.


1. 814 pro "813"

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