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《揭秘启示录》 第865节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 865

865. 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away. And there was not found any place for them. This symbolizes a universal judgment executed by the Lord on all the former heavens that were occupied by people possessing a civil and moral goodness, but no spiritual goodness, thus who gave the appearance of being Christians outwardly, but who inwardly were devils. These heavens with their lands were totally dispersed so that no part of them was seen anymore.

Before we explain these literal images one by one, we must first say something about the universal judgment that is the subject here. From the time the Lord was in the world, when He executed a last judgment Himself in person, people who possessed a civil and moral goodness were permitted to tarry longer than others in the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, even though they were without any spiritual goodness, so that they appeared outwardly to be Christians, but inwardly were devils. And at last it was granted them to create permanent dwellings for themselves in that world, and through an abuse of correspondences and illusory appearances to form for themselves pseudo-heavens, which they also did till there was a great abundance of them. But when they multiplied those pseudo-heavens to such a degree as to cut off the spiritual light and warmth between the higher heavens and people on earth, then the Lord executed the Last Judgment and dispersed those illusory heavens. This He did by removing the outward appearances by which they feigned themselves Christians and revealing their inner selves, in which they were devils. The inhabitants were then seen to be what they were really, and those who were seen to be devils were cast into hell, each in accordance with the evils of his life. This took place in the year 1757. But regarding this universal judgment, more may be seen in a short work, The Last Judgment (London, 1758), and in A Continuation Concerning the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (Amsterdam, 1763).

[2] Now for the exposition: The great white throne and Him who sat on it symbolizes the universal judgment executed by the Lord. The throne symbolizes heaven and also judgment (no. 229). He who sat on the throne means the Lord (no. 808 at the end). The throne appeared white because judgment is executed on the basis of Divine truths, and the color white is predicated of truths (nos. 167, 379). And the throne appeared great because judgment is also executed in accordance with Divine goodness, and greatness is predicated of goodness (nos. 656, 663). "From whose face the earth and heaven fled away" means, symbolically, that the heavens they created for themselves, referred to just above, were dispersed along with their lands. For there are lands in the spiritual world just as in the natural world, as may be seen in nos. 260, 331. But like everything else there, the lands too have a spiritual origin. And no place being found for them means, symbolically, that their heavens along with their lands were so completely dispersed that no part of them was seen anymore.

It can be seen from this that John's seeing a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was not found any place for them, symbolizes a universal judgment executed by the Lord on all the former heavens that were occupied by people possessing a civil and moral goodness, but no spiritual goodness, thus who gave the appearance of being Christians outwardly, but who inwardly were devils; and that these heavens with their lands were so totally dispersed that no part of them was seen anymore.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 865

865. [verse 11] 'And I saw a throne white and great, and One sitting upon it, from Whose face the heaven and the land 1fled away [, and no place was found for them]' signifies the universal judgment executed by the Lord upon all the former heavens that were occupied by (super quibus fuerunt) those who were in civil and moral good but in no spiritual good, thus who in external things were pretending to be Christians but in internal things were devils; which heavens with their territory were entirely done away with so that nothing of them would appear any more. Before these things are expounded in an order following the letter, something must be premised concerning the universal judgment that is treated of here. From the time that the Lord was in the world when He Himself in Person executed a last judgment, it was permitted that those who were in civil and moral good although in no spiritual good, whence in external things appeared like Christians but in internal things were devils, should stay longer than the rest in the world of spirits which is midway between heaven and hell. Then at length it was allowed them to make permanent dwellings there for themselves, and also by an abuse of correspondences and by phantasies to form for themselves as it were heavens, which they did indeed form in great abundance. But when these were multiplied to such an extent as to intercept spiritual light and spiritual heat between the higher heavens and men on earth, then the Lord effected the last judgment and did away with these imaginary heavens. This was done in such a way that the external things by means of which they were pretending to be Christians were taken away, and the internal things in which they were devils were opened, and then they were seen for what they were in themselves, and those who were seen to be devils were cast into hell, each one in accordance with the evils of his own life. This was done in the year 1757. But more concerning this universal judgment may be seen in the little work concerning THE LAST JUDGMENT published at London in 1758, and in THE CONTINUATION CONCERNING THAT [JUDGMENT] published at Amsterdam in 1763.

