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《揭秘启示录》 第861节

(一滴水译本 2019)












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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 861

861. 20:9 And they went up over the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. This symbolically means that, being roused up by followers of the dragon, these people scorned every truth in the church and attempted to destroy everything connected with the New Church and its fundamental doctrine regarding the Lord and life.

To go up over the breadth of the earth means, symbolically, to scorn every truth in the church, because going up over symbolically means to transcend and bypass, thus to scorn. And the breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in the church, as will be seen below. To surround the camp of the saints means, symbolically, to besiege and try to destroy everything connected with the New Church, as will be seen in the number following next. And the beloved city symbolizes the doctrine of the New Church. That a city symbolizes a church's doctrine may be seen in nos. 194, 501, 502, 712 above. The city is called beloved because its doctrine teaches about the Lord and how to live, as it is the doctrine of the New Jerusalem that is meant here.

That this is the symbolic meaning of these words, no one can see except as a consequence of the Word's spiritual sense. For it cannot possibly enter a person's thought that the breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in a church, that the camp of the saints symbolizes everything connected with the New Church, both its truths and its goods, and that the city symbolizes its doctrine. Lest the mind remain in a state of doubt, therefore, we must demonstrate what breadth and the camp of the saints symbolize in the spiritual sense, which will make it possible for one to see afterward that the meaning of these words is as we have said.

[2] The breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in a church because the spiritual world has in it four zones - eastern, western, southern and northern - and the eastern and western zones form its longitude or length, while the southern and northern zones form its latitude or breadth. Moreover, because the inhabitants in the eastern and western zones are ones impelled by the goodness of love, and therefore the east and west symbolize goodness, so likewise does longitude or length. And because the inhabitants in the southern and northern zones are ones impelled by truths of wisdom, and therefore the south and north symbolize truth, so likewise does latitude or breadth. But for more on this subject, see the book Heaven and Hell (London, 1758), nos. 141-153.

That breadth symbolizes truth can be seen from the following passages in the Word:

You (Jehovah) have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in the broad place. (Psalms 31:8)

Out of distress I called on Yah; He answered me in the broad place. (Psalms 118:5)

(Jehovah) led me out into the broad place; He delivered me... (Psalms 18:19)

...I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and impetuous nation which marches into the breadths of the earth... (Habakkuk 1:6)

(The Assyrian) will pass through Judah, He will overflow and pass over..., and the spreading of his wings will fill the breadth... (Isaiah 8:8)

...Jehovah will pasture them like a lamb in broad pasture. (Hosea 4:16)

And so on elsewhere, as in Psalms 4:1; 66:12, Deuteronomy 33:20.

[3] Nothing else is meant by the breadth of the city New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:16). For since the New Jerusalem means the New Church, its breadth and length cannot symbolically mean its breadth and length, but its truth and goodness. These, indeed, are the measures of a church.

So also in Zechariah:

I said (to the angel), "Where are you going?" He said..., "To measure Jerusalem, to see how great its width is and how great its length." (Zechariah 2:2)

So likewise the breadth and length of the new temple and new earth in Ezekiel, chapters 40-47.

So, too, the length and breadth of the altar of burnt offering, of the Tabernacle, of the table of showbread, of the altar of incense, and of the ark within. So also the length and breadth of the temple in Jerusalem, and of many other things whose dimensions are given.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 861

861. [verse 9] 'And they went up upon the breadth of the land and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city' signifies that being roused up by the dragonists they would despise every truth of the Church and endeavour to destroy all the things of the New Church, and the doctrine itself concerning the Lord and concerning Life. By 'to go up upon the breadth of the land' is signified to despise every truth of the Church, for by 'to go up upon' is signified to climb over and pass by, thus to despise; and by 'the breadth of the land' is signified the truth of the Church, concerning which [something] follows. By 'to surround the camp of the saints' is signified to besiege and wish to destroy all the things of the New Church, treated of in the following paragraph; and by 'the beloved city' is signified the doctrine of the New Church. That by the 'city' is signified the doctrine of the Church may be seen above (Arcana Coelestia 194, 501-502, 712), and this is called 'beloved' because it treats of the Lord and of Life, for it is the doctrine of the New Jerusalem that is understood here. That these things are signified by those words no one can see except by means of the spiritual sense of the Word, for it cannot come into anyone's thought that by 'the breadth of the land' is signified the truth of the Church and that by 'the camp of the saints' are signified all the things of the New Church, both its truths and goods, and that by 'the city' is signified its doctrine. Therefore lest the mind should get stuck in a state of uncertainty it is necessary to demonstrate what 'the breadth [of the land]' and 'the camp of the saints' signify in the spiritual sense, from which it can afterwards be seen that such is the sense of these words.

