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《婚姻之爱》 第434节






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Conjugial Love #434 (Chadwick (1996))

434. (ix) There is a sphere of scortatory love and one of conjugial love.

It was shown above (222-225, 386-397) what is meant by the spheres of many kinds, and how those of love and wisdom emanate from the Lord, and passing through the heavens of angels come down into the world and reach the lowest levels in it. It was also shown above (425) that there is nothing in the universe, which does not have its opposite. It follows from this that the existence of a sphere of conjugial love implies the existence of an opposing sphere, what is called that of scortatory love. For these spheres are opposed, just as the love of adultery is opposed to the love of marriage. This opposition was discussed in the earlier sections of this chapter.

Conjugial Love #434 (Rogers (1995))

434. 9. There is an atmosphere of licentious love, and an atmosphere of conjugial love. What we mean by atmospheres, and the fact that they are multiple, also that those atmospheres which have to do with love and wisdom emanate from the Lord, descend through the angelic heavens into the world, and pervade it even to the lasts of it - this we showed earlier in nos. 222-225 and nos. 386-397.

Since there is nothing in the universe which does not have its opposite (see above, no. 425), it follows on that ground that, because there is an atmosphere of conjugial love, there is also an atmosphere opposite to it, which we call an atmosphere of licentious love; for those atmospheres are opposed to each other, as the love of adultery is opposed to the love of marriage - an opposition which we have described in the preceding discussions of this chapter.

Love in Marriage #434 (Gladish (1992))

434. 9. There is an aura of illicit love and an aura of married love. It was pointed out (nos. 222-225 386-397, above) what "auras" means, and that there are many of them, and that the ones that are auras of love and wisdom radiate from the Lord and come down into the world through the angelic heavens and penetrate clear to its lowest parts. No. 425 shows that there is nothing in the universe without its opposite. According to this, since there is an aura of married love, there is also an aura of its opposite, which is called an aura of illicit love, for those auras are opposite to one another just as love of adultery is opposite to love of marriage. This opposition was covered in the earlier parts of this chapter.

Conjugial Love #434 (Acton (1953))

434. IX. THAT THERE IS A SPHERE OF SCORTATORY LOVE AND A SPHERE OF CONJUGIAL LOVE. What is meant by spheres was shown above (nos. 222-225 and 386-397), where it was also shown that they are manifold, and that those which are spheres of love and wisdom proceed from the Lord and descend through the angelic heavens into the world and pervade it even to its ultimates. That there is nothing in the universe which has not its opposite may be seen above (no. 425). From this it follows that since there is a sphere of conjugial love, there is also a sphere opposite thereto which is called the sphere of scortatory love; for the two spheres are opposed to each other, just as the love of adultery is opposed to the love of marriage--an opposition which was treated of in preceding parts of this chapter.

Conjugial Love #434 (Wunsch (1937))

434. (ix) There is a sphere of scortatory love and one of marital love. We showed above (nn. 222-225, and 386-397) what is meant by spheres; that there are a number of them; and that those which are of love and wisdom proceed from the Lord, descend through the angelic heavens into the world, and pervade the world to the lowest things in it. Also see at425 that nothing in the universe is without its opposite. It follows that as there is a sphere of marital love, there is also a sphere opposite to it, which is called the sphere of scortatory love. These spheres are opposite to each other as the love of adultery is to the love of marriage, of which opposition we have been treating in the preceding sections of this chapter.

Conjugial Love #434 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

434. (9) That there is a sphere of scortatory love and a sphere of conjugial love. What is meant by spheres, and that they are manifold, and that those which are of love and wisdom proceed from the Lord and descend through the angelic heavens into the world and pervade it, even to its very ultimates, has been shown above in n. 222-225; and in n. 386-397. That there is not a thing in the universe which has not its opposite, may be seen above at n. 425; from which it follows that because there is a sphere of conjugial love there is also a sphere opposite to it which is called the sphere of scortatory love.

For those spheres are opposite to each other just as the love of adultery is opposite to the love of marriage, which opposition has been treated of in the preceding parts of this chapter.

De Amore Conjugiali #434 (original Latin (1768))

434. IX: Quod sit Sphaera amoris scortatorii, et sphaera amoris conjugialis. Quid intelligitur per sphaeras, et quod multiplices sint, et quod illae quae sunt Amoris et Sapientiae, procedant a Domino, et per Coelos Angelicos descendant in Mundum, et hunc pervadant usque ad ultima ejus, supra 222-225, 1et 386-397, ostensum est. Quod non detur in Universo aliquid, cui non est suum oppositum, videatur supra 425; ex hoc sequitur, quod quia datur Sphaera amoris conjugialis, etiam detur Sphaera 2ei opposita, quae vocatur Sphaera amoris scortatorii: sunt enim illae Sphaerae sibi oppositae, sicut est amor adulterii oppositus amori conjugii; de qua oppositione in praecedentibus hujus Capitis actum est.


1. Prima editio: 226

2. Prima editio: Spaera

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