[2] Now to the exposition. By the 'throne white and great, and the One sitting upon it' is signified the universal judgment effected by the Lord. By 'a throne' is signified heaven and also judgment (229); by 'the One sitting upon the throne' is understood the Lord (808 at the end). The throne appeared 'white' because the judgment was effected out of Divine truths, for 'white' is predicated of truths (167, 379). The throne appeared 'great' because the judgment was also effected out of Divine Good, for 'great' is predicated of good (656, 663). 'From Whose face the land and the heaven fled away' signifies that those heavens which they had made for themselves (treated of just above), with their territories, were done away wills; for in the spiritual world just as in the natural world there are lands, as may be seen (is. 260, 331); but the lands, like all the other things there, are of a spiritual origin. 'And no place was found for them' signifies that the heavens with their territories were thus altogether done away with, so that nothing of them would appear any more. From these considerations it can be established that by 'I saw a throne white and great, and One sitting upon it, from Whose face the land and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them' is signified the universal judgment effected by the Lord upon all the former 2heavens that were occupied by those who were in civil and moral good but in no spiritual good, thus who in external things were pretending to be Christians but in internal things were devils; which heavens with their territory were altogether done away with so that nothing of them would appear any more.


1. Here and in the 'Contents of each of the Verses' the words 'land' and heaven' are transposed. Cf. the text of the chapter and the exposition in subsection 2 of this paragraph.

2. Reading priores (former) as in the heading, instead of novos (new).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 865

865. Verse 11. And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat upon it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them, signifies the universal judgment executed by the Lord upon all the former heavens in which were those who were in civil and moral good, but in no spiritual good, thus who simulated Christians in externals, but in internals were devils; which heavens, with their earth, were totally dissipated, so that nothing of them appeared any more. Before these things are explained in their order according to the letter, something must be premised concerning the universal judgment here treated of. From the time when the Lord was in the world, when He executed the Last Judgment in Person, it was permitted that they who were in civil and moral good, although in no spiritual good, whence in externals they appeared like Christians, but in internals were devils, should continue longer than the rest in the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell; and at length they were allowed to make there for themselves fixed habitations, and also by the abuse of correspondences, and by phantasies, to form to themselves as it were heavens, which also they did form in great abundance. But when these were multiplied to such a degree as to intercept the spiritual light and spiritual heat in their descent from the higher heavens to men on earth, then the Lord executed the Last Judgment, and dissipated those imaginary heavens; which was effected in such a manner, that the externals, by which they simulated Christians, were taken away, and the internals, in which they were devils, were opened; and then they were seen such as they were in themselves, and they who were seen to be devils, were cast into hell, everyone according to the evils of his life; this was done in the year 1757. But more concerning this universal judgment may be seen in the little work on The Last Judgment, published at London in the year 1758, and in The Continuation of the same, published at Amsterdam in the year 1763.

[2] Now to the explanation: By "the great white throne, and Him who sat upon it," is signified the universal judgment executed by the Lord; by "the throne" is signified heaven, and likewise judgment, (229); by "Him who sat upon the throne" is meant the Lord, (808 at the end). The reason why the throne appeared "white," is because judgment was executed from Divine truths, for "white" is predicated of truths, (167[1-2], 379[1-7]) the reason why the throne appeared "great," is because judgment was likewise executed from Divine good, for "great" is predicated of good, (656, 663). "From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away," signifies that those heavens, which they had made for themselves, as described above, together with their earths, were dissipated; for there are earths in the spiritual world as well as in the natural world, as may be seen, (260, 331); but the earths, like all other things there, are from a spiritual origin. And "there was not found a place for them," signifies that those heavens with their earths were so totally dissipated, that nothing of them appeared any more. Hence it is evident, that by "I saw a great white throne, and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was not found a place for them," is signified the universal judgment executed by the Lord upon all the former 1heavens that were inhabited by such as were in civil and moral good, but in no spiritual good, thus who simulated Christians in externals, but in internals were devils; which heavens, together with their earth, were totally dissipated, so that nothing of them appeared any more.


