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《婚姻之爱》 第202节










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Conjugial Love #202 (Chadwick (1996))

202. (xvii) The children born of a couple who enjoy truly conjugial love inherit from their parents the principle of the marriage of good and truth, which gives them the inclination and ability to perceive what has to do with wisdom in the case of a son, and to love the teachings of wisdom in the case of a daughter.

Children get from their parents inclinations towards whatever their parents' love and life suggested, as is very well known from history in general and from one's experiences in particular. However, I have been convinced by wise men in the spiritual world, as mentioned in two of the experiences related above, 1that children do not get or inherit the actual affections of their parents, so as to live like them, but only the inclination towards that way of life and the ability to follow it.

[2] Their inborn inclinations bring their descendants to share similar affections, thoughts, speech and lives with their parents, if they are not checked. This is obvious from the Jewish race, which is today like its forefathers when they were in Egypt, in the wilderness, in the land of Canaan, and in the time of our Lord. They resemble them not only in mind, but even in face; anyone can recognise a Jew at first sight. It is the same with other offspring; and this leads unmistakably to the conclusion that people are born with inclinations to the same kind of things as their parents. It is, however, of Divine providence that the actual thoughts and deeds do not follow automatically, so that wrong inclinations can be corrected. The ability to achieve this is also implanted, which allows behaviour to be improved by parents and masters, and later on by the persons themselves, when they are able to act by their own judgment.


1. 152b (156), 182.

Conjugial Love #202 (Rogers (1995))

202. 17. The offspring born of couples who are in a state of truly conjugial love derive from their parents a conjugial connection between good and truth, from which they have an inclination and faculty, if a son, to perceive matters having do to with wisdom, if a daughter, to love the things that wisdom teaches. Everyone knows from historical accounts in general and their own observations in particular that children inherit from their parents tendencies to the same kinds of things as had been connected with their parents' love and mode of life. However, they do not inherit or have transmitted to them the parents' actual affections or resulting modes of life, but only tendencies to these and also capacities for them (a point convincingly shown by some of the wise in the spiritual world, as reported in two narrative accounts presented above 1).

[2] Evidence that descendants are drawn by hereditary inclinations into affections, thoughts, ways of speaking, and modes of life similar to those of their parents - if they do not break themselves of those inclinations - is clearly apparent from the Jewish nation today and its close similarity to that nation's ancestors in Egypt, in the desert, in the land of Canaan, and at the time of the Lord. It is apparent, moreover, not only from the close similarity in their minds, but also in their faces. Who does not recognize a Jew by his looks?

It is the same with other lines of descent. One may legitimately conclude from this that people are born with inclinations to similar things as their parents and that these inclinations are hereditary.

However, to keep actual thoughts and deeds from ensuing, it is Divinely provided that corrupt inclinations may be rectified, and that a capacity for this is also implanted. Resulting from this capacity are an ability and power in people to mend their habits, under the direction of parents and teachers, and afterwards by themselves when they come into their own right and judgment.


1. See nos. 132ff (esp. 133-134), and nos. 151[r]ff.

Love in Marriage #202 (Gladish (1992))

202. 17. Children born of two people in real married love receive from their parents a marriage of good and truth. From this they acquire an inclination and an ability - in the case of a son, to perceive things that have to do with wisdom, and in the case of a daughter, to love things that wisdom teaches. It is well known, broadly from reports and specifically from experiments, that children take from their parents tendencies toward the kind of love and life their parents have.

But they do not take or inherit the affections themselves and the lifestyles that come from them, only inclinations and capabilities for them. The wise men in the spiritual world (in the two stories about them brought in earlier) demonstrated this.

You can see clearly from the Jewish race, which today is just like their fathers in Egypt, in the desert, in the Land of Canaan, and in the Lord's time, that descendants if not split up also bear a resemblance to their parents in their affections, thought patterns, languages, and lifestyles. And these close resemblances are not just in their minds but also in their faces. Who cannot tell a Jew by his looks?

Other races are the same. It can be concluded from these things, not falsely, that inclinations toward qualities resembling their parents' qualities are inborn.

But the very same thoughts and actions do not persist, due to Divine Providence, so distorted inclinations can be put right.

And due to Providence an ability to do this is also implanted, which enables parents and teachers to effectively improve children's behavior and for them to change their own later when they have their own judgment.

Conjugial Love #202 (Acton (1953))

202. XVII. THAT OFFSPRING BORN OF TWO WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL DERIVE FROM THEIR PARENTS THE CONJUGIAL OF GOOD AND TRUTH, FROM WHICH THEY HAVE AN INCLINATION AND FACULTY, IF A SON, FOR PERCEIVING THE THINGS WHICH ARE OF WISDOM, AND IF A DAUGHTER, FOR LOVING THE THINGS WHICH WISDOM TEACHES. That offspring derive from their parents inclinations to such things as were of the parent's love and life is a matter of common knowledge based in general on history and specifically on experience. That they do not derive or inherit from them their actual affections and thence their lives, but only inclinations thereto and also faculties, was proved by the wise men in the spiritual world spoken of in two Memorable Relations adduced above (nos. 156 e, 182).