[2] The reason why 'the breadth of the land' signifies the truth of the Church is because in the spiritual world there are four quarters, east, west, south and north, and the east and west make its length while the south and north make its breadth. And it is because in the east and the west dwell those who are in the good of love, and therefore good is signified by 'east' and west,' consequently likewise by 'length.' Also because those who are in the truths of wisdom dwell in the south and the north, and therefore by 'south' and 'north' is signified truth, consequently likewise by 'breadth.' But concerning these things more [details] may be seen in the work concerning HEAVEN AND HELL published at London in 1758 (HEAVEN AND HELL 141-153). That by 'breadth' is signified truth can be established from these passages in the Word:

O Jehovah, Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the foe, Thou hast made my feet to stand in the breadth. Psalms 31:8; [H.B. 9].

Out of the narrowness I have called upon Jah, He has answered me in the breadth. Psalms 118:5.

Jehovah has brought me forth into the breadth, He has delivered me. Psalms 18:19; [H.B. 20].

I, raising up the Chaldeans, a nation bitter and swift, walking in the breadth of the land, Habakkuk 1:6.

Asshur shall pass through Judah, he shall overflow and go over, and the stretchings out of his wings shalt be the fullness of the breadth. Isaiah 8:8.

Jehovah shall lead them no pasture as a sheep in the breadth, Hosea 4:16; besides elsewhere as Psalm 4:[H.B. 2]; 66:12; Deuteronomy 33:20.

[3] Nothing else is understood by:

The breadth of the city New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:16; for when by 'the New Jerusalem' is understood the New Church, by 'the breadth and the lengths of it' there cannot be signified the breadth and the length but its truth and good; for these are the things of the Church. So also in Zechariah:

I said to the angel, Where art thou going? He said, To measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof, Zechariah 2:2; [H.B. 6].

Likewise by 'the breadth and the length' of the new temple and the new land in Ezekiel 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47). Also by 'the length and the breadth' of the altar of burnt-offering, of the tabernacle, of the table on which [were the cakes of] bread, of the altar of incense, and of the ark therein; and also by 'the length and the breadth' of the Jerusalem temple, and by those of the many other things that have been described by measurement.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 861

861. Verse 9. And they went up upon the breadth of the earth, and encompassed the camp of the saints, and the beloved city, signifies that being aroused by the dragonists, they spurned every truth of the church, and endeavored to destroy all things of the New Church, and its very doctrine concerning the Lord and concerning life. "To go up upon the breadth of the earth," signifies to spurn every truth of the church, for by "going up" is signified to climb over and pass by, thus to spurn; and by "the breadth of the earth" is signified the truth of the church, as will be seen presently: "to encompass the camp of the saints," signifies to besiege and to wish to destroy all things of the New Church, as will be shown in the next article; and by "the beloved city" is signified the doctrine of the New Church; that by "a city" is signified the doctrine of the church, may be seen above, (194[1-4], 501, 502, 712), which is called "beloved," because it treats of the Lord and of life, for it is the doctrine of the New Jerusalem which is here meant. That this is the signification of these words, no one can perceive except by the spiritual sense of the Word, for it could never enter into anyone's thought, that by "the breadth of the earth" is signified the truth of the church, and that by "the camp of the saints" are signified all things of the New Church, both its truths and goods, and that by "the city" is signified its doctrine. Wherefore, lest the mind should remain in doubt, it is necessary to demonstrate what "the breadth" and what "the camp of the saints" signify in the spiritual sense, from which it may afterwards be seen that such is the sense of these words.

[2] The reason why the "breadth of the earth" signifies the truth of the church, is because in the spiritual world there are four quarters, east, west, south, and north, and the east and west constitute its length, and the south and north its breadth; and because they dwell in the east and west who are in the good of love, and thence by "east" and "west" is signified good, therefore the same is meant by "length;" and because they dwell in the south and north who are in the truths of wisdom, and thence by "south" and "north" is signified truth, therefore the same is meant by "breadth;" but on this more may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, published at London in 1758 (141-153). That by "breadth" is signified truth, may appear from these passages in the Word:

O Jehovah, Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast made my feet to stand in a broad place, (Psalms 31:8).

I called upon Jah in straitness, He answered me in a broad place, (Psalms 118:5)

Jehovah led me forth also into a broad place, He delivered me, (Psalms 18:19).

I raise up the Chaldeans, a nation bitter and swift, that walketh in the breadths of the earth, (Habakkuk 1:6).

Ashur shall pass through Judah, he shall overflow and go over, and the stretching out of his wings is the fullness of the breadth, (Isaiah 8:8).

Jehovah shall feed them as a sheep in a broad place, (Hosea 4:16 Besides other passages, as Psalms 4:1; 66:12; Deuteronomy 33:20.

[3] Nor is anything else meant by:

The breadth of the city New Jerusalem, (Revelation 21:16).

