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《揭秘启示录》 第864节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 864

864. 20:10 Then the devil who led them astray was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. This symbolically means that people who were caught up in evils in the way they lived and in falsities as regards their doctrine were cast into hell, where they will be inwardly afflicted by the love of their falsity and lusts of their evil continually to eternity.

The devil who led them astray means the dragon, as is apparent from what has gone before, and the dragon means people in general who are caught up in evils in the way they live and in falsities as regards their doctrine (no. 841). We are told that the devil led them astray, in order to make known that the devil was the dragon, because it was the dragon that led astray, as is apparent from verses 2, 3, 7, 8 in this chapter. The lake of fire into which it was cast symbolizes the hell where their loves of falsity and lusts for evil are found (no. 835). The beast and the false prophet symbolize people caught up in faith alone as to both life and doctrine, the unlearned as well as the learned - the unlearned being symbolized by the beast and the learned by the false prophet (no. 834). To be tormented day and night means, symbolically, to be inwardly afflicted continually, and forever and ever means to eternity. Moreover, because we are told that they were cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, and this symbolizes a place where loves of falsity and lusts for evil are found (no. 835), it is by these that they will be inwardly afflicted. For everyone in hell is tormented by his own love and its lusts, as these form everyone's life there, and it is the life that is tormented. Consequently there are degrees of torment in hell in accordance with degrees in the inhabitants' love of evil and its accompanying falsity.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 864

864. [verse 10] 'And the devil leading them astray was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet are, and they shall be tormented days and nights for ages of ages' signifies those who were in evils as to life and in untruths as to doctrine cast into hell, where they will be interiorly infested by the love of their own untruth and by the lusts of their own evil continually forever. By 'the devil leading them astray' is understood the dragon as is plain from the things preceding, and by 'the dragon' are understood in general those who are in evils as to life and in untruths as to doctrine (841). He is termed 'the devil leading them astray' that it might be known that it was the dragon, because he led astray (as is plain from verses 2-3, 7-8 of this chapter). By 'the lake of fire' into which he was cast is signified hell where are the loves of untruth and the lusts of evil (835). By 'the beast and the false prophet' are signified those who by both life and doctrine are in faith alone, the unlearned as well as the learned; by 'the beast' the unlearned, and by 'the false prophet' the learned (834). By 'to be tormented days and nights' is signified to be interiorly infested continually, and by 'for ages of ages' forever. And because it is said that 'they were cast into the lake of fire and sulphur,' and by that is signified where the loves of untruth and the lusts of evil are (835), it is these by which they will be infested interiorly; for every one in hell is tormented by reason of his own love and the lusts thereof, for these make the life of each one there, and the life is tormented: and therefore there are degrees of torment in accordance with the degrees of the love of evil and of the untruth therefrom.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 864

864. Verse 10. And the Devil that seduced them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ages of ages, signifies that they who were in evils as to life and in falsities as to doctrine, were cast into hell, where they will be interiorly infested by the love of their falsity, and by the lusts of their evil continually forever. By "the Devil that seduced them" is meant the dragon, as is evident from what goes before, and by "the dragon" are meant in general those who are in evils as to life, and in falsities as to doctrine, (841). He is called "the Devil that seduced them," that it might be known that it was the dragon, because he seduced (as appears from verses 2, 3, 7, 8, of this chapter). By "the lake of fire" into which he was cast, is signified hell, where are the loves of falsities and the lusts of evil, (835). By "the beast and the false prophet" are signified they who are in faith alone, both as to life and doctrine, both the unlearned and the learned; by "the beast" the unlearned, and by "the false prophet" the learned, (834). By "being tormented day and night" is signified to be interiorly infested continually, and by "for ages and ages" is signified to eternity. And because it is said that "they were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone," by which is signified where the loves of falsity and the lusts of evil are, (835), these are what they will be infested by interiorly; for everyone in hell is tormented by his own love and its lusts, for these make the life of everyone there, and it is the life which is tormented; wherefore there are degrees of torment there according to the degrees of the love of evil and thence of falsity.

Apocalypsis Revelata 864 (original Latin 1766)

864. (Vers. 10.) "Et Diabolus seducens eos conjectus est in stagnum ignis et sulphuris, ubi Bestia et Pseudopropheta; et cruciabuntur dies et noctes in saecula saeculorum," significat illos, qui in malis quoad vitam et in falsis is quoad doctrinam erant, conjectos in Infernum, ubi ab amore falsi sui et a cupiditatibus mali sui interius infestabuntur jugiter in aeternum.-Per "Diabolum seducentem illos" intelligitur Draco, ut patet a praecedentibus; et per "Draconem" intelliguntur in genere qui in malis quoad vitam sunt, et in falsis quoad doctrinam (841); dicitur "Diabolus seducens illos," ut sciretur quod esset Draco; quia ille seduxit (ut patet a vers. 2, 3, 7, 8, hujus capitis); per "stagnum ignis" in quod conjectus est, significatur Infernum ubi amores falsi sunt et cupiditates mali (835); per "Bestiam et Pseudoprophetam" significantur qui in sola Fide et vita et doctrina sunt, tam indocti quam docti, per "Bestiam" indocti et per "Pseudoprophetam" docti (834); per "cruciari dies et noctes" significatur interius infestari jugiter, et per "in saecula saeculorum" in aeternum. Et quia dicitur quod "conjecti sint in stagnum ignis et sulphuris," et per id significatur ubi amores falsi et cupiditates mali sunt (835), sunt haec quibus interius infestabuntur; unusquisque enim in Inferno cruciatur ex suo amore et ejus concupiscentiis; haec enim faciunt vitam cujusvis ibi, et vita cruciatur; quare sunt ibi gradus cruciatus secundum gradus amoris mali et inde falsi.

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