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《婚姻之爱》 第203节





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Conjugial Love #203 (Chadwick (1996))

203. We speak of children getting from their parents the principle of the marriage of good and truth, because this is placed in each person's soul from creation. For this is what flows into a person from the Lord and allows him to live as a human being. But this principle of marriage carries over into the levels which follow from the soul down to the lowest bodily level. But on the way it is changed in many ways at both these levels by the person himself, sometimes becoming its opposite; this is called the principle of the marriage or pairing of evil and falsity. When this happens the mind is shut off from underneath, and sometimes is twisted in a spiral so as to point the other way. Sometimes there is no shutting off, but it remains half-open above, and in some cases fully open. It is these two principles of marriage which give children the inclinations coming from their parents; but it is different for sons and daughters. The reason this is the result of the principle of marriage is that conjugial love is the foundation of all loves, as was proved above (65).

Conjugial Love #203 (Rogers (1995))

203. We say that offspring derive from their parents a conjugial connection between good and truth, because from creation a union of these two has been introduced into the soul of everyone; for this is the ingredient which flows into a human being from the Lord and causes his life to be human. However, this conjugial union passes from the soul into subsequent elements until it reaches the final constituents of the body, and as it passes, on one level or another it is changed by the person himself in many ways, and sometimes into the opposite, which we call the conjugal or connubial connection between evil and falsity. When this occurs, the mind is closed up from below, and sometimes is twisted around like a spiral coil into the opposite direction.

Nevertheless, in some people the union is not closed up but remains partly open above, and in some cases all the way open. In either circumstance, this conjugial union is something from which offspring derive inclinations from their parents, a son in one way and a daughter in another. The conjugial union has this effect, because conjugial love is the fundamental love of all loves (as we showed above in no. 65).

Love in Marriage #203 (Gladish (1992))

203. We say that children get from their parents a marriage of good and truth because every soul is endowed with this from creation. It is the thing that flows into a person from the Lord and makes his human life. This marriage carries through by stages from the soul all the way to the most outward parts of the body.

But on the way the person himself changes it in these stages and his body in many ways - sometimes into its opposite, which is called a marriage, or legal relationship, of the bad and the false.

When this happens the mind is shut off from below and is sometimes twisted into a sort of backward spiral. But for some it is not closed off but stays half open above - and wide open for some.

From both of these kinds of marriage children get inclinations from their parents - different ones for sons than for daughters.

The reason why this inclination comes from marriage is that the love in marriage is the basic love of all, as demonstrated above

(no. 65).

Conjugial Love #203 (Acton (1953))

203. It is said that offspring derive from their parents the conjugial of good and truth because this is imparted to the soul of every one from its creation, it being this that inflows from the Lord into man and makes his human life. But from the soul this conjugial passes into the parts that follow, even to the ultimates of the body; and in the latter and the former, it is changed by the man himself in many ways, and sometimes into the opposite which is called the conjugal 1or connubial of evil and falsity. When this takes place, the mind is closed from below, and sometimes is contorted like a spiral in the opposite direction. With some, however, it is not closed but remains half open above, and with some wholly open. It is from the latter and the former conjugial that offspring derive inclinations from their parents, a son in one way, a daughter in another. That it is from the conjugial, is because, as shown above (no. 65), conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves.


1. The word also suggests that this is a misprint for conjugial. The present passage and n. 98 and also one passage in THE WORD EXPLAINED (n. 4486) are the only passages in the theological Writings where the word conjugal appears. The word does indeed appear in four passages in TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, but these passages are reprinted from CONJUGIAL LOVE where the word is conjugial. Swedenborg also uses conjugial throughout his scientific works.

Conjugial Love #203 (Wunsch (1937))

203. Offspring are said to derive the marital tendency of good and truth from parents, because this is set in each soul from creation, for it is what inflows from the Lord into man and makes the human life. But this marital tendency continues on into what follows from the soul to the outmost things of the body; and everywhere it is changed in its passage by the man himself in many ways, and at times into its opposite, called the marital or mating tendency of evil and falsity. When this takes place, the mind is closed from below, and sometimes is twisted right around like a spiral. With some, however, it is not closed, but remains half open above, and with some open. From the one or the other marital tendency, offspring derive inclinations from the parents, a son in one way, a daughter in another. There is such derivation from the marital, because marital love is the basic love of all (shown above,65).

Conjugial Love #203 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

203. It is said that offspring derive from parents the conjugial of good and truth, because this is implanted in the soul of everyone by creation; for it is this that flows from the Lord into man and makes his life human. But this conjugial passes on into the things following from the soul, even down into the ultimates of the body; but in these and those it is changed on the way by the man himself, in many ways and sometimes into the opposite, which is called the conjugial or connubial of the evil and the false. When this takes place the mind is closed from beneath, and sometimes is contorted, as a spiral turned in the opposite direction. With some however it is not closed, but remains half open above; and with some open. It is the one and the other conjugial from which offspring derive inclinations from their parents, a son in one way, a daughter in another. That this is from the conjugial is because conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves, as has been shown above, at n. 65.

De Amore Conjugiali #203 (original Latin (1768))

203. Dicitur quod Proles trahant a parentibus Conjugiale boni et veri, quia hoc a creatione cujusvis animae inditum est, est enim id quod a Domino in hominem influit, et facit vitam humanam ejus: sed hoc Conjugiale transit in sequentia ab anima usque in corporis ultima; ast in his et illis in via mutatur ab ipso homine multis modis, et quandoque in oppositum, quod vocatur Conjugiale 1seu Connubiale mali et falsi; quando hoc fit, occluditur Mens ab inferiori, et quandoque contorquetur sicut spira in adversum; apud quosdam autem id non occluditur, sed manet semiapertum supra, et apud quosdam apertum: hoc et illud Conjugiale est, ex quo Proles trahunt inclinationes a parentibus, aliter filius et aliter filia: quod hoc ex conjugiali sit, est quia amor conjugialis est fundamentalis omnium amorum, ut supra 65, demonstratum est.


1. Prima editio: Conjugale Sed vox conjugalis apparet solummodo septies in Swedenborgii scriptis theologicis, quinquies in duobus locis, quorum utrumque sumptumest abpriori opere in quo vox scripta fuit conjugialis. Cf. Vera Christiana Religio 805 cum Continuatione de Ultimo Judicio 51; et ibidem cum De Amore Conjugiali 534. Legitur porro in 203 primae editionis hujus operis, Agitur hic de Amore vere conjugiali, et non de Amore vulgari qui etiam conjugalis vocatur, ubi dicitur, qui etiam conjugalis vocatur. Ex quibus patet quod conjugalis in omnibus illis locis sit error typographi pro conjugiali.

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