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《天堂与地狱》 第165节






165. 由于天使不像世人那样拥有源于时间的概念, 所以他们没有关于时间和属于时间之物的任何概念. 他们甚至不知道时间的术语都是什么意思, 如年, 月, 周, 日, 时, 今日, 明日, 昨日. 当天使听到世人所用的这些术语(因为主始终将天使与世人联系在一起)时, 他们便将其理解为状态和属于状态之物. 世人的属世概念就这样在天使当中变成属灵概念. 这就是为何在圣言中, 时间表示状态, 如前面所列举的时间术语表示与之相对应的属灵事物.

注: 在圣言中, 时间表示状态(天国的奥秘 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 4814, 4901, 4916, 7218, 8070, 10133, 10605节). 天使的思维没有时间和空间的任何概念(天国的奥秘 3404节); 以及其原因(天国的奥秘 1274, 1382, 3356, 4882, 4901, 6110, 7218, 7381节). 在圣言中, “一年”表示什么(天国的奥秘 487, 488, 493, 893, 2906, 7828, 10209节). “一个月”表示什么(3814节). “一周”表示什么(天国的奥秘 2044, 3845节). “一日”表示什么(天国的奥秘 23, 487, 488, 6110, 7680, 8426, 9213, 10132, 10605节). “今日”表示什么(天国的奥秘 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, 6984, 9939节). “明日”表示什么(天国的奥秘 3998, 10497节). “昨日”表示什么(天国的奥秘 6983, 7114, 7140节).



165. 既然天人沒有時間的概念, 與世人迥異, 那麼凡與時間相關的, 他們也自然沒有概念, 乃至不知年, 月, 日, 時, 昨日, 今日, 明日, 星期為何物。當天人從世人聽到這些術語時(主讓天人總是保持與我們聯繫), 他們將其理解為狀態, 以及與狀態相關的事物。這樣, 物質的概念到天人那裡就轉變成了心靈的概念。正因如此, 在聖言中, 關於時間的表達都表示狀態, 上面所羅列的時節也都有其所對應的心靈所在。

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Heaven and Hell #165 (NCE, 2000)

165. Since angels have no concept derived from time, as we in our world do, they have no concept of time or of the things that depend on time. They do not even know what all these temporal things are, like a year, a month, a week, a day, an hour, today, tomorrow, or yesterday. When angels hear these expressions from one of us (angels are always kept in contact with us by the Lord), they perceive states instead, and things that have to do with state. So our natural concept is changed into a spiritual concept with the angels. This is why expressions of time in the Word mean states, and why things proper to time like the ones listed above mean the spiritual things that correspond to them. 1


1. Expressions of time in the Word mean states: 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 4816 [4814?], 4901, 4916, 7218, 8070, 10133, 10605. Angels do their thinking without any concept of time or space: 3404. The reasons for this: 1274, 1382, 3356, 4882, 4901, 6110, 7218, 7381. What a "year" means in the Word: 487-488, 493, 893, 2906, 7828, 10209. What a "month" means: 3814. What a "week" means: 2044, 3845. What a "day" means: 23, 487-488, 6110, 7430 [7443?], 8426, 9213, 10062 [10132?], 10605. What "today" means: 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, 6984, 9939. What "tomorrow" means: 3998, 10497. What "yesterday" means: 6983, 7124 [7114?], 7140.


Heaven and Hell #165 (Harley, 1958)

165. As angels have no idea derived from time, such as men in the world have, so neither do they have any idea about time and the things pertaining to it. They do not even know what is meant by the terms of time, such as year, month, week, day, hour, to-day, to-morrow, yesterday. When angels hear these terms used by man (for angels are always associated with man by the Lord), in place of them they perceive states and the things pertaining thereto. Thus a man's natural idea is turned into a spiritual idea with angels. This is why "times" in the Word signify states, and the terms of time, as enumerated above, signify corresponding spiritual things. 1


1. "Times" in the Word signify states (Arcana Coelestia 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 4814, 4901, 4916, 7218, 8070, 10133, 10605).

Angels think apart from the idea of time and space (Arcana Coelestia 3404); the reasons why (Arcana Coelestia 1274, 1382, 3356, 4882, 4901, 6110, 7218, 7381).

What a "year" signifies in the Word (Arcana Coelestia 487-488, 493, 893, 2906, 7828, 10209).

What a "month" (Arcana Coelestia 3814).

What a "week" (Arcana Coelestia 2044, 3845).

What a "day" (Arcana Coelestia 23, 487-488, 6110, 7240, 8426, 9213, 10132, 10605).

What "to-day" (Arcana Coelestia 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, 6984, 9939).

What "to-morrow" (Arcana Coelestia 3998, 10497).

What "yesterday" (Arcana Coelestia 6983, 7114, 7140).


Heaven and Hell #165 (Ager, 1900)

165. As angels have no idea derived from time, such as men in the world have, so neither do they have any idea about time and what pertains to it. They do not even know what is meant by the terms of time, such as year, month, week, day, hour, to-day, to-morrow, yesterday. When angels hear these terms used by man (for angels are always associated with man by the Lord) in place of them they perceive state and what pertains to states. Thus the natural thought of man is turned into spiritual thought with angels. This is why times in the Word signify states, and the terms of time, as enumerated above, signify corresponding spiritual things. 1


1. Times in the Word signify states (Arcana Coelestia 2788 Arcana Coelestia 2788[1-13], 2837, 3254, 3356, 4814, 4901, 4916, 7218, 8070, 10133, 10605).

Angels think apart from the idea of time and space (3404); the reasons why (1274, 1382, 3356, 4882, 4901, 6110, 7218, 7381).

What a "year" signifies in the Word (487-488, 493, 893, 2906, 7828, 10209).

What a "month" (3814).

What a "week" (2044, 3845).

What a "day" (23, 487-488, 6110, 7680, 8426, 9213, 10132, 10605).

What "today" (2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, 6984, 9939).

What "to-morrow" (3998, 10497).

What "yesterday" (6983, 7114, 7140).


De Coelo et de Inferno #165 (original Latin)

165. Quoniam angeli nullam ideam ex tempore, sicut homines in mundo, habent, ideo nec ullam ideam de tempore, et de illis quae sunt temporis: illa quae propria temporis sunt, ne quidem sciunt quid sunt, sicut quid annus, mensis, septimana, dies, hora, hodie, cras, heri cum angeli audiunt illa ab homine, (angeli enim semper homini a Domino adjuncti sunt,) tunc loco illorum percipiunt status, et talia quae status sunt: ita vertitur idea naturalis hominis in ideam spiritualem apud angelos. Inde est, quod tempora in Verbo significent status et quod illa quae propria temporis sunt, ut supranominata, significent spiritualia illis correspondentia. 1


1. Quod tempora in Verbo significent status (2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 4816 [4814?] 4901, 4916, 7218, 8070, 10133, 10605). Quod angeli cogitent absque idea temporis et spatii (3404); causae (1274, 1382, 3356, 4882, 4901, 6110, 7218, 7381).

Quid "annus" in Verbo significat (487, 488, 493, 893, 2906, 7828, 10209).

Quid "mensis," (3814).

Quid "septimana," (2044, 3845).

Quid "dies," (23, 487, 488, 6110, 7430 [7240, 7680?] 8426, 9213, 10062 [10132?] 10605).

Quid "hodie," (2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, 6984, 9939). Quid "cras," (3998, 10497).

Quid "heri," (6983, 7124 [7114?] 7140).

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