[2] Moreover, that from their innate inclinations, if these are not broken, descendants are led into affections, thoughts, speech, and lives similar to those of their parents, is clearly manifest from the Jewish race, in that at this day it is like its fathers in Egypt, in the desert, in the land of Canaan, and at the time of the Lord, being like them, not only in their minds but also in their faces. Who does not know a Jew from his looks? It is the same with other progenies, and from this it can be concluded, and this not fallaciously, that inclinations to things like those of their parents are connate. That the actual thoughts and deeds of their parents may not follow, it is of Divine Providence that depraved inclinations can be corrected, and that the faculty for this has been implanted, from which comes the efficacy of the correction of their morals by parents and masters, and later, when they come to act from their own judgment, by themselves.

Conjugial Love #202 (Wunsch (1937))

202. (xvii) Offspring born of two in true marital love derive from the parents the marital inclination of good and truth, from which they have the inclination and faculty, if a son, to perceive the things of wisdom, if a daughter, to love what wisdom teaches. It is very well known from history in general and experience in particular that offspring derive from parents inclinations to such things as had been of the parents' love and life; but it has been shown by the wise in the spiritual world (of whom in the two Memorabilia adduced above) 1that they do not derive from them or inherit the very affections, or their parents' lives, but only inclinations and also faculties for them. The fact that inborn inclinations, if these are not broken, lead descendants into similar affections, thoughts, speech and life as their parents, is quite clear from the Jewish race, which today resembles its fathers in Egypt, in the desert, in the land of Canaan and at the time of the Lord. They resemble them not only mentally, but facially; who does not recognize a Jew by his look? It is the same with other progeny. From which it can be concluded, not at all fallaciously, that a person is born with inclinations like those of his parents. But in order that the very things thought and done may not follow, it is Divinely provided that depraved inclinations can be corrected. A faculty for this is implanted, too, affording means for amendment of one's ways by parents and teachers and afterwards by oneself on coming to judgment of one's own.


1. 151, 182.

Conjugial Love #202 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

202. (7) That the offspring born of two who are in love truly conjugial, derive from their parents the conjugial of good and truth, from which they have an inclination and faculty, if a son for perceiving the things that are of wisdom, and if a daughter for loving what wisdom teaches. That offspring derive from their parents' inclinations to such things as were of the parents' love and life, is very well known, in general from history, and specifically from experience. They do not however derive or inherit from them their very affections, and hence their lives, but only inclinations and also faculties for them as was shown by the wise men in the spiritual world, treated of in the two Relations adduced above. Posterities also, from inborn inclinations, if not broken, are incited to affections, thoughts, speech, and lives like those of their parents; as is very manifest from the Jewish race, in that at this day they are very similar to their fathers in Egypt, in the desert, in the land of Canaan, and at the time of the Lord; and not only are they very similar to them mentally, but in their faces also. Who does not know a Jew from his looks? It is similar with other races. From which facts it may be concluded, and not fallaciously, that inclinations for things similar to these with the parents are born with them. But it is of the Divine Providence that the very thoughts and actions do not follow, in order that perverse inclinations may be rectified; and that a faculty for this also is implanted, whence comes the effectiveness of the correction of morals by parents and masters, and afterwards by themselves when they come to act from their own judgment.

De Amore Conjugiali #202 (original Latin (1768))

202. XVII: Quod Proles natae a duobus, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, trahant a parentibus Conjugiale boni et veri, ex quo illis est inclinatio et facultas, si filius, ad percipiendum illa quae sapientiae sunt, si filia, ad amandum illa quae sapientia docet. Quod Proles trahant a parentibus Inclinationes ad talia, quae amoris et vitae parentum fuerant, ab historiis in genere, et ab experientiis in specie, cognitissimum est; verum quod non ab illis trahant seu haereditent ipsas affectiones, et inde vitas illorum, sed modo inclinationes et quoque facultates ad illas, a sapientibus in Mundo Spirituali, de quibus in duobus Memorabilibus supra adductis, evictum est.

[2] Quod posteri ex innatis inclinationibus, si non franguntur, etiam in affectiones, cogitationes, loquelas et vitas parentum similes ferantur, patet clare a Gente Judaica, quod hodie sit consimilis Patribus suis in Aegypto, in deserto, in terra Canaane, et tempore Domini; et quod non modo illis consimiles sint mentibus, sed etiam faciebus; quis non ex aspectu cognoscit Judaeum. Simile est cum Progeniebus aliis; ex quibus non fallaciter concludi potest, quod Inclinationes ad similia parentum suorum connascantur. Sed ne ipsa cogitata et acta sequantur, est ex Divina Providentia, ut pravae inclinationes possint rectificari; et quod facultas ad hoc quoque implantata sit, ex qua sunt efficaciae emendationis morum a parentibus et magistris, et postea a semetipsis cum sui judicii fiunt.

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