1. The original Latin has "new" for "former."

Apocalypsis Revelata 865 (original Latin 1766)

865. (Vers. 11.) "Et vidi Thronum album et magnum, et Sedentem super eo, a Cujus facie fugit Caelum et Terra, (et locus non intentus est)," significat Judicium universale a Domino factum super omnes priores Caelos, super quibus fuerunt qui in bono civili et morali et nullo spirituali erant, ita qui in externis simulabant Christianos, sed in internis erant diaboli; qui Caeli cum terra eorum prorsus dissipati sunt, adeo ut nihil eorum amplius appareret. - Antequam illa in ordine secundum literam explicantur, praemittendum est aliquid de Judicio universali, de quo hic agitur. A tempore quo Dominus in mundo fuit, quando Ipse in Persona ultimum Judicium fecit, permissum est ut illi qui in bono civili et morali erant, tametsi in nullo bono spirituali, unde in externis apparebant sicut Christiani sed in internis erant diaboli, diutius reliquis morarentur in Mundo spirituum, qui est medius inter Caelum et Infernum: et tandem concessum fuit illis habitationes constantes ibi sibi facere, et quoque per abusum correspondentiarum et per phantasias sibi formare sicut Caelos, quos etiam ad multam copiam formaverunt. Sed cum ad illam copiam multiplicati sunt ut interciperent spiritualem lucem et spiritualem calorem inter Caelos superiores et inter homines in terris, tunc Dominus fecit Ultimum Judicium, et imaginarios illos Caelos dissipavit: quod factum est eo modo, quod externa per quae simulabant Christianos, auferrentur, et quod interna, in quibus erant diaboli, aperirentur; et tunc visi sunt quales erant in se, et qui visi sunt diaboli conjecti sunt in Infernum, quisque secundum mala suae vitae: hoc factum est Anno 1757: sed plura de hoc Judicio universali videatur in Opusculo De Ultimo Judicio Londini 1758 edito, et in Continuatione de illo, Amstelodami 1763 edita.

Nunc ad Explicationem: Per "Thronum album et magnum, et Sedentem super illo" significatur Judicium universale a Domino factum: per "Thronum" significatur Caelum et quoque Judicium (229); per "Sedentem super Throno" intelligitur Dominus (808 fin.); quod Thronus apparuerit "albus," est quia judicium factum est ex Divinis veris, "album" enim praedicatur de veris (167, 379); quod Thronus apparuerit "magnus," est quia judicium etiam factum est ex Divino Bono, "magnum" enim praedicatur de bono (656, 663); "a Cujus facie fugit Terra et Caelum" significat quod Caeli illi, quos sibi fecerant, de quibus mox supra, cum terris eorum, dissipati sint; sunt enim in mundo spirituali aeque terrae, quemadmodum in mundo naturali (videatur 260, 331); 1sed sicut omnia ibi, etiam terrae, sunt ex origine spirituali: et "locus non inventus est illis," significat quod Caeli cum terris eorum ita prorsus dissipati sint ut nihil eorum amplius appareret. Ex his constare potest, quod per "vidi Thronum album et magnum, et Sedentem super eo, a Cujus facie fugit Terra et Caelum, et locus non inventus est illis," significetur Judicium universale a Domino factum super omnes priores 2caelos super quibus fuerunt qui in bono civili et morali et in nullo spirituali erant, ita qui in externis simulabant Christianos, sed in internis erant diaboli; qui caeli cum terra eorum prorsus dissipati sunt, adeo ut nihil eorum amplius appareret.


1. 331 pro "336"

2. priores pro "novos"

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