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《婚姻之爱》 第204节






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Conjugial Love #204 (Chadwick (1996))

204. The children born to those who enjoy truly conjugial love get the inclination and ability to perceive matters to do with wisdom, if a son, or to love the teachings of wisdom, if a daughter. This is because the principle of the marriage of good and truth has been from creation implanted in the soul of each person, and also in what is derived from the soul. For that principle of marriage fills the universe from first to last, and from man down to worms, as was shown before [92]. It was also pointed out before that the ability to open the lower regions of the mind, up to the point where they can be linked with the higher regions, which enjoy the light and heat of heaven, was placed in each person from creation. From this it is plain that the adroitness and skill in linking good to truth and truth to good, which leads to being wise, is inherited from birth above all others by those who are born of such a marriage. Consequently they are easily able to absorb matters relating to the church and heaven. It has been proved many times above that conjugial love is linked with these matters. These considerations make it plain and manifest to reason what is the purpose for which marriages of truly conjugial love have been and still are being provided by the Lord the Creator.

Conjugial Love #204 (Rogers (1995))

204. As said, the offspring born of people who are in a state of truly conjugial love inherit inclinations and faculties, if a son, to perceive matters having do to with wisdom, if a daughter, to love the things that wisdom teaches; and the reason is that from creation a conjugial union between good and truth has been implanted in the soul of everyone, and also from the soul in subsequent elements. Indeed, as we have shown before, 1this conjugial relationship fills the universe from the firsts to the lasts of it, from human beings all the way down to worms. Moreover, as we have also indicated previously, 2every person from creation has implanted in him a capacity to open the lower regions of his mind to the point of union with its higher ones, which are in the light and warmth of heaven.

It is clear from this that offspring who are born of a marriage in which this has been the case, from birth inherit a greater ability and readiness to join good to truth and truth to good, thus to become wise, than others. Consequently they also inherit a greater ability and readiness to absorb matters that have to do with the church and heaven. That conjugial love is tied together with these is something we have already demonstrated many times.

This makes plainly evident to the sight of reason the purpose for which the Lord the Creator has provided and continues to provide marriages of truly conjugial love.


1. See no. 92.

2. See no. 188.

Love in Marriage #204 (Gladish (1992))

204. There is a reason why children born of people who are in real married love get inclinations and abilities - if a son, to perceive things having to do with wisdom and if a daughter, to love the things that wisdom teaches. The marriage of good and truth has been implanted in every soul from creation, and also in everything that derives from the soul. For we already showed that this marriage fills the universe from top to bottom and from people all the way down to worms. And we already pointed out that an ability is put into each person by creation for the lower parts of the mind to open until they join the highest parts of it, which are in the light and warmth of heaven. This shows clearly that those who are born from such a marriage, more than others, inherit a readiness and ability to join good to truth and truth to good, or to be wise.

Consequently, they also have the ability to absorb things having to do with the church and heaven. In many places above, it was already shown that married love exists in unity with these things.

From these things the purpose for which the Lord the Creator provided marriages of true married love and still provides them is obvious.

Conjugial Love #204 (Acton (1953))

204. That offspring born of those who are in love truly conjugial derive inclinations and faculties, if a son, for perceiving the things which are of wisdom, and if a daughter, for loving the things which wisdom teaches, is because the conjugial of good and truth is implanted by creation in the soul of every one, and also in all that follows after the soul. That this conjugial fills the universe from first things to last and from man to worm, was shown above (no. 92). It has also been pointed out that the note faculty for opening the lower regions of the mind, even to conjunction with its higher regions which are in the light and heat of heaven, is imparted to every man by creation. From this it is evident that the ability to conjoin good with truth and truth with good, and thus to become wise, and this with facility, is inherited from birth by those above others who are born of such a marriage; consequently, a facility in imbibing things which are of heaven and the Church; and that conjugial love is conjoined with such things, has many times been made manifest. From the above, the end for which marriages of love truly conjugial have been provided by the Lord the Creator, and are still being provided, is clearly exposed before the reason.

Conjugial Love #204 (Wunsch (1937))

204. Offspring born of those in true marital love derive inclinations and faculties, if a son, to perceive the things of wisdom, and if a daughter, to love what wisdom teaches, for the reason that a marital tendency between good and truth has been implanted by creation in every one's soul and also in what follows from the soul. It has already been shown that this marital tendency fills the universe from first to last, and from the human being to the insect. It has also been indicated before that the power to open the lower parts of the mind even to conjunction with the higher parts, which are in heaven's light and heat, has been placed in every man from creation. Hence it is plain that the aptitude and facility for conjoining good to truth, and truth to good, thus of growing wise, is by birth transmitted to those who are born of such marriage more than to others; so also is the power of being imbued with what is of the Church and heaven - it has been shown many times above that marital love is conjoined with what is of the Church or of heaven. Hence it appears plainly why marriages of true marital love have been and still are provided by the Lord the Creator.

Conjugial Love #204 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

204. The reason why offspring born of those who are in love truly conjugial derive inclinations and faculties, if a son for perceiving the things that are of wisdom, and if a daughter for loving the things which wisdom teaches, is, that the conjugial of good and truth is implanted by creation in the soul of everyone, and also in the things following from the soul; for, as has been shown before, that conjugial fills the universe from first things to last, and from man down even to worms. And it has also been shown before that the faculty for opening the lower things of the mind, even to conjunction with its higher things which are in the light and heat of heaven, is inherent in every man by creation. Whence it is plain that a readiness and facility for conjoining good with truth and truth with good, and thus for becoming wise, is inherited from birth, by those above others who are born of such a marriage and consequently a facility for being imbued with the things that are of heaven and the church. That with these things conjugial love is conjoined, has been shown many times above. From these considerations the end for which marriages of love truly conjugial have been provided and are still provided by the Lord the Creator, is very evident to reason.

De Amore Conjugiali #204 (original Latin (1768))

204. Quod Proles natae ab illis, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, trahant inclinationes et facultates, si filius, ad percipiendum illa quae sapientiae sunt, et si filia, ad amandum illa quae sapientia docet, est causa, quia Conjugiale boni et veri a creatione implantatum est cujusvis animae, et quoque insequentibus ab anima; nam quod Conjugiale illud impleat universum a primis ad ultima, et ab homine usque ad vermem, prius ostensum est; et quod facultas ad aperiendum inferiora mentis usque ad conjunctionem cum ejus superioribus, quae sunt in luce et calore coeli, cuivis homini a creatione indita sit, prius etiam indicatum est; inde patet, quod habilitas et facilitas ad conjungendum bonum vero, et verum bono, ita ad sapiendum, illis, qui e tali conjugio nati sunt, prae reliquis a nativitate inhaereditata 1sit; consequenter etiam ad imbuendum illa, quae Ecclesiae et Coeli sunt; quod cum his Amor conjugialis conjunctus sit, supra pluries manifestatum est. Ex his coram ratione evidenter patet finis, propter quem Conjugia amoris vere conjugialis a Domino Creatore provisa sunt, et adhuc providentur.


1. Prima editio: inhaeridata

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