For when by "the New Jerusalem" is meant the New Church, by "the breadth and length of it" breadth and length cannot be signified, but its truth and good; for these are the things of the church, as also in Zechariah:

I said to the angel, Whither goest thou? He said, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof, (Zechariah 2:2).

The same by:

The breadth and length of the new temple, and of the new earth (Ezekiel 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47).

Also by "the length and breadth of the altar of burnt-offering, of the tabernacle, of the table upon which was bread, of the altar of incense, and of the ark therein;" and also by "the length and breadth" of the temple at Jerusalem, and of many other things, which are described by measures.

Apocalypsis Revelata 861 (original Latin 1766)

861. (Vere. 9.) "Et ascenderunt super latitudinem terrae et circumdederunt castra sanctorum et urbem dilectam," significat quod excitati a Draconicis spernerent omne verum Ecclesiae, et conarentur destruere omnia Ecclesiae Novae, et ipsam ejus doctrinam de Domino et de Vita. - Per "ascendere super latitudinem terrae" significatur spernere omne verum Ecclesiae, nam per "ascendere super" significatur superscandere et praeterire, ita spernere; et per "latitudinem terrae" significatur verum Ecclesiae, de quo sequitur: per "circumdare castra sanctorum" significatur obsidere et velle destruere omnia Ecclesiae Novae, de quibus in sequenti articulo: et per "urbem dilectam" significatur doctrina Novae Ecclesiae; quod per "urbem' significetur Doctrina Ecclesiae, videatur supra (194, 501, 502, 712), quae "dilecta" vocatur, quia agit de Domino et de Vita, est enim Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae quae hic intelligitur. Quod haec per illa verba significentur, nemo potest videre nisi per Sensum spiritualem Verbi, non enim potest in alicujus cogitationem venire, quod per "latitudinem terrae" significetur verum Ecclesiae, quodque per "castra sanctorum" significentur omnia Ecclesiae Novae, tam vera quam bona ejus, et quod per "urbem" significetur doctrina ejus: quare ne mens in dubio haereat, necessum est ut demonstretur quid "latitudo" et quid "castra sanctorum" in spirituali Sensu significant, ex quibus postea videri potest quod talis sit illorum verborum sensus. Quod "latitudo terrae" significet verum Ecclesiae, est quia in mundo spirituali sunt quatuor plagae, Oriens, Occidens, Meridies et Septentrio, et Oriens et Occidens faciunt longitudinem ejus, ac Meridies et Septentrio latitudinem ejus; et quia in Oriente et Occidente habitant qui in bono amoris sunt, et ideo per "Orientem" et "Occidentem" significatur bonum, inde similiter per "longitudinem;" et quia in Meridie et Septentrione habitant qui in veris sapientiae sunt, et ideo per "Meridiem" et "Septentrionem" significatur verum, inde similiter per "latitudinem:" sed de his videantur plura in Opere De Caelo et Inferno Londini 1758 edito (141-153). Quod per "latitudinem" significetur verum, constare potest ex his locis in Verbo:

Jehovah, "non conclusisti me in manum inimici, stare fecisti in Latitudine pedes meos," (Psalm 31:9 (B.A. 8));

"Ex angustia invocavi Jah, respondit mihi in latitudine," (Psalm 118:5);

"Jehovah eduxit me in Latitudinem, eripuit me," (Psalm 18:20 (B.A. 19));

"Ego exsuscitans Chaldaeos, gentem amaram et celerem, ambulantem in latitudines terrae," (Habakuk 1:6);

"Aschur ibit per Jehudam, mundabit et transibit, et erunt extensiones alarum ejus plenitudo latitudinis," (Esaias 8:8);

"Jehovah pascet eos sicut ovem in latitudine," (Hoschea 4:16).

(Praeter alibi, ut Psalm 4:2 (B.A. 1); Psalm 66:12; Deuteronomius 33:20).

Nec aliud intelligitur per Latitudinem Urbis Novae Hierosolymae, (Apocalypsis 21:16);

cum enim per "Novam Hierosolymam" intelligitur Nova Ecclesia, non potest per "latitudinem et longitudinem ejus" significari latitudo et longitudo, sed verum et bonum ejus; haec enim sunt Ecclesiae: ut quoque apud Sachariam:

Dixi Angelo, "Quo tu pergis. Dixit, Ad metiendum Hierosolymam, ut videam quanta Latitudo ejus, et quanta longitudo ejus," (2:6 (B.A. Sachariam 2:2));

Similiter per "latitudines et longitudines" novi Templi et novae Terrae, apud Ezechielem 40-47).

Tum etiam per "longitudines et latitudines" Altaris holocausti, Tabernaculi, Mensae super qua panes, Altaris suffitus, et Arcae inibi; et quoque per "longitudines et latitudines" Templi Hierosolymitani, et per plurium aliorum, quae per mensuras designata sunt.

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