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《天堂与地狱》 第135节






135. 从显为太阳的主发出的爱在天堂被感觉为热, 因为天使的内层处于源自神性良善的爱, 而神性良善源自主. 结果, 他们那由此变得温暖的外层处于热. 因此, 在天堂, 热与爱如此互相对应, 以致那里的每个人都处于与其爱相一致的那种热, 正如刚才所说. 尘世之热根本不会进入天堂, 因为它太过粗糙, 是属世的, 而非属灵的. 而世人则不然, 因为他们既在灵界, 也在自然界. 就其灵而言, 他们照着自己的爱而变得温暖; 但就其肉体而言, 他们既靠自己的灵之热, 也靠尘世之热而变得温暖. 前者流入后者, 因为它们相对应. 看看动物就能明白这两种热的对应关系的性质, 动物的爱主要是对繁衍自己种类的爱, 并照着尘世太阳之热, 也就是春夏之热的同在和影响而迸发和活跃. 那些以为尘世之热流入并激发这些爱的人大错特错了, 因为属世之物不能流入属灵之物, 只能是属灵之物流入属世之物. 这后一种流注符合神序, 而前一种违反神序.

注: 有属灵的流注, 但没有物质的流注; 也就是说, 有从灵界到自然界的流注, 但没有从自然界到灵界的流注(天国的奥秘 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322, 9109, 9110, 9111节).



135. 從顯為太陽的主所發的愛之所以被感覺為熱, 是因為天人的深層陷入對出於主之聖善的欲求。結果, 他們更外在的層次因此欲求興奮而處於溫暖之中。正因如此, 在天國, 熱與愛彼此相應, 各人所處的溫暖程度取決於各自的愛。

人間之熱不能傳入天國, 因為它過於粗糙, 是物質的, 非心靈之物。我們則不同, 因為我們既在物質世界, 也同時處於心靈世界。就我們的靈魂而言(也就是我們的心靈之體, 或稱靈體), 因為愛的湧流而變得溫暖, 但就我們的身體而言(就是我們的物質之體, 或稱肉體), 既回應心靈界之熱, 也回應物質界之熱。前者流入後者, 因為它們彼此對應。

通過觀察動物的發情週期, 可瞭解這兩種熱是如何對應的。動物的愛欲主要在於繁殖後代, 春夏時節, 隨著氣溫回升, 它們的愛欲重新變得活躍起來。人若以為使動物發情的是人間之熱, 那就大錯特錯了。事實上, 沒什麼屬物質的流入屬心靈的之中, 只有屬心靈的流入屬物質的之中。後者合乎聖規, 前者違背聖規。

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Heaven and Hell #135 (NCE, 2000)

135. The reason the love that emanates from the Lord as the sun is experienced as warmth in heaven is that the deeper levels of angels are involved in a love that comes from the divine good, which in turn comes from the Lord. Consequently, their more outward levels, which are warmed by this, are in warmth. This is why warmth and love are mutually responsive to each other in heaven, so that everyone is in the kind of warmth that accords with her or his love, as follows from what we have just been saying.

Our world's warmth does not enter heaven at all, because it is too crude, being natural and not spiritual. It is different for us, though, since we are in the spiritual world as well as in the natural world. As far as our spirits are concerned, we grow warm exactly according to our loves, but as far as our bodies are concerned, we respond to both - the warmth of our spirits and the warmth of the world. The former flows into the latter, because they correspond.

We can determine the nature of the correspondence of these two kinds of warmth by looking at animals, whose loves - the primary one being for the procreation of offspring of their own species - break forth and become active in response to the presence and touch of warmth from our world's sun, a warmth that comes primarily in spring and summertime.

People who believe that the inflow of our world's warmth arouses these loves are much mistaken. There is actually no inflow of what is natural into what is spiritual, but of what is spiritual into what is natural. This latter inflow is of the divine design, while the former would be contrary to the divine design. 1


1. There is a spiritual inflow and not a physical one, so the inflow is from the spiritual world into the natural and not from the natural into the spiritual: 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9110 [9109?], 9111 [9110?].


