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《婚姻之爱》 第435节





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Conjugial Love #435 (Chadwick (1996))

435. (x) The sphere of scortatory love comes up from hell, and the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven.

It was shown in the passages just cited (434) that the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven. The sphere of scortatory love, however, comes up from hell, because this is the source of that love (429). That sphere rises from the uncleanness there, into which the pleasures of the adulterers of either sex there are turned (on these 430-431 above).

Conjugial Love #435 (Rogers (1995))

435. 10. An atmosphere of licentious love ascends from hell, and an atmosphere of conjugial love descends from heaven. We have already shown in the places cited just above (in no. 434) that an atmosphere of conjugial love descends from heaven. On the other hand, an atmosphere of licentious love ascends from hell for the reason that that love originates from there (no. 429). This atmosphere ascends from the unclean things in hell into which their adulterous delights are turned, delights that emanate from both sexes there (on which subject, see nos. 430, 431 above).

Love in Marriage #435 (Gladish (1992))

435. 10. The aura of illicit love comes up from hell, and the aura of married love comes down from heaven. It has been pointed out in the places cited just above (no. 434) that the aura of married love comes down from heaven. But the aura of illicit love comes from hell because this love is from there (no. 429). The aura comes up from there out of the filthy things that the pleasures of adultery of people of either sex there are turned into (concerning them, see nos. 430-431, above).

Conjugial Love #435 (Acton (1953))

435. X. THAT THE SPHERE OF SCORTATORY LOVE ASCENDS FROM HELL, AND THAT THE SPHERE OF CONJUGIAL LOVE DESCENDS FROM HEAVEN. That the sphere of conjugial love descends from heaven was shown in the passages cited just above (no. 434); and that the sphere of scortatory love ascends from hell is because that love is from hell (no. 429). The latter sphere ascends from the unclean things into which are turned the delights of adultery of those who are there--and they are of both sexes. As to this, see above (nos. 430, 431).

Conjugial Love #435 (Wunsch (1937))

435. (x) The sphere of scortatory love ascends from hell, and the sphere of marital love descends from heaven. In the passages cited just above (434) we showed that the sphere of marital love descends from heaven. The sphere of scortatory love ascends from hell because that love is from hell (429). This sphere ascends thence from the uncleannesses into which the adulterous pleasures of persons of both sexes are turned there (on this see above, n. 430-431).

Conjugial Love #435 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

435. (10) That the sphere of scortatory love comes up out of hell; and that the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven. That the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven is shown in the places cited just above in n. 434; but that the sphere of scortatory love comes up out of hell is because this love is from there, n. 429. That sphere comes up thence from the unclean things into which the delights of adultery are turned of those there who are of each sex; concerning which see above, n. 430, 431.

De Amore Conjugiali #435 (original Latin (1768))

435. X: Quod Sphaera amoris scortatorii ascendat ex inferno, et quod sphaera amoris conjugialis descendat e Coelo. Quod Sphaera amoris conjugialis descendat e Coelo, in citatis locis nunc supra, 434, ostensum est; quod autem Sphaera amoris scortatorii ascendat ex inferno, est quia hic amor est inde, 429: ascendit illa sphaera inde ex immundis, in quae vertuntur jucunda adulterii illorum, qui ex utroque sexu ibi sunt, de quibus videatur supra 430, 431.

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