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《天堂与地狱》 第164节





164. 尘世之所以有时间, 是因为尘世太阳似乎从一个区域接连移动到另一个区域, 产生被称为一年四季的时间; 此外, 它还看似绕地球旋转, 产生被称为一日四时的时间; 并且它通过固定周期产生这两类时间. 天堂的太阳却不同. 它不会通过连续的移动和旋转制造年, 日, 而是制造状态的变化; 并且如前一章所示, 这一切不是通过固定周期来实现的. 因此, 天使不可能有时间的任何概念, 只有状态的概念(参看154节).



164. 人間有時間的變化, 因為太陽看似從一個區域移動到另一個區域, 造成一年四季的交替, 也看似繞地球轉動, 造成一日四時的迴圈, 而且都有固定的週期。

天國的太陽卻不同。它沒有順序進行的移動和轉動, 造成日復一日, 年復一年的變化, 只造成狀態的變化, 而且沒有固定的週期, 這在上一章已作解釋。所以天人沒有時間的概念, 只有狀態的概念。至於何為"狀態,"可參看前文(154)。

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Heaven and Hell #164 (NCE, 2000)

164. The reason we have times in our world is that the sun seems to move sequentially from one zone to another and to make the times we call the seasons of the year. It also moves around the earth and makes the times we call times of day, and it does these by fixed periods.

It is different for heaven's sun. It does not make years and days by sequential motions and rotations, but makes apparent changes of state; and it does not make these by fixed periods, as explained in the preceding chapter. This is why angels are incapable of having any concept of time, but have a concept of state instead. What "state" is may be seen above in 154.


Heaven and Hell #164 (Harley, 1958)

164. In the world there are times, because the sun of the world seemingly advances in succession from one degree to another, producing the times called seasons of the year. Besides which, it appears to revolve about the earth producing the times called times of the day, both of these by fixed alternations. With the Sun of heaven it is different. This does not mark years and days by successive progressions and revolutions, but marks changes of state by the way it appears, and this, as has been shown in the preceding section, does not take place by fixed alternations. Consequently, no idea of time is possible to angels, but in its place, they have an idea of state. What state is may be seen above (154).


Heaven and Hell #164 (Ager, 1900)

164. In the world there are times because the sun of the world seemingly advances in succession from one degree to another, producing times that are called seasons of the year; and besides, it revolves about the earth, producing times that are called times of day; both of these by fixed alternations. With the sun of heaven it is different. This does not mark years and days by successive progressions and revolutions, but in its appearance it marks changes of state; and this, as has been shown in the preceding chapter, is not done by fixed alternations. Consequently no idea of time is possible to angels; but in its place they have an idea of state (see above 154).


De Coelo et de Inferno #164 (original Latin)

164. Quod tempora in mundo sint, est quia sol ibi ad apparentiam successive progreditur ab uno gradu ad alterum, et facit tempora quae vocantur tempora anni et insuper fertur circum tellurem, et facit tempora quae vocantur tempora diei, et haec et illa per statas vices. Aliter Sol caeli ille non per successivas progressiones et circumgyrationes facit annos et dies, sed ad apparentiam mutationes status, et has non per statas vices, ut in praecedente articulo ostensum est: inde est, quod angelis non possit esse aliqua idea de tempore, sed loco ejus de statu. Quid status, videatur supra (154).

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