Heaven and Hell #135 (Harley, 1958)

135. Love going forth from the Lord as a Sun is felt in heaven as heat because the interiors of the angels are in a state of love from the Divine Good which is from the Lord; and in consequence, their exteriors which grow warm therefrom are in a state of heat. For this reason, heat and love so correspond to each other in heaven that everyone there is in a state of heat such as his love is, according to the things said just above. The heat of the world does not enter heaven at all, because it is too gross, and is natural and not spiritual. But with men it is otherwise, because they are in both the spiritual world and the natural world. As to their spirits, they grow warm in exact accordance with their loves. But as to the body, they grow warm, both from the heat of their spirit and from the heat of the world. The former flows into the latter because they correspond. The nature of the correspondence of the two kinds of heat can be confirmed from animal life, in that the love of animals, the chief of which is the love of propagating offspring of their kind, bursts forth into activity in accordance with the presence and influence of heat from the sun of the world, which is only in the time of spring and summer. Greatly mistaken are those who think that the heat of the world inflowing excites these loves, for there is no such thing as influx from the natural into the spiritual, but only from the spiritual into the natural. This influx is from Divine order, but the other would be contrary to Divine order. 1


1. There is spiritual influx, but not physical influx; and therefore there is influx from the spiritual world into the natural, but not from the natural world into the spiritual (Arcana Coelestia 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9110).


Heaven and Hell #135 (Ager, 1900)

135. Love going forth from the Lord as a sun is felt in heaven as heat, because the interiors of the angels are in a state of love from the Divine good that is from the Lord; and in consequence their exteriors which grow warm therefrom are in a state of heat. For this reason heat and love so correspond to each other in heaven that everyone there is in heat such as his love is, according to what has been said just above. This world's heat does not enter heaven at all, because it is too gross, and is natural, and not spiritual; but with men it is otherwise, because they are in both the spiritual world and the natural world. As to their spirits they grow warm in exact accordance with their loves; but as to the body they grow warm both from the heat of their spirit and from the heat of the world. The former flows into the latter, because they correspond. The nature of the correspondence of the two kinds of heat can be seen from animal life, in that the love of animals-the chief of which is the love of propagating offspring of their kind-bursts forth and becomes active in accordance with the presence and influence of heat from the sun of the world, which is the heat of the spring and the summer seasons. Those who believe that the world's heat flows in and excites these loves are greatly mistaken, for there can be no influx from the natural into the spiritual, but only from the spiritual into the natural. This influx is of Divine order, but the other would be contrary to Divine order. 1


1. There is spiritual influx, but not physical, that is, there is influx from the spiritual world into the natural, but not from the natural world into the spiritual (3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9109-9111).


De Coelo et de Inferno #135 (original Latin)

135. Quod amor procedens a Domino ut Sole sentiatur in caelo ut calor, est quia interiora angelorum ex Divino bono quod a Domino in amore sunt unde exteriora, quae incalescunt inde, in calore sunt: ex eo est, quod in caelo calor et amor sibi mutuo ita correspondeant, ut quisque ibi in tali calore sit, in quali amore, secundum illa quae mox supra dicta sunt. Calor mundi prorsus non intrat caelos, quia crassior est, ac naturalis et non spiritualis aliter vero apud homines, quia homines tam in mundo spirituali quam in mundo naturali sunt illi quoad spiritum suum incalescunt prorsus secundum amores suos, at quoad corpus ex utroque, tam ex calore spiritus sui, quam ex calore mundi influit ille in hunc, quia correspondent. Qualis correspondentia est utriusque caloris, constare potest ex animalibus quod amores illorum, quorum praecipuus est procreandi sobolem sui generis, erumpant et operentur secundum praesentiam et affluxum caloris ex sole mundi, qui calor solum est tempore veris et aestatis. Maxime falluntur, qui credunt quod calor mundi influens excitet amores non enim datur influxus naturalis in spirituale, sed spiritualis in naturale: hic influxus ex ordine Divino est, ille autem contra ordinem Divinum. 1


1. Quod influxus spiritualis sit, et non physicus; ita quod influxus sit e spirituali mundo in naturalem, et non e naturali in spiritualem (319, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322, 9110 [9109?] 9111 [9110?]).

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